
I want an IPAD!!!


ONA - Administrator
hahaha! I don't know Sue!! I only use my phone for talking to people. fullstop!! I am very old fashioned, I don't even have internet on it...............I think I am online enough! bwahahaha!! but good luck with talking yourself into getting one........... I am talking myself into getting Lightroom 3!!!! :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Don't ask me Sue .. I have one and love it!

Nope .. can't upload programs on it.

Great for surfing, reading and "app" heaven!


always chatty at the O!!
The iPad has saved me over the past few weeks when we've been borrowing one from a friend. I love it for a lot of things, but some things it just doesn't have and so can't take the place of your laptop. But it is pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
yes .. remember Apple and Adobe Flash are arguing ... so hard to watch ALOT of stuff. And a USB port would be handy.

But overall thumbs up here!


The Loopy-O
Sue, you are too funny! My MIL got one recently and she loves it. I think I would like it as an e-reader. Hope you get one!


Well-Known Member
Got one as a gift from work and I LOVE it! Great for surfing the net. Love it as an e-reader. So portable!!!


Well-Known Member
I just like to play air hockey on it on the display model at Best Buy. Haha.

I want an iPad just because I want EVERY gadget that's ever made. You should just go ahead and get one, Sue. You probably deserve it, right? I'm sure you do.


Don't ask me, Sue I WANT ONE TOO!

I can't make up my mind - 32GB 64GB? extra WIFI bit?
are they coming out with a new one soon??
any Apple spies out there?

I hear PE9 is coming out in November and I will want to upgrade to that too
and lightroom would be lovely

Ahh, decisions -


Well-Known Member
I have 16GB and that is heaps, guess depends on how much you want to store ie. Books or just turn them over.

The iTunes apps are SO much fun.

We did not get wifi as mostly used at home where we have wireless anyways. You can purchase portable wifi (size of matchbox) and that saves signing up to plan.

New touch is out with camera and microphone, but will no news on upgrade for iPad.

I know all this as I am married to a tech geek.

Sue and J you would love it's portability and quick referencing!


Well-Known Member
Love mine. Not for my scrapping stuff (thought it makes a good digital frame), everything everyone else said. Reading, emailing, apps and games, netflix streaming and abc player. Awesome stuff. Love it!!


...loves her some "O"
i want, i want, i want, too!!! But alas, I have to sell some stuff to get one! :) I may just end up with Cora's Touch so that she can buy the really cool new touch!! :) kids!!!