
How much time to you spend Scrapping, on days you scrap?


Well-Known Member
i'm just curious. :)

I'll go first: I probably spend an hour or two...unless I just can't get the creative juices flowing. :)


The Loopy-O
It depends on my day, who or what I am scrapping for and of course, how the creativity is going. Some days, I could spend hours doing nothing and scrapping (as in trashing/deleting. After I reread this, it made no sense :D )the whole lo. Other days, I can work on a few lo's in a couple of hours and be thrilled. Some kits are easier to work with than others, which is especially true for some CT work.
Other challenges or scrap lifts flow.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think I have any pattern. As the mother of two kids, 8 and almost 7, who works fulltime outside of the home, I do it whenever I can find the time. I usually wait until I have at least an hour of time. My favorite thing is to have several hours altogether...but that doesn't happen much!


Well-Known Member
I'm with the other girls. There are so many outside influences. I probably scrap the most at night between 8 pm - 12 am. I'm a night owl and my husband isn't so I can get scrapping done in then. I probably do one layout a week though....maybe. :) Then there are days when I will crank out a few more.


I lOve Me Some O!
It really is so Random. If I have the time & a good bit of inspiration I can scrap for hours. Other times I'll just stare at PS & get nothing done. & it all depends on where I am & what is going on around me.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had more time, but with working full time, taking care of my 4.5 year old and getting ready for the new member of our fan due in March, it's really random. Mostly on weekends - an hour or so if I am lucky to have that mememe time!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for moving this! I am starting to find my way around the board, so hopefully I'll post these things in the right spot next time! LOL!

Thanks, again!



Well-Known Member
When I feel like it.

I don't scrap every day. But when the desire hits me I can scrap for days. I can't force myself to be creative. I have to feel it.