
Hi from Florida!


Hi everyone,
I'm Amy from St. Pete Beach, Florida and have been posting for a few months but never introduced myself, so I wanted to do so and tell you all how much I've enjoyed participating in this forum. I've learned so much and have been so inspired by all the incredible artistry displayed in the different layouts - I wish I had time to comment on all the pages and had the vocabulary to really express how much I like them. I love to see the different styles used and especially enjoy seeing different takes on the various challenges - it's amazing how a challenge can speak differently to different people and result in unique and beautiful pages. I also want to say how much I appreciate the kind comments and support from all of you, sometimes I get a little teary-eyed because people are so nice :) (I love my family but their reactions to my pages range from polite indifference (my husband and sons) to painful honesty (my sister - "that's weird and creepy"), so it's nice to hear positive feedback sometimes).

I have a wonderful husband (24 years) and two sweet boys (13 and 15) and did some paper scrapbooking when the boys were younger. My husband got me a digital camera after my second son was born (when he realized I was photographing pretty much their every breath and having all the pictures printed :)). At that point, all I really did with my photos was use some simple improvements and basic digital layout programs, since Photoshop seemed too complicated to learn. Now that I have more time (and I can only take so many photos of teenagers rolling their eyes), I've tried to find some different creative outlets. I saw some amazing artwork in the Somerset Digital Studio magazine (Adryane Driscoll, Donna Goar, and lots of other incredible artists), which led me to Oscraps and Anna Aspnes products, as well as the other amazing Oscraps designers (Vicki Stegall, Jopke Van Dongen ... I won't try to name them all, but I love that the different designers appeal to different styles, so there's something for everyone here). I'm still learning Photoshop and trying different techniques and appreciate the tutorials on the Oscraps site - they've been so helpful!

Sorry this was so long, I guess I got carried away, but I did want to say "Hi" and let you all know how much I've enjoyed being part of this forum, it feels like home!
Hi Amy,
What a pleasure to read your feelings about our little O' family. You totally expressed what I feel like being part of this awesome community, and you did it better than I could (sometimes it's hard to find the right words when English is not your mother tongue!!).

Great to hear a bit more about your family and how you came to digital scrap. Will be watching the gallery to see more of your pages.

Welcome :)
Hi Amy - welcome - I'm in Florida too...since Aug 19 of this year.... I'm in Jacksonville - Have fun scrapping here!!!!
I couldn't say it any better than Sabine did. So happy that you feel such a sense of community and family here.
Welcome Amy !!! Don't worry about talking to much hahahaha love to read about you !
Hey Amy! What a wonderful post you did!! Makes me so proud to be a part of the "O" family!! We love what we do and are so happy when members love it as much as the rest of us do! Its what makes the "O" one of the best places to be digi land, that feeling of family and togetherness!! Welcome home, we hope you love your stay with us!! Looking forward to seeing many, many more of your layouts! :welcome:
nice to hear a bit more about you and your family Amy . You seem to have learned a lot of Photoshop already- your pages are so attractive as if you have been doing them for years.
Yes it's wonderful how this community inspires each other and every one is welcomed with open arms and encouraged to try things out.
Big hugs, Amy, and welcome home! :) The O really is that digi home for us and the longer you're here, the more you'll create some great digi memories - both in the form of layouts and in the form of bonds with the wonderful people here. That's been my experience and others, too so it's nice to hear you put it so eloquently into words. :)