
Hi from Arizona


Well-Known Member
Filling up my cart with things from Anna and other designers...but quick question. How do I switch the thread around so that the OP is first and the replies follow? I played with some of the modes...which switch the OP to top, but give all the replies in a little box or something at the top... is that the option I have?



Well-Known Member
Hi Jenn! Welcome to Oscraps :)

You can go into your User CP (top left side of the page) and go to "Edit Options" under the "Settings & Options" header, and if you scroll about halfway down the page there's a Thread Display Options setting where you can set the sort order of your posts to "Linear - Oldest First" That will put the OP at the top with all the replies below.



The Loopy-O
Hope that Peppermint's guide did the trick, don;t hesitate to ask any questions here.

Welcome to Oscraps!!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
:welcome: to Oscraps Jenn ... gOOd to have you here! Grab a cOffee, get cOmfy and hOp right in! If yOu've gOt any queries, please just shOut & sOmebOdy will be alOng to help Out ... lOve the "O" family!!!


Well-Known Member
Can I ask is there a certain place to post layout questions etc. I just posted one, but I think it was the wrong one...oh well maybe some one will see it.


Well-Known Member
Oh..maybe I should have posted in the need help thread...duh....I'm going to see if I can copy it and paste over there.


Probably posting it in help forum is the best idea - the chatter has mostly just that - chatter.
It would be nice to have a forum specifically for digital chatter, tho the help forum is there to use - members don't seem to use it - maybe because it's at the very bottom?

Welcome to O'scraps and I hope you enjoy it here!


Well-Known Member
hahaa! Jenn, i had and am having the same trouble navigating the Forum. day by day i get better. you will, too. nice to see a famliar face!


ONA - Administrator
Hello Jenn and welcome to the O!! hope you settle in real fast and join us in the forums and challenges!! :)