
Help in getting motivated to move


Well-Known Member
Okay this cold weather is killing my motivation to walk. I don't do well in moving this bod when I'm cold. What do you do to talk yourself into moving out of the warm cozy chair to go out and walk?


The Loopy-O
heh!! I bribe myself. I turn off the computer and won't let myself turn it back on until after I do whatever it is that needs to get done.


lOve the O!
I walk on a treadmill in my basement either reading a book or watching taped tv shows. Have you tried a pedometer and logging your steps daily until the weather turns better. Until I got my full spectrum light, I would bundle up at lunch time and walk once around the perimiter of my building just to get daylight- no windows in my department. Also if you work in a big building can you "mall" walk at lunch/breaks? Are you a member of spark people? It is free and they have an online cardio video for January Jumpstart. Maybe we should start our own spark group if there is enough interest-


Well-Known Member
I wish I had answers for you...but I am NEVER motivated to exercise...

I AM HOPING DH will help me when he is home!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i'm with Linda and Clara. i look at exercise as one more annoying thing i'm supposed to do. (hahaaa! i'm DOOOOOMED!!!!!) :bolt:


Well-Known Member
I'm no help either LOL
When I get crazy and think about going for a walk, I usually put some good music on my mp3 player. But well, I never get the idea LOL


Well-Known Member
Start small...I KNOW that once I start moving, I will warm up. So I like to start with a quick run around the block. It's only about a half mile, but with some elevation changes, and when I am done, in a very short time, I am warm :)


Well-Known Member
Find a really good movie/show or book I want to lose myself in and sit on the bike/floor/treadmill and focus on that. :)


Walk? Canadians (at least BC ones) idea of walking is driving with the car window down :)

Sorry, couldn't stop myself - my DH joke at me.

My goal is to walk the length of the house each day - I aim for 6 but rarely manage and no, I'm not joking this time.


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Oh, I love winter walks. But I guess that won't help you LOL


Well-Known Member
I don't walk. I Go to the gym. I have a hard time motivating myself to go to the gym. no bribing though-just tell myself it is adding years onto my life.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Ahhhh, exercise - another hater here. But walking I have to do everyday with my dogs. And what with the walk to & from school twice a day I reckon I walk 3+ miles a day. BUT, sadly, this is definitely not aerobic, and the thought of adding gym time to my schedule is horrendous - when would I scrap?! :decision:


Well-Known Member
get a dog, come rain or shine they want to go out :rain:
but seriously , I hear you, this weather makes me lethargic too.
I have to go out to feed the sheep and chickens and take the dog for a walk so at least I get some fresh air.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I have to go out to feed the sheep and chickens and take the dog for a walk so at least I get some fresh air.

Oooooh, Scottish rain & wind, brrrrrr. Are you being blown off your feet today, Ellen? It's pretty bad here in London, so I can only imagine what 90 mph must be like in your neck of the woods.


Well-Known Member
get a dog, come rain or shine they want to go out :rain:
but seriously , I hear you, this weather makes me lethargic too.
I have to go out to feed the sheep and chickens and take the dog for a walk so at least I get some fresh air.

LOL good advise......maybe I'll pretend to have a dog and make sure he goes for a walk with me.....


Well-Known Member
I'm one of those like Eva who likes the cold for walking. I come home with rosy cheeks (well moisturized before going out) but in summer when it's hot? I want to sit in front of the a/c turned down to permafrost! That's more of my gym time.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I have to admit to enjoying my dog walks most of the time, but today we walked for a hour in a howling gale and horizontal, monsoon-like rain. Never mind the kids and me not wanting to be there, the dogs weren't that keen either! It poured non-stop all morning so we eventually HAD to take the dogs out - and I just love the way the weather forecasters call these "showers". :frusty:


lOve the O!
another thought I had= movement does not have to happen all at once- turn on some fun music and boogey down (how old does that me sound) for a bit - walk back and forth to the mailbox a few times- it all adds up!


Well-Known Member
Great advise everyone!!!!! One of my coworkers and I walked on our break....1.25 miles in 14:43 minutes...whoooo hoooo....felt good!


The Loopy-O
when I was teaching, that was what i did too. It was either stay in the school and end up working, or get out and get fresh air!

For me, its so hard to get motivated to exercise on a more regular schedule. The days I clean, I count that as exercise. 3-4 hours of non-stop moving should count, right? ;)

But then the days that i don't work, i am a blob.


I thought you already had ladies who cleaned for you Maureen ;)

So you're not eligible for our Chris's talents LOL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
First Chris has to come here and help out with my gardening when the weather improves :grin: I really love a good walk when my Ipod has some great tunes going!! Really helps to motivate you. Has anyone ever tried the PINK diet and workout? Was wondering if it really works?


The Loopy-O
hahaah!!! I am too good for my own good :D

i wish I could come and help all of you, but yes, trudy's garden must come first!!!