
hello I am new here


New Member
My name is Marcy and I'd just like to say hi to everyone and thank

everyone here for helping to create such a fantastic website.

I don't have much knowledge but would like to gain & share whatever i

have. As everybody knows that nowadays forums are the best source

of Knowledge, and through forums we can learn a lot.

I'm positively looking forward to the forum and its members, hope all will

guide, share and help me to increase my knowledge.


ONA - Administrator
Hey Marcy! Welcome to the O, so glad you found us!! Please yell if you need a hand with anything, there is normally someone around most of the time that may be able to help you!! Looking forward to seeing you in our challenges and on the forum!!


always chatty at the O!!
Welcome to the O!! You are right about jumping into the forums being the way to learn. This is a great site and I am sure you will find out all you wanted to know plus some before you know it.


Well-Known Member
Hi Marcy!! so happy you are here!! Love your outlook and we are here for anything you need!! WELCOME!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome Marcy! We love to help people out here, so feel free to ask for anything you need. Hope you enjoy the O!


The Loopy-O
Hi there Marcy-- so glad that you are here. This is by far the friendliest and "cheeriest" place on the web!
Like everyone said- jump on in, try some challenges and if you need help, just ask away :)