
Hello from Houston!

Hi everyone! I'm Carol and I live in Missouri City, outside Houston. I've been stalking OScraps for awhile and finally registered! Love the challenges in this forum and am looking forward to participating!


ONA - Administrator
Hi Carol and welcome to the O!! so glad you found us, looking forward to see you in the challenges!!! :)


Active Member
Helllo Housotn sister... I live in Richmond ! So fun huh.... Cant wait to see some layouts , I am new here too I stalked it too and finally I jumped in head first ! You will love it ! :p


Well-Known Member
Hi Carol! Welcome. We've got some rowdy Texans around here, so feel free to cut loose now that you're not lurking! =)


...loves her some "O"
AHAHAAHAHAH, Here's one of those ROWDY texans!! LOL!!!! Hey Carol!!! I live very close to you near Greatwood!! :) You will SOOOOOOOO love being here at OScraps!!! btw, my kids have a wonderful Pediatrician with your same last name!! :) wonder if there's any relation!!! (LOL...that's like saying, ohhhh, you live in Houston? do you know John Smith??? LOL!!) remember, I'm one of the Rowdy Ones!! heehee!!! Glad to meet ya!! :)