
Hello from Fredericksburg, Virginia

Hi! I'm a long-time digital scrapbooker. After dropping out of the digi-scrap habit for a couple of years, I'm still working on getting back into a scrapping routine and looking for a digiscrap home. I have heard of Oscraps before and when I came across it today I was surprised to find I had never registered here before.

I've spent some time looking around and it looks like a fun place. Then I tried replying to a thread about organization and it wouldn't let me post because my post count isn't over 5 yet! I'm guessing posting an intro will help!
ooh, this is a chatty place, Michele...you are gonna get your post count up in no time!! :)
hi Michele....From one newbie-O to another, I agree that this looks like a fun place. I think you'll be back in the swing of things before too long. Me? I have yet lots to learn but I think we have both come to the right place!
Hi michele, and vplahey!
Welcome to the O, feel free to give a shout if you need help getting acclimated here :)
Hi Michele! I'm in Woodbridge - less than 30 minutes north of you!! Glad you found the "O" - hope you'll stay a while :)
Awesome welcome! Thank you! Hi Aussiekat. Fun to find a neighbor. :D

I have 2 questions.

1. Is there a list somewhere that would give me the name each designer uses in her file names? For example, I know Tracey Monette of Clever Monkey graphics has used both "tm" and "tmonette" in her file names (I have her awesome Doctor Who inspired kit!). I'd like to go through my stash and pull together all the stuff I have from Oscraps designers into one folder.

2. Since I'm trying to use what I have in my huge stash (which sadly does not yet include much from Oscraps designers) and I don't want to buy a lot, but I love challenge prompts, I'm thinking about participating in the challenges, but not for the points or coupons. I just find the challenges are motivating. But I'd like to have the freedom to use anything in my stash, regardless of who the designer is. Would this be frowned upon? If it's acceptable, should I refrain from putting my layout in the challenge thread; only put it in the gallery? The requirement to include at least 1 Oscraps product for layouts posted in the gallery is very generous!
Awesome welcome! Thank you! Hi Aussiekat. Fun to find a neighbor. :D

I have 2 questions.

1. Is there a list somewhere that would give me the name each designer uses in her file names? For example, I know Tracey Monette of Clever Monkey graphics has used both "tm" and "tmonette" in her file names (I have her awesome Doctor Who inspired kit!). I'd like to go through my stash and pull together all the stuff I have from Oscraps designers into one folder.

ditto on this - i too have been away and any info would help
know it be nice, if each designer might offer a freebie, for new members get introduced to there style and know there designer initials