
Hello from France


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies!

I'm Corinne, known as Scrapcoco in the digiworld. I've been scrapping for many years (traditionnal and digi) and I love that.
I'm from Annecy (in the Alpes), in France near to Geneva and Italy. I live there with my family, my husband and my two daughters, Alexine (14) and Albane (12) my favorite subjects on my pages !

The work I see here is fabulous, so I'm here to learn and have fun.


Well-Known Member
Salut Corinne/Scrapcoco!!

Oh, I have been to Annecy, what a lovely place! C'est un ville fleuri, n'est-ce que pas? I was excited to hear it considered for the Olympics!

Welcome here, hope you learn and most importantly, have fun!


Well-Known Member
welcome, welcome, Corinne! i look forward to seeing your pages. AND photos of the beautiful scenery you surely see each day!


Well-Known Member
Soit la bienvenue parmi nOus !
N'hésites pas à participer, et si tu as des quesqtions à me les poser.
Have fun here


Well-Known Member
Bienvenue ici!

I used to live in Vichy and Grenoble. Love France! I'm now in England but always try to visit France wherever possible!

Welcome to Oscraps and hope you make yourself at home!


ONA - Administrator
Hello Corinne and a big welcome to the O!! so happy you found and your gallery is just stunning!


Well-Known Member
Wow ... so many are coming from France!?
I hope I'll return there one day ... it's such a romantic country, more over Paris!
I read that Annecy is one of "Suggested Cities/Towns in France to visit" wish to go there too someday!!