
Hello from DFW

Hi everyone!

I've finally jumped in and registered. Since school just started and I teach, I won't be able to post much until a school holiday. However, I wanted to join Anna Aspnes celebration! I started paper scrapping years ago and then in 2009 I took a cruise with my daughter and her family and I wanted to do a scrapbook and be able to share it, so I ventured into digital format. And I haven't returned to paper since. Feel completely head over heels for digital scrapbooking. My style has changed dramatically since that first one, but enjoy learning and progressing and I love all things Anna and her style.

We are keeping dry here in north TX, but almost everyone knows someone whose house in under water in south TX and praying for their situations. My brother-in-law and his wife were rescued last night from their second story where they had retreated before first floor eventually reached waist high. Complete stranger/volunteer came in a canoe, got them to a high profile truck, and were taken to another good Samaritan's house to be fed and have a bed. Please pray for everyone stranded in Houston and other towns. Thanks!

I can't figure out how to shrink a psd to jpg small enough to post a layout. I've tried resize image size with no luck. I got 1.1MB down to 570KB, but can't get it down to 250KB. Help please. I've searched everywhere I can find with no luck. I think I knew once, but can't remember.
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Well-Known Member
Welcome to Oscraps! Glad you are safe with the current situation in TX.

What software are you using? This is how you can do it in photoshop. Flatten your layers and then resize using "save for web" shortcut is Shift+Control+ALT and "s" (all depressed at the same time) to bring up the dialog box. Here's a sample of it.

I keep my vaues under 235 K (see bottom left). Hope this helps you.


I'm glad you're staying dry! That's so scary down there! Hugs from Oklahoma!

Welcome to the O!


The Loopy-O
Welcome to Oscraps! So happy that you are safe and dry and I am sending continual good thoughts to your family and the rest of those affected.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:hello: MaryAnn!! :welcome: to the "O"! I am so glad to hear that you are safe and dry!! Hope you managed to save your image to the right size! Looking forward to seeing your pages!


Welcome! So glad your family is safe in Texas. Now, we are keeping our thoughts there for cleanups and also the upcoming dangers of Hurricane Irma in the south. Glad you are here and can't wait to see your creations! :)


Jenn :)
Welcome!!! :D I have family around you...I was born in McKinney, my Nana & Popa are in Anna, and my parents are in Grand Prairie!! I miss Texas :love: