
Hello from Canada!


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

I started digital scrapbooking about a week ago so I'm very very new. I'm already becoming addicted though.

I'm almost 31, a stay at home mom of a 1 year old daughter. I'm also a newlywed as we just got married in June. I live in Calgary AB Canada.



Welcome fellow Canuck!
You'll love it here - fantastic group - fantastic challenges - fantastic products!
Be sure to check out the Freebies in the store - there's lots there to get you started.
Also check out the challenges - there's a copycat challenge where you download a free template.
And yes, digital scrapping is terribly addictive - BUT it's soooo much fun
Happy you've joined the "O" and hope you make it your 'home'
Cheers from the west coast! the wet west coast!


Well-Known Member
Welcome, welcome!!! We are very addictive here. It's a wonderful place that really grows on you! Glad to have you here!


Well-Known Member
Welcome Colleen. This is a very addictive hobby...but it's just wonderful! I think that you will love it here.


always chatty at the O!!
Welcome to the addictive world of digiscrap. So glad that you found your way here to the O!! There are a ton of freebies here to get you started and see what you like, then some phenomenal designers who make some awesome products for all sorts of different styles. I hope to see your first layouts in the gallery soon. There are lots of places in the forums to ask questions. So welcome and good luck in your newest hobby.


ONA - Administrator
Welcome Colleen! this where all the scrap addicts meet!!!! haha!! please just holler if you need any help with anything!! someone is always around to give you a hand!


Well-Known Member
Hi Colleen!!! Welcome to the "O"! I totally understand the addiction....being an addict myself for several years :) Congratulations on your recent wedding!! Can't wait to see your layouts :)


back hOme and loving it
woooot ! welcome to the O !
you found the right place to become totally addicted ! :lol: