
Hello from Alberta Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey all you wonderful peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of you already know me, I am Jen, Mom of 9 kiddos and a awesome DH who keeps me somewhat sane *ish* So I have been around here before just thought it was time to re-introduce myself. and OH MY WORD WHAT A PILE OF FABULOUS DESIGNERS IN THE SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the gallery... whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the talent going on in there, I have seen such gorgeous pages wow wow wow... peeps... you are all so amazing and it's like being in a candy shop looking at all the fabulous pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :partywine ha ha ha ha no I'm not off getting drunk early in the morning... but that smiley was staring me in the face telling me to please insert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (gigges) have a fantastic day everyone I'm off to the lake it's freakin' hot out over here and I can't take the heat... I CANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
oooooooooooooooooo my avatar is soooooooooooooo old... time for a new one me thinks LOL


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
:welcome: [back] to Oscraps, Jen!

Oh and as well as being a mum to 9 (yes you read that right ... NINE cute kiddies!!!!) Jen also has an infatuation with exclamation marks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and punctuation marks in general. Isn't that right, Jen???????????????????????????????????????? :rofl:


Well-Known Member
oh yes she has !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I know her too !!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm always amazing when I think she has 9 children... look to her avatar, she looks so young so cute...

Welcome here Jen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Welcome to Oscraps Jen!! So happy to see you in here and hanging out. Make yourself at home and get to know everyone...I'm sure you'll love it!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome back! I can't imagine having 9 kids!!!! That must keep you busy like mad!! Holler if you need anything from us!

Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
Hi Jen wonderful to see you here (waving from St. Albert)!! I love your art , can't wait to see it here!


Well-Known Member
I am sorry.....I didn't hear you? :hurt:

so happy to see you here sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will fit right in here with the misfits.............:becky:
and yes you will find that smiley getting used quite a bit!!!!!!!!!!!!! most around here like to "dip" into the bottle a little bit.................BUT NOT ME AND ONA :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Welcome back to the O! Can't wait to get to know you a bit better! 9 kids sure must be a handful!


Well-Known Member
hello J-Jen , welcome back to the O. When I saw your name I thought surely she's here already, such a familiar name??
I must have seen you somewhere else then.


Mistress of Mayhem
Welcome back to the O :!::!::!::!::!::!::!::!::!::!::!:



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Sounds like this will be a great place for you Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Home!


Welcome (back) Jen, so happy to see you here! I'm a huge fan of your pages, can't wait to see them here!


Well-Known Member
Oooooooooooooooooooo what a lovely welcome... I was busy at the lake with a family get together yesterday so I'm seeing all these comments today... and where to start???????????????????????? Ha ha ha Some of these girls are giving all my secrets away Hee heee the scrap community isn't so huge after all eh? YOU LADIES ARE AWESOME thank you for the beautiful welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome Jenn

I wrote a nice long welcome message yesterday, previewed it and Then forgot to hit the post button!!!!!! (and honestly I hadn't dipped, dove or swam at that point.)

So this one will be short, I won't preview and maybe it will actually get posted :)

See you're already in the gallery and joining in challenge games.
hope to see more of you both in gallery and forums.
Lotsa hugs


Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sorry couldn't resist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!