
Hello from a former Jersey Girl, now a California Girl!


Ok, so I left NJ 12 years ago, so this isn't exactly new.

I'm the mama to innumerable cats, they seem to be drawn to me (could it be my feeding station?) when they're abandoned in the neighborhood. I think I have six now that I consider "mine" though there are several who have owners and still eat here. Oh well.

I've been digi-scrapping since 2008 when my beloved Oreo passed away and I didn't want to print out all the photos I had to do paper scrapping. I've been on numerous CTs through the years, and now I serve as Diane of ADB Designs' virtual assistant and occasional CT.

I'm glad to be here! I know of so many of the wonderful designers here, and have done some work behind the scenes for a couple of them.


Well-Known Member
Carol, hope you settle in and enjoy all that goes on here.


Queen of the Universe
Welcome to Oscraps, Carol! Many of my cats were acquired through the cat distribution system. I don't have any at the moment, though. I worked as a vet tech for over 40 years until my body wore out. I look forward to seeing your creations!


Welcome to Oscraps, Carol! Many of my cats were acquired through the cat distribution system. I don't have any at the moment, though. I worked as a vet tech for over 40 years until my body wore out. I look forward to seeing your creations!
It can be a tough job. We only treated cats, but there were still 40# bags of litter to schlep upstairs, then 80# garbage bags of used litter to schlep downstairs then fling into the dumpster (my boss was a softie, and kept numerous cats brought in for TNR who she thought she could adopt out. 2 did become mine, LOL). I was only in the biz for 10 years-ish after coming out of the financial industry, and I loved every minute of it.


@oreosmeow Welcome! I know you from a CT in the past. I am AKA sharonb I lost 2 cats this year. It has been tough. One was only 4, but the other cat got a tumor in his sinuses and we had to put him down after 17 years.
Hey! I do remember you! Couldn't tell you which CT we were on together, but I absolutely remember working together. dance3

It's' so difficult to lose our babies. I lost one of the cats I took in after her family moved (took the dog, left the cat, grrr). It was about 4 months ago now, I think; she was 9 and had some kind of liver problem. She was just the sweetest thing, and my little social butterfly. Basically, it sucks, but it is what it is.