
Hello from a former Jersey Girl, now a California Girl!


Welcome to the family, Carol! I am so excited that you and Diane are here. I have 157 of her collections. I adore the historical ones!

I am also owned by a cat. We've been at my Dad's now for 17 months and Sophie's finally decided to come downstairs and join us at night now. She has also finally consented to a budding friendship my my Dad's Maltipoo, Shorty - at least as long as he doesn't try the typical doggy greeting. She draws the line at that! There are plenty of cats that own humans in this neighborhood, but like Sophie they are indoor only cats. I've only seen 2 out and about in the neighborhood since coming here. Sophie took over my household 12 years ago.

Susan, sounds like Sophie's got her head on straight when it comes to dogs, LOL! At least she's finally comfy enough with Shorty to join you all at night.


Jenn :)
Man, I am so sorry that I am late to the party, Carol :hiding2: Welcome!!! :dancingbfly::banana6::upsidedownbanana::beatingheart: Your kitties sound wonderful...so sweet that so many have found their way to you and your magical feeding station :heartpumplove: