
Hello All.

welcome tracy to oscraps ! sorry about your previous scrapbooking home closing ( scrapgirls ? ) but glad you found your way here. Everyone is very friendly and we have some great monthly challenges and each month they change for lots of variety - i think you will like it here . looking forward to seeing your pages
Oh, I meant to say, the "crazy bunch" hang out in the Daily Ooooos in the Chat forum. You can pop in there and just chat about anything you like. A new thread is started each day HERE
Welcome Tracy, I've only been here a couple weeks & everyone is wonderful and as you will soon find out @wombat146 seems to have forgotten. It takes one to know one.:giggle4:
Hi there Tracy! If you are talking about Scrap Girls I am so sorry to see it close! :( I used to buy a lot of stuff there many many years ago! lol! )

My name is Ona and I live Downunder on the small island state of Tasmania, we moved down from the mainland in 2018 to get away from the heat. I think I am the only sane person here, the rest are pretty crazy!!! ooops, did I say that out loud??? :couchhide:

We hope you settle in Tracy and PLEASE just holler if you need a hand with anything in the chat area or in the Help area. Looking forward to getting to know you! :)
You sane? Who is this and what have you done with the real @wombat146? Will the real @wombat146 please stand up?
You sane? Who is this and what have you done with the real @wombat146? Will the real @wombat146 please stand up?
I'm standin', I'm standin'.......... now what??!!! :greengrin:

Hi, Tracy! It IS sad ScrapGirls is closing. I hung out there for a long time, but hanging out here is being at home now, so welcome home!