
Hello again


Well-Known Member
Hello again
I have not had a computer for a few years, my old one died and I have only just got a new one.
I am just finding my way around here and with Pse.
Hope to be able to join in a few things.
Luckily lots of my old scraps purchases are alive and well on my external hard drive.


The O is awesOme
Welcome Claire! I'm happy you are able to join us again! looking forward to your pages!


Well-Known Member
welcome back Claire .
Good to find the trail back again.
You know that you can download all your purchases from Oscraps again ?
Vicki has not set any time limits on them,which is great.

I can still see mine going back to 2009. Eeek don't look at the total you have spent. :jaw: oops.


The Loopy-O
Hi Claire and welcome back! I cannot imagine being without a computer that long, but I guess people can survive :p
Let us know if you need help finding anything!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for everyone,
Yes I saw the how much I spent, but of a shock, so will be using my stash for quite a while!. I did notice I could 're download which is really cool, so will look through my shop and my ehd and see if any missing


Well-Known Member
Welcome, Claire. Thank goodness for the external hard drive. I've been saved by mine a couple of times, although I admit I have too much stuff!