
Gallery is OPEN!

Gimme a V :cheer2:
Gimme a I :cheer2:
Gimme a C :cheer2:
Gimme a K :cheer2:
Gimme a I :cheer2:

:cheer2:Yeeeeeeaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy VICKI!!!!!:cheer2:

:cheer2:Hip Hip Hooray!!!:cheer2:
Have you seen it? Have you seen it? We now know when people have posted comments on our layouts!

Thanks Vicki! It's going to be better than ever! I'm going right over to increase my posting goal for August! WooHoo!
Thanks so much Vicky !!!
It's such a pleasure to have the gallery and to see all these LO.
I was lost without Our gallery
Vicki - I love your lots and lots and lots (and would have even if you hadn't fixed the gallery) but now I love you lots more.

There is no place like our O hOme
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Yeah!!! Hey super cool we have the message thing too to let us know when we have comments!!!! That's AWESOME!!!!!

Thanks Vicki & Gen!!! xoxoxox
*SIGH* oh this is just fabulous Vicki!!! THANK YOU Vicki and Gen for ALL of the hard work!!! hope you are still enjoying your drinkies and bath!!! LOL!!

Need to go and check it out and post some pages................ hope I have remembered how to Nana!!!! :)