
Deep Dream Generator

Betty Jo

♥ Lovin' the O ♥
I recently posted a layout with a photo that I processed using Deep Dream Generator. The layout received a lot of comments, and many showed an interest in DDG. So, I thought I'd create a post about the program, in case others might be interested. I'm far from an expert on DDG. I've been using it for a little over a year, only making my posts public in the past seven months.

Once I process a photo in DDG, I download the results to my PC, then play with the image in PS 2022, adjusting levels and saturation, and removing any unwanted portions of the photo with content aware. I sometimes add textures or process with favorite actions. When I get results that I like, I use the image on a layout making further adjustments, using various blending modes, photo masks, removing other parts I'm not happy with, etc. If you are interested in DDG and would like to give it a try, you can find it HERE. My personal DDG account is HERE. (If you decide to use the program and open your own account, please let me know, so that I can follow you there.)

There are Deep Dream Generator Facebook groups that are very helpful. I don't belong to any at the moment, simply due to lack of time. You can also find tutorials on YouTube, although I've never used any of them, so can't recommend particular ones.

If you have any questions about the program, I'll try to answer, or perhaps I can point you to someone who can. ♥

Following are my two latest layouts using photos I processed with DDG, and the original photos from Pixabay before processing in DDG:

Original Photo from Pixabay:


Original Photo from Pixabay:


If you are already a user of DDG and have tips about the program, please feel free to share them with us.

**** Found this Basic Beginner Video on YouTube that might be helpful: How to Use Deep Dream Generator.

Here are the accounts of some of our O friends at DDG. (Let me know if you would like your name and link added.)

Betty Jo
Patty Anne
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So cute, Marie! Your painting is so lovely, for me personally, I'm not sure I'd want to change it. Actually, seeing your paintings in your layouts has made me want to start drawing again. ♥
Thank you very much !
Of course, i too, i like my painting as it is.
But i just wanted to get a try on this generator ! and the result is amazing !
Thank you very much !
Of course, i too, i like my painting as it is.
But i just wanted to get a try on this generator ! and the result is amazing !
Yes, it's a lot of fun to see what your painting/photo turns into. I should have put a warning in my post! DDG is sooooo addictive!! That's why I use the free one. If I used a paid account, and could process more each day, I might never get anything else done. :)
oooooohhh!! a new photo editing program to try!!! I haven't heard about this one! I need to go find it! Thanks Betty Jo!!!! :)
Unfortunately I can't follow you yet because I got the message:
You can start following other users when you become a "Member":(;) But I haven't quite understood how it should worko_O
@Rollinchen If I remember right, I think you have to process 5 dreams before you can follow someone. Not sure if they have to be public or not. So, after you've processed five photos, then try again to follow me. Keep me posted.
I signed up too and I am getting the same message. I ended up processing five images but now my energy is lower than 20, how do you get more energy?
My page is here:
@faerywings I'm now following you, Chris. I really love the one you created with the bench and snow, with lots of blue. To get more energy you have to move to higher levels. Also, I think you get more energy with paid subscriptions. If your energy has run out you now just have to wait until it renews. This chart helps explain the energy, per the levels: https://deepdreamgenerator.com/user-level-compute-energy
Oh dear. I just processed my first image. I can see myself spending WAY too much time here, lol! My page is HERE if anyone wants to follow me. I'll try to follow back as soon as I'm allowed to!
Oh dear. I just processed my first image. I can see myself spending WAY too much time here, lol! My page is HERE if anyone wants to follow me. I'll try to follow back as soon as I'm allowed to!
Angie, @vickyday was able to follow me after she processed five photos. Thanks for sharing your link, I'm going now to follow. And, yes, it's very addictive!! ♥