
Deep Dream Generator

I need to get back into this - I also need to figure out how to do all the things that I see in the examples. SO much to learn.
@Betty Jo thanks for sharing and activating this thread again. There is so much to see and to learn. And yes, with the basic free account it's also possible to upload and to use own styles as soon as you are a menber.
If anyone wants to follow me ... sylvias.scrap.art ... https://deepdreamgenerator.com/u/1380213
Super, Sylvia. Thanks so much for letting us know. I'm now following you. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations. ♥
My main problem is finding those unique styles I see people using to get the fantastic results.
Kythe, whenever you see a style being used that you like, click the copy button and it will then be saved into your styles folder.
I need to go work on this again - it's SO cool and I was looking at some of the posts and they manipulated their pictures a LOT!
I need to go work on this again - it's SO cool and I was looking at some of the posts and they manipulated their pictures a LOT!
Yes, some do manipulate a lot. I like a bit less manipulation on most of mine, but sometimes I just go crazy with it! :)
Awesome, Ana @AnaSantos . When you open an account, please come back and give us your link so we can follow you there and "Like" your work. ♥
Oh that is kind of you to be interested but I keep mine private. If I have something that I like I will use it to make a page as I am not comfortable with a lot of media exposure other than what I need to do for CT work.#kiss
Oh that is kind of you to be interested but I keep mine private. If I have something that I like I will use it to make a page as I am not comfortable with a lot of media exposure other than what I need to do for CT work.#kiss
@Kythe that's fine and I'm so glad DDG has the privacy choice. I keep a lot of mine private too. I received a note at DDG just this past week from a lady in Austria, who is now a friend. Someone had taken her finished dream and used it as a style. It was her cat, she uses only her own personal photos. I saw the style among those I follow, and used it, and by the time she got the man to take down the original, many other people had seen it in my gallery and had also used it. I felt so bad for her, although I had no idea the style was "stolen" or I would never have used it. I personally would never use my own personal photos on that site without keeping them private, but that's her choice. I also removed my photo using her kitty. She then suggested I use the original style she had used on her photo. I did, and it actually worked better. :)