
*dances* WOOT! Hi!


Well-Known Member
:boxing: insert rocky theme music there :boxing:

YAY! Ok, I have been hiding and lurking in the forums for over a MONTH now and it has been super difficult!!!

Hi! I'm Leah, the designer behind Mommyish! I used to design for oscraps back in 2006! (A long time ago in a galaxy far far away) In fact I even have my old kits!!! Wanna see one of my old oscraps releases?!


Teehee.. Ok, so a little about me!

I'm 31 years old! I have one awesome daughter who is the main subject of my scrapping obsession. She is 9 now.

I also have a cutie-pie husband. We've gotten married to each other twice, so it must be love! LOL (yeah, a big ole story there, trust me!)

We live in the New York Hudson Valley which is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! (seriously I'm going to make you jealous with fall pictures!) I love it here and I feel super blessed to be able to do what I love as a job!

I also play the piano, minecraft, and occasionally tiny tower (ok, that is a lie I love tiny tower on my phone)

I'm super excited to meet all of you <3


Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Hey there, Leah, so glad to welcOme yOu hOme. I have to say that one of the very first things I downloaded from Oscraps back in 2007 was the Add-on to your Funky Floral kit and can I just say that it contains the BEST EVER paisley paper and a cute frame that I still use over and over.



There's no place like hOme!
WelcOme hOme, Leah!!! We are all so thrilled that you are back!!!

BTW, my son is OBSESSED with Minecraft...has it on iPod Touch, PC and now thinks I should buy him an Xbox so he can have it on that too!!!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
Good to have you back, Leah!

:boxing: insert rocky theme music there :boxing:

Hahaha, the weirdest thing just happened ... DH is watching the Wales vs Scotland World Cup Qualifying football match on TV and there's a band in the crowd playing the Rocky theme music ... freaky coincidence or what!?!??!


I lOve Me Some O!
Welcome back to Oscraps Leah!! Sadly I wasn't here for your first stay, but so super happy I'm here this time!!!

Love playing with your designs already!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Leah! Its super fabulous to have you here - it was great fun working with the collab you and my Sandra did ... love your style!


always chatty at the O!!
Whoohoo! So glad to have you here. I wasn't here when you were but I was on Gen's CT when you did a really fun collab and I've been watching you since then. So glad to have you here. I agree...revamp that kit. That would be so fun.


Well-Known Member
You guys are sweet! Maybe in the distant future I will revamp the kit. Until then my plate is full of awesome yummy things through the new year! <3


ONA - Administrator
Hello Leah and welcome back to the O!!! we are super happy that you have come home to us as well!!! :)