
Daily Ooo's Tuesday September 22


The Loopy-O
Happy Tuesday my O's!

Thank you for all of the Happy B-day wishes for Cait. Too bad it is going to get chalked up as one of her worst.
The day started out awesome. I made her heart shaped pancakes, she was so happy off to school. Her allergies got really bad and I had to pick her up at 1pm- 2 hours early. Gave her some more allergy med and was better. But by 3 pm, after Scott got home, the 2 of them started fighting and bickering and would not stop. After listening to her scream at him for the millionth time, I had it, and said we weren't going to the diner for her dinner.
Tears, sobbing, I hate this family blah blah blah.... Then the two kids trying to *bargain* with us, Not a chance!
By 6pm, I was so drained I went to bed. Slept until the alarm went off at 5 am.
Talk about a sucky day :(

*If* they can get along and listen to us this afternoon, we'll try again to go out tonight. But I seriously am at the end of my rope.
I am also seriously thankful for Sally's Grat. Blogging, I need that sooo much right now!!!!

Today is super crazy-- I have to hit the supermarket after I get the kids to school, then my hair dresser is coming to my friend's and my houses (finally getting my roots touched up- only been since April/May??) . Then it is back off to the ortho about this awful retainers. They still don't seem to be fitting right and the pain is still awful. I have decided that if they can't get it right ths time, I cannot keep wearing them 24/7. I'll wear them at night, but I cann't keep living with my mouth and head in this much pain. And believe me, I had 2 natural childbirths and 6 (7??) tattoos... I can handle pain LOL

Gonna post this now... gotta see if I can find Scott's other sneaker that is MIA (how do you lose *one* sneaker???) then I am off to Bus Stop Round 1.

love you all!!!
Be back for personals in a bit
Oh Chris. ((hugs)) Sounds like an awful day. Hope that today is better. I've been watching my two and keep trying to understand why they insist on fighting. I know that I did it with my brother as well. But as an adult, I just don't get it. Hope tonight is better. And hope that the ortho can get the retainers fixed.

Dawn, I caught your posts from last night. Praying for you, that you get the new job.

Sally, I'm grateful for you and the gratitudes post. Definitely need to be reminded of that philosophy.

Hugs to all. Early gymnastics practice tonight so I hope to make it back in this evening.
back for a few!
tired tired tired! and we are all sneezing our heads off- ick on the allergies

Hi Linda S! I know, my brother and I fought like this too, but it is the back talk and the bargaining that gets me the most. If I *ever* talked like that to my parents.... yikes, I would have gotten a beating. And I don't mean just a swat on the butt.

Dawn, gotta scroll down to see the whole thing about work- but for now, I can agree, I am such a homebody! Once I am out I am pretty ok, it is just getting me out the door that is the hard part.

Linda W- awww, yay for Jesse!!! How do they all get so big so fast?? Thanks for the good thoughts for Scott. And for Cait!

Andrea- scheduling when working/studying at home can be so hard. hope that everything goes well for Genny- love the astro-board- sounds like fun! Did you get a pic of her after she fell asleep on it? :)

ME- ! I remember y'all getting stoked last year for the Pumpkin SPice Lattes!!

Clara- Hope today is a better one. Not trying to put words in Sally's mouth but I am guessing that she would say everyday, not just Monday is a new start :D
Here is to Tuesday for us both!!

Dawn, argh! That sounds sooo frustrating! I hope that things smooth out for you. Glad you can vent here, you need to get that crap out somehow.

Clara- at Clutterfree Christianity! You are seriously decluttering! yay you!

Hi Ona!

Dawn!! Good for you!!! Fingers crossed for ya!!

Ahhh, House!! I hope Gary taped it for us!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful day!
Have I told you gals lately that I loooooove you?! I mean like seriously?! Well, I do!!!!!!
You all brighten each and every day even when I'm in a funky mood :).
Thank you all for listening/reading yesterday, it means the world :).

So, DH is less than understanding about my sitch at work (most of you know this is our 2nd time married to each other LOL) so I had this dream last night...what do you think it means???-- I had a dream last night that we were getting remarried *at my workplace* no less in a closet(???), in my original wedding dress...everything kept going wrong...I forgot my veil..I forgot my slip...etc, etc...LOL. Wonder what the heck all that means LOL??? Other than that I am going friggin' insane.

big big ((((hugs)))) to everyone, I'll be back later for personals :).
Ok....I looked up pieces of my dream....what do y'all think about this, what do you think it could mean?

Wedding Dress
To wear a wedding dress in your dream, indicates that you are evaluating and assessing your personal relationship.

To see a closet in your dream, symbolizes something in your life that you have kept hidden. It may also signify an unveiling of previously hidden aspects of yourself, as in "coming out of the closet". (nope, I'm not coming out of the closet, least not like that)

To dream that you are at work, indicates that you are experiencing some anxiety about a current project or task. The dream may also be telling you that you need to "get back to work".� Perhaps you have been slacking (I'm not a slacker, so that's not it LOL)

Can't wait to hear what y'all think 'bout my dream...I don't usually remember them so vividly LOL.

Now I'm officially running late!!!!!!!!! Later!
Morning ladies, I am stopping by earlier, before the day gets too busy. I am so sleepy - stayed up late with DH to watch Monday Night Football - I was scrapping and facebooking while he shouted and yelled at the tv. The Dolphins lost so he was pretty bummed.

Dawn - love you too! Now that is some dream!!

Chris - enjoy getting your hair done. I find that to be really relaxing!! Hope it is some nice ME time for ya.

Hi Linda!

Hope you all have a great day!!
GOod morning. I haven't had time to stop in in a while. Busy busy busy with kids and work. Today I am actually home ALL DAY and I think I am going to take a break from laundry!!!! I told G we were all going to start wearing only unders and T-shirts b/c I am so tired of folding folding folding...I don't think we'd get any visitors if that happened ;).

This is a busy week my moms group starts tomorrow, Thurs we have banquet that John Ashcroft is speaking at and I still need to find 6 others to fill our table. WEll enough rambling from me, I have a playdate on the way here :).

Help yourself to my pumpking chocolate chip muffins!!!!

Hugs Os!!!!!!!!
Good morning ladies. I started this post a bit ago but the curser wasn't showing up and it wasn't scrolling down so I decided to just start over. Lame.

Today is a good day. Chris, you are right. Everyday is a new beginning and I am very thankful for that. There has been a lot going on around me that has really made me think about how lucky I am to have a healthy, loving family and minimal drama in my life. Last night I spent hours helping my neighbor fill out paperwork trying to get custody of her grandchildren. It breaks my heart. Nobody should have to go through what she is going through with her daughter. Her daughter is bi-polar and doesn't like to take meds. She regularly threatens her life along with th elife of her kids. Generally she seems to do it for shock value but none the less her mom has stood by too long and is now ready to say enough is enough. After years of trying to handle it herself fearing that her daughter would make it impossible to see her grandkids she finally called the police and got them involved. And it worked. She got a few days to start the process of getting custody of those kids. There are 4 of them. Last night I was helping her fill out paperwork. LindaS I am sure you understand the piles of paperwork that go along with custody. I would assume adoption paperwork is about the same. The stack of paper was over an inch high. So me and her sister sat with her while she started and within moments Iknew it was going to be a painful process to help her with it. It overwhelmed her so much she could hardly write. She almost had to think about how to spell her name. So she got up to do something and I started filling stuff out. It was kinda funny how easily she sat back with a look of "thank goodness" that someone else was going to work on it. I don't mind filling out paperwork. I find the mundaneness of it to be relaxing. weird, I know. It is so repetitive I can't even imagine having to fill it out for myself. So, today and last night as I laid in bed I realize how lucky I am. My husband and kids can definately make me crazy but I don't fear for their lives and I know they love me and wouldn't intentionally do anything to hurt me, themselves or each other. I am also thankful that my parents get to be grandparents in the best possible scenarios. They don't have to worry about the safety of my children and only have to simply love and adore my kids as grandparents should.

So, I know the story these days is gratitude blogging but my blog is not a safe or appropriate place to share this. So, I am sharing it with my O fam instead. You guys are the best and I am so thankful that I have found this wonderful place and all of you. I'll be back later for personals and some silliness I am sure. Love you guys.
quote of the day...(from a homeschooling family)...

Daddy: "Quentin, your hot dog is ready...Lillian, let him out of the closet!"

that just really really made me laugh today...

Then the oldest child drew a picture on our white board of her (as a stick figure) eating a hot dog, and then her throwing up into a toilet!!! (she's a non-a-pork-a-tarian; her label!!). So Mr Gorgeous says, "sally, you need to take a pic of that and scrap it!!"

yep...we are having a great day!! I'll be back later after chemistry, grammar and two more kids' spelling!!!
quote of the day...(from a homeschooling family)...

Daddy: "Quentin, your hot dog is ready...Lillian, let him out of the closet!"

that just really really made me laugh today...

Then the oldest child drew a picture on our white board of her (as a stick figure) eating a hot dog, and then her throwing up into a toilet!!! (she's a non-a-pork-a-tarian; her label!!). So Mr Gorgeous says, "sally, you need to take a pic of that and scrap it!!"

yep...we are having a great day!! I'll be back later after chemistry, grammar and two more kids' spelling!!!

Sally this made me laugh!!! I would love to be a fly on the wall in your house for one day!!! I might live longer than a day then!!! LOL!!! God bless you and your wonderful family!!! especially since you share so much with us here at the O!!!
Good morning ladies. I started this post a bit ago but the curser wasn't showing up and it wasn't scrolling down so I decided to just start over. Lame.

Today is a good day. Chris, you are right. Everyday is a new beginning and I am very thankful for that. There has been a lot going on around me that has really made me think about how lucky I am to have a healthy, loving family and minimal drama in my life. Last night I spent hours helping my neighbor fill out paperwork trying to get custody of her grandchildren. It breaks my heart. Nobody should have to go through what she is going through with her daughter. Her daughter is bi-polar and doesn't like to take meds. She regularly threatens her life along with th elife of her kids. Generally she seems to do it for shock value but none the less her mom has stood by too long and is now ready to say enough is enough. After years of trying to handle it herself fearing that her daughter would make it impossible to see her grandkids she finally called the police and got them involved. And it worked. She got a few days to start the process of getting custody of those kids. There are 4 of them. Last night I was helping her fill out paperwork. LindaS I am sure you understand the piles of paperwork that go along with custody. I would assume adoption paperwork is about the same. The stack of paper was over an inch high. So me and her sister sat with her while she started and within moments Iknew it was going to be a painful process to help her with it. It overwhelmed her so much she could hardly write. She almost had to think about how to spell her name. So she got up to do something and I started filling stuff out. It was kinda funny how easily she sat back with a look of "thank goodness" that someone else was going to work on it. I don't mind filling out paperwork. I find the mundaneness of it to be relaxing. weird, I know. It is so repetitive I can't even imagine having to fill it out for myself. So, today and last night as I laid in bed I realize how lucky I am. My husband and kids can definately make me crazy but I don't fear for their lives and I know they love me and wouldn't intentionally do anything to hurt me, themselves or each other. I am also thankful that my parents get to be grandparents in the best possible scenarios. They don't have to worry about the safety of my children and only have to simply love and adore my kids as grandparents should.

So, I know the story these days is gratitude blogging but my blog is not a safe or appropriate place to share this. So, I am sharing it with my O fam instead. You guys are the best and I am so thankful that I have found this wonderful place and all of you. I'll be back later for personals and some silliness I am sure. Love you guys.

Clara...I really have tears in my eyes right now after reading this!! Having a bi-polar daughter, who has children...life can be very challenging...things are not like they used to be...having children was a blessing for Traci....but when someone steps in wants to help our like you have with your friend...you have NO IDEA how much this can mean!! most people say they want to help, but run hard when they see the real situation!! I had some VERY rough years...and we still have a lot of big bumps and always will, but when someone reaches out like you have, it really is like a life line!! (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) very tightly.........I love you girl!!! YOu are a special person!!!
GOod morning. I haven't had time to stop in in a while. Busy busy busy with kids and work. Today I am actually home ALL DAY and I think I am going to take a break from laundry!!!! I told G we were all going to start wearing only unders and T-shirts b/c I am so tired of folding folding folding...I don't think we'd get any visitors if that happened ;).

This is a busy week my moms group starts tomorrow, Thurs we have banquet that John Ashcroft is speaking at and I still need to find 6 others to fill our table. WEll enough rambling from me, I have a playdate on the way here :).

Help yourself to my pumpking chocolate chip muffins!!!!

Hugs Os!!!!!!!!

Yummy pumpin choc chip muffins!! Thanks Jos!!! and IKWYM about folding laundry....I am horrible about leaving mine in the dryer for a day or two to avoid that task!! I was so much better about it when my kids were little...guess I had to be!!! You guys have fun on your playdate!!!
Morning ladies, I am stopping by earlier, before the day gets too busy. I am so sleepy - stayed up late with DH to watch Monday Night Football - I was scrapping and facebooking while he shouted and yelled at the tv. The Dolphins lost so he was pretty bummed.

Dawn - love you too! Now that is some dream!!

Chris - enjoy getting your hair done. I find that to be really relaxing!! Hope it is some nice ME time for ya.

Hi Linda!

Hope you all have a great day!!

Hi ME...in regards to yesterdays Pumpin Spice Latte...OH I LOVE THOSE!!! you go to bed early tonight...get some rest!! but you gotta love MNF!! I love it because it keeps my DH busy while I do what you did...scrap and play on the PC...LOL!!!
Have I told you gals lately that I loooooove you?! I mean like seriously?! Well, I do!!!!!!
You all brighten each and every day even when I'm in a funky mood :).
Thank you all for listening/reading yesterday, it means the world :).

So, DH is less than understanding about my sitch at work (most of you know this is our 2nd time married to each other LOL) so I had this dream last night...what do you think it means???-- I had a dream last night that we were getting remarried *at my workplace* no less in a closet(???), in my original wedding dress...everything kept going wrong...I forgot my veil..I forgot my slip...etc, etc...LOL. Wonder what the heck all that means LOL??? Other than that I am going friggin' insane.

big big ((((hugs)))) to everyone, I'll be back later for personals :).

Dawn...my friend....there are way to many symbolic issues in this dream!!!! LOL!!! I think it's saying go back on vacation!! WOOT!!!! and take LindaW with you!!!! WOOOT!!!! I am sorry that your DH is being not so understanding...but he is a man...what else is there to say!! Well you always have us to understand!! I love you death girlie...and you know you can lean anytime!! ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))
Oh Chris. ((hugs)) Sounds like an awful day. Hope that today is better. I've been watching my two and keep trying to understand why they insist on fighting. I know that I did it with my brother as well. But as an adult, I just don't get it. Hope tonight is better. And hope that the ortho can get the retainers fixed.

Dawn, I caught your posts from last night. Praying for you, that you get the new job.

Sally, I'm grateful for you and the gratitudes post. Definitely need to be reminded of that philosophy.

Hugs to all. Early gymnastics practice tonight so I hope to make it back in this evening.

HI LINDAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((((Hugs))))))))))) for you too...I am in a hugging mood!!!
Happy Tuesday my O's!

Thank you for all of the Happy B-day wishes for Cait. Too bad it is going to get chalked up as one of her worst.
The day started out awesome. I made her heart shaped pancakes, she was so happy off to school. Her allergies got really bad and I had to pick her up at 1pm- 2 hours early. Gave her some more allergy med and was better. But by 3 pm, after Scott got home, the 2 of them started fighting and bickering and would not stop. After listening to her scream at him for the millionth time, I had it, and said we weren't going to the diner for her dinner.
Tears, sobbing, I hate this family blah blah blah.... Then the two kids trying to *bargain* with us, Not a chance!
By 6pm, I was so drained I went to bed. Slept until the alarm went off at 5 am.
Talk about a sucky day :(

*If* they can get along and listen to us this afternoon, we'll try again to go out tonight. But I seriously am at the end of my rope.
I am also seriously thankful for Sally's Grat. Blogging, I need that sooo much right now!!!!

Today is super crazy-- I have to hit the supermarket after I get the kids to school, then my hair dresser is coming to my friend's and my houses (finally getting my roots touched up- only been since April/May??) . Then it is back off to the ortho about this awful retainers. They still don't seem to be fitting right and the pain is still awful. I have decided that if they can't get it right ths time, I cannot keep wearing them 24/7. I'll wear them at night, but I cann't keep living with my mouth and head in this much pain. And believe me, I had 2 natural childbirths and 6 (7??) tattoos... I can handle pain LOL

Gonna post this now... gotta see if I can find Scott's other sneaker that is MIA (how do you lose *one* sneaker???) then I am off to Bus Stop Round 1.

love you all!!!
Be back for personals in a bit

(((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))) for you Chris and Cait!!!

I tell you .....my grandmother ALWAYS said...when there are two they will fight!! and she is definately right...I have not seen anyone who can deny this!! IT WILL PASS!! I know it seems like forever...but one day you WILL wish they were there fighting again!!...then after you get used to them not.....you are glad to have a peaceful house!! LOL!!!! I hope you guys get to go out tonight...and yay for getting your hair done...I need mine too!! no money!!!
I started out this morning early....went with my MOM to get her new teeth made...that took a while....then met Sharon and Savannah for lunch and then to Walmart to buy groceries!!

It's looking like rain this weekend so my yardsale may have to be put off...bummer!!!

Jesse had a GREAT first day at school!! he will go back on Thursday...he is just going two days a week...but I am proud of him...he has never stayed away from Mommy except with me, and he didn't cry at all...actually he cried to stay when she picked him up!!

I had to laugh at Sharon last night....she said Savannah was not pooping to good, so I told her to get Light Karo syrup and put a tsp in her bottle....she sent her DH to the store to get Kaeopectate....thank goodness she called me before he got home with it.....and the good news was the little princess did her business before he got home too!! she felt much better!!

I guess I have shared too much!! LOL!!

Love you all!!!!:p:p:p
OMGosh Linda, that is soo funny (since she didn't give savannah the meds!! LOL!!!) My mom always had Karo syrup for when we had pancakes. She used to tell me all the time after I had Cora that she just made her own formula with Karo syrup. I would tell her that it was her fault she got me addicted to that!! LOL!!!! But it's nice to know that it works in those instances, too!! homeopathic treatments seem to always work better in my house!! :)

well, I've got the night off..I do have to take Cora to the gym at 7:30. But other than that, I'm here to scrap and comment!! yay!! And I need to remember to email my brother and ask what he did to my puter last year to make the chat room work here!!! When my hard drive was cleaned off right after christmas, i loaded my security program back on and alas, the chat room java wouldn't work again on it!! ugh!!! anyway, i've got a hankering for some chats here!!!! :)

Love you girlies!!! hope your evening is as blissfully restful as mine is going to be!! :)
Hey girls! just dropping in to say hello! We are having an AWFUL day downunder on the east coat, especially New South Wales which is the state I live in. We are experienceing a dust storm which is just horrible!! talk about sinus problems today!! eeegh!! This is a link to the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper page that has some photos of Sydney and suburbs.
I live about 700kms north of Sydney and we are getting it too!!!
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Good evening ladies. Just a quick drive through by me. We have homework. Spelling and math. Argh...

Yes Clara, the paperwork for adoption was insane. It is just so overwhelming. But we made it through it TWICE! I'm sure that your neighbor appreciates having someone to help her through this.

LOL...Linda W...the Karo syrup story was hysterical since it turned out so well!

Like Chris, I remember the Pumpkin Latte talk from last year. And Jos, didn't you give us the recipe for pumpkin chocolate chip muffins last year. I think I made them last fall.

Ok...so here's my bad news. Mom had a breast biopsy last Thursday and they had to send it to Mayo Clinic for review. They called this afternoon and she has breast cancer. Obviously, if you're going to have cancer somewhere, breast is a good place. And, if you're going to get cancer, 76 is a good age to do it.

Nevertheless, it's hard right now. Dad's just taking it really, really hard. When Mom told my brother, he started sobbing. That leaves me to be the strong one. No real surprise there. I'm the one who is emotional about everything...but when I need to, I step up to the plate. I'm going to the surgeon with Mom on Monday. So, those of you who are prayers, we would appreciate some sent to Iowa!

And, since I've already done my gratitudes for today, I'll tell you that tonight I am grateful, grateful, grateful. Because I may not like what's going on today but I know who is in control and I trust Him totally! He doesn't make mistakes.
LindaS-Oh sweetie!! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's breast ca! Keep us up-to-date with what the surgeon says. I will be praying for you and her and the rest of your family!!

Ona-yuck to dust! I imagine that's quite nasty to deal with. Do you wear a mask or something over your nose and mouth? Hope it ends sooner rather than later!

Sally-LOL to hotdogs and closets!!! that is tooooo funny! I think you should do a hidden camera for us ....like a webcam and just let it run all day and let us check in on the Keller household hehehehe

LindaW-hmmm...Karo syrup? wonder if it works for grown-ups? LOL Reason I ask is we had a *104* yr old female pt yesterday who has some trouble 'getting things moving'...well my goodness everything is 104 yrs old LOL, of course it's gonna be a little slow! So anyway, her dear, DEAR DS lovingly gives her castor oil to help move things along....poor little dear! I would imagine she'd much rather hve some yummy syrup! What do you think?! I think I'll call her DS tomorrow and give him this little tip...she's not diabetic :). Heck, I'm just amazed she still comes for her yearly checkup haha.

Jos-you poor thing all buried in laundry! I think I'd be happy to sacrifice company for laundry LOL. Get you some R&R and enjoy those kiddos hon!

Clara-((((hugs)))) you have such a kind heart! I am sure your neighbor appreciates you beyond words for your help :). She sure is going to have her hands full. I'll add her to my prayer list.

I looooove you all!!
Well.....the doc I worked with today....the one that's my age and is also the one I personally see as my physician? It looks like I may start working with her. She only works 3 days a wk as does her 'main' nurse....I will still work 5 days a wk and will be there for *her* only unless absolutely necessary to fill in if several call in. This doc works from home a lot on dictation and such and calls the office when she's off and expects someone to be available for her to talk to and she really likes me. She was really excited when she found out I was interested. Actually, when I first hired in there it was to work as her 'main' med assistant but she has a soft heart and the woman who had been filling in thought it was her position and she didn't have the heart to tell her no. Anyhow....her nurse and I get along great as well as everyone else in that area soooo it should happen as long as evil boss lady decides to approve it ::::crosses fingers:::: I am really, really gonna miss the doc I've been working with but it's all good :).

Woohoo...hopefully there goes some stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh it feels like forever!! :p
I disappeared again.
Busy Busy!!

Mr Potts got a hernia last Friday and has been out of commision. I realize I am spoiled since if he cant help with nothing for a few days life gets hard. :p
Clean, cook, bathe kids, homework,... repeat. << thats been my life lately.
I will try to jump back in here tomorrow.