Good morning ladies. So today is doctor appt day. Blech! I am currently in between appts. I had a neurology appt but that was my last one. She's sending me back to my doctor now that my headaches are under control. Next is infectious disease...I don't want to go back there after this appt though. My last appt I sat in the waiting room for an hour and a half. they said they couldn't help me with anything. So, I'm just gonna get my lab results and call it good. I can't ever get all the blood work I need. Doctors don't typically run things like liver function tests and I need those on occasion. I finally got assigned to the doctor I want at the hospital so hopefully my healthcare will be better. I know my husband finally went and saw him and he is awesome. My husband takes ADHD meds and he kept seeing different doctors who kept giving him different dosages and it was horrible. This guy wants to help him get everything fixed up and better regulated. Active duty military have the option of going to sick call which is how Derek has been getting his refills. Going to a random doctor who is trying to get through all the soldiers with the sniffles or busted up body parts is not the answer. Plus the doctor is trying to help him get his back fixed up. Now if we could just find a doctor that would help Derek figure out the next step in his career we'd be set. LOL!!
So, this month is so ridiculous with school for the kids. They have soooo many days off this month. Not a full week of school all month. today is Addie's last day of the week...and I'm not sure about Ethan...I should check that. Just Friday off for him...but Addie gets 3 days off. This Pre-K thing is quite the racket. I still can't get over the every Wednesday early release. It just amazes me. I've been watching West Wing lately and one of the new presidential candidates had a 240 school days plan...I kinda like that plan. Kids do not go to enough school and are always missing days. It is crazy.
So, last night I got a call from the place I ordered lip gloss pots from and they called to tell me I'd get them next week sometime. I said, no...I need them by Friday and they had no expedited shipping. I put in the order on Saturday and they didn't bother to contact me until last night. I'd have been happier hear from them earlier during the day so I could get ahold of another company. Ugh!!
Well, I have been really bad about today I will be really good about it.
Chris - I hate it when I wake up too early. It happens to my husband all the time but never to me. I am such a sleeper though. The last time it really happened was when I was preg with Addie. I have to head over to your website to see about an order. You know I love your stuff.
Oh, and with the nail polish...we are having her birthday party at our neighborhood community center (it's free and I don't have to clean my house) so no mess at my house...and we will paint their nails for them and then put the polish in a little goodie bag, along with their lip gloss.
Laurie - I hate waking up confused. Yay for you and the treadmill. You are so good about that. I need to get on it too...I'm just so lazy.
Debbie - Great job getting rid of stuff. I am good about getting rid of stuff, but myhusband...not so much. Where in Ohio are you? We are headed to Cleveland for Thanksgiving and I am not looking forward to the weather. It is about 70ish in Fayetteville, NC and I can wear flip flops. I'll need to leve them at home to go up to OH.
I really hate the drive up there but hopefully not all the leaves will have changed yet. They are turning right now here.
Fran - where are you at that is so cold? As much as I hate it where I am I am really thankful for the weather here. I do not like the frigid cold. Enjoy your warm cuppa coffee.
Maureen - A walk would be nice...I love the fog...but after an illness I think I'd watch it from indoors too. I love the atlantic beaches. I love the pacific beaches more and I get confused on the east coast beaches...but I love the sand and warmth of the east coast. Thanks to Nana I've gotten to play at Myrtle and returned again with my husband and sister. I think I need to get motivated to schedule another trip.
Nana - enjoy your calm day. I am sending calm thoughts to those girlies!! I have so much laundry to fold. I'll work on that later...after I drop Addie off at school
Alrighty...have to head out to the doctor's office in a few. Perfect timing. Have a great day ladies.