
Daily Ooo's Tuesday, July 7


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies,

I feel really well today, not so tired like always. This night was so great, Amelie sleptvery well. Now she is sitting on the floor and playing with her new toy, so excited, but easily getting angry, when it wont work, how she likes. She wants to lick at it, but its too big to put it to her mouth, that looks so cute.:D I think this getting angry is from Mommy, I had been like this my last 20 years:rolleyes:
Not much to do today, only cooking and cleaning, thats all.

@Tali: sry for your cat

@creativewings: yes I hate that she is not able to talk, sometimes she is talking to me and I only look at her coz I cant understand, then she is repeating it again and again, and I can then see in her eyes how she is getting sad and sader. Then Im sad too, I hate this.:cry:
my english - I was at a commercial school and we did lots of things in english, I love to talk in english, I could do my layouts journaling in german, but they are all in english. English doesnt sound so hard like german. And I learned many things talking with other people, started chatting in the net with 16, with lots of different countries, so english was our language.
Hi Cornelia! Doesn't a good night's sleep change the world? LOL I love it when I feel good like that! Amelie -- too cute, My DD Caitlyn had (has!) a stubborn streak and temper like that too.

So my O-Fam! Yesterday was an interesting day, as always. I am learning to not be taken by surprise by anything. I went to the dentist for a regular cleaning, only to have him come at me with the big novacaine needle Gah! I needed to have two fillings replaced and one small cavity filled. My fillings were only two years old and were cracked. I don't get it!

I leave with my face all swollen and weird, to try to get to the lab for my blood to get drawn -- second time for that. There is tons of contruction on the way and I need to get there before 11:30 when they close for lunch.

I get closer to the place, and the sign was so small I didn't see it until I was past. I go to turn around,look at the clock and guess what time it was? If you guessed 11:30, you were wrong. :) Ut was 11:29- so by the time I would have found a street to turn around on, and go back- it would have beentoo late. Grr!!

I'll be back down in the area again on Thurs. Maybe third time will a charm;)

Then I went to the lake, met up with Cait who was there with our neighbor and her BFF. Gorgeous day!!! Looks to be a winner again today! I have to go food shopping first since we have run out of just about everything.

Quick personals today:

Sandra- so glad that everything is working out for you with the new job!!

Dawn M- Uh oh, looks like you went from a toddler bunny to a teenager bunny overnight! (or is it like human boys- not all that much of a difference hah!)

And I so want to ask you how how they did the ending in the movie- but I don't want any spoilers in case I go see it :)

Hi and welcome to the Daily Oooo's Jeanye!! What is a HOG?

Sara- Have "fun" cleaning today!

Ooh I am a Bare Minerals fan too- My mom keeps me stocked on b-days and Christmas. What are the prices like in the club?

Cornelia- did you ever find me on FB? If not you can search for faerywings- that might help you find me, since I picked that as my user name.

Tali- (((((hugs))))))) for you and your kitty :(

Hi LindaP! Hope that you are feeling ok - if the muscles are really sore, take a bath with epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide- awesome detoxer!

Sally my love-- you either have to slow down or you are going to explode! Nope, you aren't going to explode, but I think I will just from reading this. Carla- do you see her??? :)

Dawn- Packing and unpacking is so hard for camping, but it is fun while you are there. I love seeing the O-Designers in here...tell the others to get their butts over her LOL
That is such a cool story too- you are famous!!

Clara- what are salt water sandals? Hope that you can find them cheap! Oh I see you got them!

Gah-- where am I???

Andrea- Hi girl- will be placing the order for your supplies this afternoon! woot!

(OT- and a F-W plug- if any of you ladies want to try some new scents/lotions etc, I am placing an order for supllies later today- if you have nay suggestions, let me know- I love trying out new things!)

Ona- hope your Tues/Wed are great!

I am sure I missed a bunch of you, and I am so sorry!

xoxoxo to you all!
waving hi and typing one handed cuse baby is eating:). how is everone? we are enjoying the mild temps right now playng outside and working in my gardens. I can'y believe chase is almost 2 months and sadie will be 2 in just 2weeks!!!!! life is keeping us busy but good. I have to run up to work today (the urgent care) for some paperwork so I'm bringing lil' man then tonight we are going to the 4H fair. OK I am off, time to feed myself and get my tush in the shower :).
Ok, I know the answer to this one:

What is HOG? Harley Owners Group!!! Sounds like our new friend, Jeanye, is a Harley girl :). Woohoo!!

Jeanye-do you ride your own or with your DH? I tried learning how to ride, probably could do it, if I weren't scared, LOL. DH and I ride a lot, would ride a lot more if it were up to him. Far as he's concerned he'd ride fulltime and only stop to eat and sleep :). I like riding but it hurts my knees and neck. We rode last yr from Ky to Daytona and back for Bike Week. We had a blast but got a little/lot cold on the way back, it was early March and rainy. That's our longest trip so far.

You'll have to share some stories with us about your trips :). Nice to meet you!
Jos!! Hi there, hi to Chase and Sadie too :). Are you back to work FT yet? Sounds like you're having a great Summer so far!
Chris-you're like me, life is never dull, LOL! Ugh, about the fillings, I can't stand those needles! Oh, I do feel for you having to go food shopping, that's one chore I don't like. Sounds like another busy day for you :). Hope you have a great one!

LOL, Davy is at my feet chewing carpet right now. He's not climbing so much, he just kind of bounds all over the room and back to my feet. He's getting more cuddly, lets me hold him more now :). Maybe he senses 'D-day' is coming!
Ok, I know the answer to this one:

What is HOG? Harley Owners Group!!! Sounds like our new friend, Jeanye, is a Harley girl :). Woohoo!!

Jeanye-do you ride your own or with your DH? I tried learning how to ride, probably could do it, if I weren't scared, LOL. DH and I ride a lot, would ride a lot more if it were up to him. Far as he's concerned he'd ride fulltime and only stop to eat and sleep :). I like riding but it hurts my knees and neck. We rode last yr from Ky to Daytona and back for Bike Week. We had a blast but got a little/lot cold on the way back, it was early March and rainy. That's our longest trip so far.

You'll have to share some stories with us about your trips :). Nice to meet you!

That is what I thought -- the bike we are trying to fix up and sell is an FLT. He also had a *total blank* an old... GAH!!! Whats the "base model".... S.....?? Another fixer upper... that was the one I got thrown from when I was pg with Scott;) No rice burners for us LOL (we actually call them Rice Cakes)
good morning! it's been busy already as I had to deal with business at one of my stores... it took a while because I had a lot to say LOL...

I'm sitting here with coffee in hand and trying to get an idea of what's on my to-do list for today... tomorrow I have to go back and have my TB test read, and on Thursday it's the vet for Bailey and Darwin... Darwin is going to be overweight so I'm thinking we'll have to put him on a green bean diet and we need to start phasing out the puppy food since they're now over a year old... they don't do well with changing their food so it's gonna be a pain...

Chris - I'm glad this job thing is working out too... it was pretty nerve-wracking to give up that other job not knowing if I would find another one quickly... its nicer to know that this one is more money...

hi Cornelia, Jos, and Dawn!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Oooh, Chris - that bath sounds wonderful. I may have to try that. I'm feeling good, just using muscles that thought that I forgot about them. It's all good though, it's helping me get into shape for our trip to Sturgis at the end of the month!
Jos - have fun at the fair! Our fairs will start here in about a month then I'm super busy with students and their livestock projects. Oh, and I LOVE fair food - bring on the funnel cakes!
Yes HOG is Harley Owner's Group. A bunch of them will be driving through South Dakota in the next few weeks for the Rally at Sturgis! It's unbelieveable the number of bikes on the roads during that time!
Sandra, Sorry to hear to hear that you had to deal with things at one of your stores. I hate that kind of thing! I've "had a lot to say" lately with one of mine as well :)
So glad about your new job! Way to go!
Happy Tuesday! My back hurts! More pushing the tiller in the garden yesterday. But I'm finally winning the battle with the weeds! My MIL is going to come over this afternoon to help with the last of it! Then things will look great. I may have to take some pictures..... I wish the plants were a little larger, been too wet and too cool too much of this season. Between cool weather, grasshoppers and deer...... They are doing tons of damage to my crops. I noticed yesterday that the deer have bitten off all of my broccoli! Guess I'll have to get some wire cages around the plants.
I've also got plans to get on the ellyptical climber too. That really helps to loosen up my sore muscles ad help get me moving better. It really sucks getting old :)

Chris - sorry about the dentist - hate that great big novacaine needle and just the taste of that stuff!

Cornelia - so glad that your little one slept well. That makes all the difference!

Dawn - can't wait to hear more bunny tales! You keep me laughing. How badly does he chew on the carpet???

Have a wonderful day!
Just here for one quick second- it was bugging me that I couldn't remember the HD model we had- it was a Sportster... an old one... 85 IIRC I had to google it! Fun FW trivia: My doggy's name is Harley Davidson Campbell ;) She was named that b/c a friend joked that was the only way we were going to be able to afford one! (then a few months later Gary got the old sportster... not that we could really afford that one either. Not sure what costs us more- the dog Harley, or the 2 old bikes haha!)
Morning, girlies!!!

I've got a bunch of things planned HERE AT HOME today! (I'm soooo excited when I get to play at home!! :)) I've got to send out some stamp club stuff, plan some baby shower stuff, organize the craft room (won't take long...it's in relatively good shape right now! yay!!), play in the craft room while getting ready for Stamp Club this Thursday, practice my drawing and singing, AND watch some movies tonight with the kiddos! Doesn't it sound like a great day??? And all the while, it sould be raining outside which makes it even cozier!!

I love rain - especially during a drought!! We couldn't shoot fireworks for the first time in years because it was just too dry and we didn't want to set the neighborhood on fire!! Now the kids are asking me if anyone's house caught on fire after the neighbors shot off fireworks...I said I didn't hear of anyone's house burning down. Then they get this smug look like, "see...told you we should have shot the fireworks!!" honestly, I found out later that Mr Gorgeous was nervous to do fireworks because last year we had three other families shooting at the same time as ours and it was a bit chaotic and he couldn't control it. (no, he's not a control freak - hush, cora!) but it is a bit disconcerting when there are 10 children with sparklers that won't listen to you when you say "get away from the table of fireworks!!" LOL!!!

anyway, gosh, i'm long-winded today...heehee!!! I was gonna say how well my lessons went yesterday. Vocally, I was sooo frustrated on Sunday. So my vocal teacher worked through some issues with me, and I was sooo encouraged!! It's really hard to start something new...not that singing is new, but I haven't really been singing "properly" for a while, so to avoid losing my voice, i need to warm up and practice!! (something I've heard for 25 years playing the cello...i should remember basics like that!!)

I also got a bit discouraged last night at my drawing lesson until I realized that my drawing teacher is a perfectionist for a reason!! She wants you to do your best!! She's identifying my weaknesses so that I can watch them and improve!

i know, i know...i sound nutso with all the lessons and all, but I encourage you to pick up something you know little about or nothing about and learn!! It's sooooo awesome as an adult. As a kid, i remember thinking, ohhh that teacher doesn't really know what they are talking about, plus I have other things I wanna do!! But now as an adult, this is what I wanna do!! Sooo cool!!

ok...enough about me!! LOL!! on to YOU!!!
Cornelia, enjoy your easy day with your gorgeous daughter!!! It's amazing when they start talking, too...then you think you can't get them quiet!! :) enjoy every moment, darling!! :)
Chris, crazy crazy about the lab place!! We have that happen in the dentist all the time, too...we schedule and hour and it takes two...but we have healthy teeth afterwards!! :) and btw, I totally teared up when you asked carla about me!! thanks for the reminder!! :) Hugs to you and yours, dear!!!
JOSLYN!!!! Ohhh my darling!! what a great mom you are!! :) your house sounds sooo fun and laid back and wonderful!! enjoy your day today!! and YES!!! The time is going by toooooooo quickly!! :)
Dawn, so glad you answered the HOG question. i knew it had something to do with Harleys but wasn't sure!! If Mr Gorgeous got a bike, I'd only ride on his with him so we could go down together!! I made him promise he'd only ride with me!! LOL!!! hugs, doll!!!
sandra, ohhh you have a great day with your sweetie pups at the vet!! I'm thinking i need to go on a green bean diet!! LOL!! have a fun day,babe!!
ohhh Linda, deer!! gotta love those critters!! my fil put out humane squirrel traps to keep them out of my mil's plants and somehow something else got in the trap...i can't quite remember if it was a small cat or a raccoon...but the squirrels avoided it like the plague and then they climbed the impossible climb to get to the strawberry hanging plant...crazy, crazy!!! I think you need a nice time soaking in a hot tub!! :) I'd invite ya over, but your commute is a bit long!! hugs, sweetie!! :)
Jos!! Hi there, hi to Chase and Sadie too :). Are you back to work FT yet? Sounds like you're having a great Summer so far!

Well I actually haven't been full time in over 3 years, since Kalin was born, I am per diem at an ER and a Urgent Care. Between the two I usually pick up one or two days a week.
My first shift back is the 18th it will be nice to get out of the house a bit again and making some $$$.

I am off to take a much needed NAP :)
Good Morning everyone! Mine has started off good as "both" of my boys slept in until 7:45 which is very rare! So I actually feel rested also :) My oldest used to always wake up very early since turning 4 he has been sleeping much better.

Cornelia that is great news you also got some sleep :) You sure treasure it when your kids are so little. I remember when my boys were 6 months at times I felt most of my energy for the day was trying to figure out what they wanted. It is really nice when they can talk more, but yes then they are never quiet ! That is really amazing how you learned English so well... I know a little bit of Spanish, but if you don't use it then it leaves you.

Chris.. the dentist is always a gamble .. you never know what they are going to find. I have to go back as I have a filling that needs to be replaced and it is one of the first times a tooth has really bothered me, but I won't be able to get in before I leave for Camping on Thursday so I hope it won't get worse while I'm gone... Yes I will have to get some of the other O-Designers here... It would be fun if more joined in here.

Joslyn I used to feed my baby while on the computer also ! I felt like I was getting so much more done... you get pretty good at typing with one hand. Your babies are at a really busy age too... mine are 2.5 years apart busy busy :)

Sandra, Dealing with a business can keep you so busy... is this for designing or do you have another business? I hope the food switch goes smoothly for you.

LindaP sounds like you are on a farm... I'm curious where you live? I grew up on a farm and we had a large garden. There is always something to do on the farm for work, but I remember how good it felt at the end of the day when you were finished. Sleep was so welcomed :) Plus it is so gratifying to have grown your own food. I miss it and hope to have a garden in the near future :) How frustrating about the animals eating your hard work... I hope you find an easy way to stop them from doing that.

Sally, Wow you are keeping really busy with classes... I think it is wonderful you are trying new things what a great way to discover more about yourself. I've always had a love for art and took a few classes, but was mostly self taught... many books and lots of practice. I also started out on my artistic path through stamping that was part of what lead me to where I am today:) I bet living in TX is nice I have a good friend that I went and visited this past year. She lives in Carmine TX very small town. She owns a Bed & Breakfast so it was wonderful to visit her. I would love to live in a warmer climate as it is very overcast and rainy here. We will have a chance to move outside the PNW as my DH is getting ready for a promotion we have been working 10 years torwards. I hope to get transfered somewhere warm.

Dawn, Davy sounds so cute... I think it would be fun to have one as a pet again, but we are trying to stay pet free for a while since our kids are so young and keeping us on our toes! Yes a Bunny kit would be sweet... it is hard sometimes to create a specifically themed kit that is why I'm sure many do Spring or Easter. I have an idea and I will use it for my Tip for Tuesday :)

I'm not sure what program you use or if any of you use many Brushes? But it is a great way to add your own personal touch to your pages. Especially like what Dawn has mentioned about a kit for Davy. You can take a kit you have and add some brush work and totally change it up to fit your needs better. Any of you heard of Deviant Art? It is a great resource for all kinds of things. They have many Free Brushes that can be used for personal use. Here is the link to the brushes area Deviant Art Brushes
you can just type in the search area for the kind of brush you are looking for. Here are some Bunny Track brushes for you Dawn and some Bunnies ! Just a fun little idea.. it does take a little searching sometimes though, but you never know what you will find :) Lot's of inspiration their too.

Well I'm a bit chatty this morning ...Ok I better go and get some more packing and cleaning finished as I really want to try to leave the house looking good as it is always nice to come home from a long trip to a clean house...

Wishing you all the best day :)
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Hello! Hello!! I'm later than usual checking in here. I was doing some FB stuff that I will tell you about in a bit. I had a great morning. At 6:00ish this morning I woke up to kisses from Addie. She always gives me kisses in the morning but this morning she wasn't giving me goodbye kisses. She woke up before dh woke her up and came into th ebedroom with her dollies. So she was playing with them and then was trying to get me to talk to her. I tried but was still so sleepy. I stayed up way too late last night trying to get all my gazillion templates organized. (Have I ever mentioned I am a total template junkie??) But now I have them all organized in Elements so that I can search through them a bit easier and don't miss so many of them. So, anyway Addie was chatting with me this morning and loving on me and then I got to go back to sleep for almost an hour and a half after she left. I hate how early she has to wake up...especially since she has to go to bed so early. It was a nice way to wake up this morning though.

So, this morning I was busy updating my church's FB page. It is kinda fun to do it. Makes me feel like I am helping out in some way in a way that I am good at. I was really annoyed yesterday because the lady who I had to get it all approved through has access to the account...as she should...but she doesn't understand the whole FB concept very well. So they needed to get the word out about some stuff that they needed for VBS so she used the status section of it which I think was just kinda dumb. She had to do it twice to get all the info she wanted out. It just annoyed me because it is my thing and I'm a bit territorial. Plus it just wasn't the best way to get the information out. She could have just sent me a message and told me to contact the guy who is putting VBS together and I would have sent a message to everybody instead, which is what I ended up doing anyway. It just annoyed me. Plus she isn't providing me the information she said she would and what not...so it is just frustrating. FB is such a great way to contact people and in many ways can be more useful than a website even. Anyway...I'm just being silly but it bugged me. I need to take my meds and get less annoyed. lol!!

Last night was a good night. I went over to friend's house and hung out with her, her little boy and Addie while our boys were off at a baseball game where the Mariners anialated (sp?) the other team. It was awesome for them. It was nice just sitting back and hanging out. She cracks me up...she's Korean and a big part of the Korean culture is hospitality. She kept running around trying to feed me and get me settled. It was funny. I felt bad for her. her and her dh are having a hard time dealing with his ex-wife in regards to his son. It is messy and she is having a tough time dealing with it all emotionally. I had to tell her that she couldn't fight harder than her dh. I can't even imagine having to go through that. I can't imagine putting my kids through the mess that happens so often with divorced families. I know there are lots of success stories but so often there are so many issues. It is sad. I definately was feeling for her. I can't even imagine having to take a back seat and watch the situation as she is really needing to do.

So, I should really go and eat some lunch but I will leave some love first.

Cornelia - Yay for sleep!! It sounds like Amelie has all sorts of personality. It is frustrating watching little ones not be able to talk and tell you what they need. Try and appreciate the quiet now because once they start they never stop.

Chris - I can't believe you don't know what saltwater sandals are. I can totally picture you wearing them. here's a link of what they look like: http://www.mysaltwatersandals.com
That stinks about the lab work. It seems like a lab would have better hours than that. the clinic I work at is like that too. They are closed from 12:30-2:00. I understand part of it, but not how they don't answer the phones during that time. I hope you get it taken care of later. Sorry about the numb face thing. I did motivate and make my own dentist appointment to day. I am so bad about it.

Joslyn - Chase is already almost 2 months?? Say it isn't so. I am amazed. That typing/feeding thing definately takes some work. I hope we get to see you a little more around here soon. How is Chase doing??

Dawn - the appointment with Davy should be interesting. Hopefully it calms him down a little.

Sandra - The dog food fiasco doesn't sound like it will be much fun. I hope it goes smoothly though. I hope everything works out with your store stuff. I hate having my TB test done. Because I work off site I just have to get a blood draw now. That is noce. That is what my allergy testing was like though. After the scratch test I had 50 shots like the TB test. Ick!! I took a picture of all the needles on my phone but I don't know how to get it off of my phone. It was a bit crazy.

LindaP - you are so much more motivated than I am. I could never live on a farm. I don't know that I could even really have a garden. I am just so lazy...plus I'm not a big veggie lover. That stinks that the animals and bugs are eating all of your stuff. Sounds like you are just busy busy!! Do you ever have time to sit back and chill? between the farm, school, fairs, remodeling etc...when do you have Linda time??

Sally - that is so cool that you are taking those classes and even cooler that you are taking them with your kids. I really need to motivate and find something I would like to do. I should take a cooking class. I love to cook and it would be fun to learn to make some different things. I'll have to think about that.

Dawn - Thanks for all the info...I might have to look into that. I have never been a big brush user. I think I just have never really found a good use for them...or maybe just never the right brushes. I might have to change that one of these days. I've seen some great stuff people do with brushes. I hope you are able to get your house all cleaned up before your trip. I always mean well, but trash my house in the process of getting packed. Go figure. How long until your trip??

To everyone else...Have a fantabulous rest of your day!! I'm sure a couple of people posted since I started posting forever ago. Ciao ciao!!
Hello my darlings,
This morning we went gymnastics.
Then I read and I just came inside from swimming.In about 4 hours I am going to church.
That was my boring day :)
Off to browse!
Yikes, every time I sat down today to write here in the dailies, it seems like I got sidetracked by something shiny and I didnt' do it. But here I am!

Today was pretty good! Got a full night's sleep. Fell asleep around 1 and didn't wake up till 9, and both girls were still asleep which is a rarity. Jen doesn't sleep very well lots of nights. I'm really hoping to be able to get a handle on this well before she becomes a big sister, because if I have to contend with a hyper developmentally challenged toddler AND a newborn at bedtime with no husband to help out I may sprout wings and start flying around the bedroom.

I've been reading Julia Child's book about her time in France. I think it's called, "My Life in France" or something else original like that. LOL. It's awesome, you can really hear her voice in the pages. It's so charming and vivid, it feels like you are there.

Tomorrow morning, EARLY, I have my first prenatal appt, which is largely administrative. I have to bring the girls. Wish me luck. Hopefully they will not start running around and terrorizing the other patients. The doctors may see that and revoke my mommy license. LOL.

Oh another thing. My little 20 month old Nephew Spencer had open heart surgery yesterday. He had- oh I don't know what it's called, but it was a hole in his heart that he had from birth. Anyway, although he was asymptomatic, he'd started to develop some scarring so the cardiologists decided they'd better take care of it. Well, I'm happy to say that today he's sitting up, clapping his hands and enjoying Spongebob! Great stuff!

I'm doing my personals page by page, so if I say something in this first (or second) post that got answered later, sorry!

Cornelia- Amelie has red hair, and a lot of people say that red hair brings a bad temper. Have you heard that? Maybe that's why she gets upset. Probably not. LOL. She is such a little cutie!

Chris- So excited for my new smell-yummies! Especially now that I have a bionic mommy nose (am I the only one that gets that? When I'm pregnant I can smell stale food across the street, I swear) I'll be needing new things to smell. Today while running errands I was smelling my hands all day since I put on Lyme/Coconut lotion before leaving!
Glad you had a great day at the lake yesterday! Hope you got out there today again after grocery shopping!

Hi, Joslyn! I don't think I've talked to you yet in the dailies. Reminds me to get back every day!

Dawn- DH used to ride some. He had a little bike before we went to Germany and now it is sitting and rusting at his parent's house. Blah. I love to ride (as a passenger only) but haven't even been on a bike since before Atha was born. It's a pity. Maybe someday again.

Sandra- Good luck changing the doggie food. Can you do it super duper gradually? Like start out just mixing a couple of spoons full of the new food in with the old and increase it just a tiny bit at a time?

Okay end of page one!
LindaP - That stinks about the deer and your broccoli! Where my mom lives, the deer eat EVERYTHING. It's hopeless. So, yeah, they have to put up cages, or use.. isn't it some kind of urine? (yuk) to keep them away? I hope I didnt just make that up.
Maybe I'm weird, but when I get sore muscles from good, honest labor like working in a garden, etc, I always feel really good about it, even if it does hurt. I hope you are able to get the knots out!

Sally- sounds like a grrreat day! I hope it went well! I used to take vocal training back when I was a young teen, and I loved it even then. Sometimes it was hard work, but it just feels so good to sing, and sing well! Unfortunately, I started smoking (I was a rebellious 80's teen with the aqua net hair to prove it!) and everything just went downhill from there. Now I still sing, but.. ah, I can't attest to how well. Someday singing lessons would be fun again!

On to page 3