
Daily Ooo's Tuesday, July 7

Dawn V- Thanks for reminding me about brushes. I used to be brush crazy, but haven't used them much recently, and I really should again. I haven't been to DeviantArt in a long time. There are sometimes some fun free actions and all kinds of things there. Also, everybody, you can find great free brushes at Brusheezy http://www.brusheezy.com/ But if you are a designer, make sure and get in touch with the artists, because sometimes they have a different commercial use license.

Oh and BTW, I adore your work and am totally snagging your fan blinkie right this second.

Clara- Don't you love being woken up by sweet little kissies? Jenny is a terrible sleeper, it's part of her thing, she's to sensation-seeking to be able to settle down- so she sleeps with me both nights. The down side is sleeping with a restless 2 1/2 year old, and not my husband. The upside is being woken up by a sweet, soft little person with dear smiling eyes. I adore my kids! Of course, I have a hearty dose of mommy hormones in my system right this second, plus nobody is having a tantrum at this moment. LOL

OKAY! Now that it's 8, we'd better start getting ready for bed and this danged early appointment tomorrow. Blah! Sleep tight, ladies!
Dawn - can't wait to hear more bunny tales! You keep me laughing. How badly does he chew on the carpet???

Have a wonderful day!

Hi LindaP! Well, let's just say, bunnies see carpet as grass :). He only destroyed one corner in my room so far, I was going to tear it out anyway...I'm thinking about doing tiles of some sort, some good durable ones, LOL. Not wood or laminate, cause he would chew that up, too!

Sounds like you are busy as a beaver, Linda! Wow, you must live pretty close to Sturgis to be able to see the bikes when they come :).

Have a great evening :).
Well I actually haven't been full time in over 3 years, since Kalin was born, I am per diem at an ER and a Urgent Care. Between the two I usually pick up one or two days a week.
My first shift back is the 18th it will be nice to get out of the house a bit again and making some $$$.

I am off to take a much needed NAP :)

Shew, I was hoping not, that'd be hard on you while Chase is so little :). Ya know, I totally spaced on the fact that you have more than 2 kids! So, you have the 3? I tell you, my memory is getting awful LOL!
Dawn, Davy sounds so cute... I think it would be fun to have one as a pet again, but we are trying to stay pet free for a while since our kids are so young and keeping us on our toes! Yes a Bunny kit would be sweet... it is hard sometimes to create a specifically themed kit that is why I'm sure many do Spring or Easter. I have an idea and I will use it for my Tip for Tuesday :)


Hi Dawn! Thank you sooooo much for taking the time to look these up for me :). Wow! I can't wait to play!

Awesome that you got to sleep in a bit! I remember when my kids were little they were almost always up before me and if the house was quiet there was trouble brewing LOL. Those were the days :).
Dawn - its one of my design stores... we're just trying to revamp some stuff and I had lots of ideas to share... LOL - I like sticking my nose in and giving my 2 cents...

Clara and Andrea - it's not fun changing the dog food... we do mix it though, and I'm hoping now that they're no longer puppies it won't be so much of an issue!
hey ladies, i've been seriously mia ... sorry, just not feeling chatty lately. dh's grandmother passed away on sunday so he went to latin america yesterday for the funeral. will be home tomorrow night. it's been a little hectic and stressful.

hope you are all doing well ... we have had 2 days without accidents in our house. dare i say SUCCESS with the potty training? doing the happy dance.

love to you all!
We are clear across the state from Sturgis 350-400 miles. But we are very close to the interstate so see lots of bike traffic.
Dawn CW - I live in South Dakota, not far from Sioux Falls. We have an acreage, 30 acres. Hubby grew up on a large ranch in west river South Dakota. Where did you grow up? Were you involved in FFA?

I know exactly what you mean about the good feeling at the end of the day. My MIL and I got the entire garden under control today! YAY! Hopefully our severe thunder storms won't do too much damage tonight.
Clara - I have Linda time every morning after Mr. Wonderful goes to work and before I drag my butt off the couch to get to work :) this morning I drank two pots of coffee before I was ready to tackle anything :)
Andrea - I do have some stuff that I can and need to put up around the garden. It's called plot saver. it's a ribbon type thing that you put up on fence posts around the perimeter of the garden or plot then there is this stuff that you spray on it. Smells kind of mentholish. Hot peppers work well too, the deer don't like spicy stuff :) The urine thing works too, you did not make that up:)
Hi girlies! Sorry I am late!

Today was a dentist appointment for DH and DD #3 and then grocery shopping....ugh!!!!

That was all on my agenda today besides my daily nap! :p

fearywings - At least your day ended with a trip to the lake! Woo hoo for that! Ha! Was it a Sportster? I hope I never have a "I got thrown" story to tell! Our DD's LOVE to ride with their Daddy and DD #2 (16) swears that she is going to have her own!! OK - too funny - I just read your post where you googled Sportster! Love the doggy name!

dabittymama - Oh, to play outside.......one can only dream when you live in South Texas where the temps are up to 103 everyday! Hmmm....sure would be nice to live in a milder climate....hint hint DH. :)

snappy2003 - Hello fellow Harley girlie! Thanks for answering that one for me. :) I do not ride my own YET! LOL....I haven't taken the riders course yet but, will next month and am hoping I love it as much as I think I will. I really want my own bike but, DH is not so crazy about it. The thought of me riding makes him incredibly nervous. I am a bit clumsy so, that concerns him even more. We ride every weekend and are very active in our Chapter. Having our bike has led us to some of our best friendships ever. I wouldn't trade the life of a biker babe!

LindaPete - Yep! Amazing how many bikers there are out there. They seem to just come out of the woodwork like ants or something when a rally comes to town. We just had a rally the 2nd weekend in June with over 30,000 bikers. Camped there for 5 days - as we do every year! We have about 20 from our South Texas Chapter headed to Sturgis! Wish we could go this year. How was your elliptical workout?

cellomom - oohhh! What movies did you watch? I am obsessive over movies!

OOOHHHH! I forgot that I had some AWESOME news that got announced today that I can finally share! I got accepted on the DigiScrapAddicts CT! I am so excited about this gig. I will get to work with 5 different designer's products each month!!! How cool is that????

Hope you all have a fabulous night and I will be back tomorrow to check in.

Big Hugs,
Jeanye - that is awesome that you love your hubby's hobby as much as he does. That doesn't happen so often. That is awesome about the CT gig. Congrats!!
Hi ladies! Meeting all day today...meeting tomorrow...packing...leaving for trip Thursday. Not a lot of time for personals. But love you all!
Hi all, its a great way to know each other, its already wednesday noon here in India so just sitting in office...reading my O family's chatter box and just going for lunch in 15 minutes. have a great day girls !!