
Daily Ooo's: Thursday Sept 9


The Loopy-O
getting closer to the weekend! yay! My kids are so exhausted from school. Scott said he almost feel asleep in Math yesterday (1st period) and then he dozed off a few times on the way home on the bus. How anyone could sleep on a school bus is beyond me, so I am guessing he was pretty darn tired.

So I got so good news/bad news yesterday. I guess I should use Gary's word and say "mixed". Nothing was really good or bad- just.... mixed.
I finally got in touch with Scott's guidance counselor. apparently she had no clue that he has an IEP- so all of his classes don't have the In Class Support teacher, and he has a regular study hall, not a skills support Spec Ed class. He already got a detention because he lost, then forgot to have a paper signed for Science labs. If the teacher knew about the IEP, it might not have been an issue.
This is exactly what happens when school budgets fail and they have to cut resources. :mad:

The other ok news was that the patient advocate fianlly got back to me. I explained my case, told her that my complaints were two-fold, one against the dr himself, and the other that I didn't feel that there was any need to take Scott to another dr and pay out of pocket, just to please this freak-doctor. She is going to review the case and get back to me next week. So that is def. more good than bad, but def. stressful!

My computer is still down - the enclosure that Gary bought isn't being recognized by the laptop. So I still don't know what the fate of all of my photos is going to be.:scared:

Today is another busy day. Gary and I have our Lyme dr appt's. See-- laurie bonds with HMG by dancing. I get to bond with MMG at dr's appts! LOL
Then I have to work form home. I did a bit yesterday but none of my bookmarks and passwords are on the laptop so it made things really frustrating.

Then I have to load up the car with stuff I am taking to my mom's tomorrow for the garage sale we are doing next week. :faint:

More :tea: please!


The Loopy-O
Quick personals before I start having to yell at the kids ;)

Trudy- poor DD. My dad has Meniere's Disease and the vertigo he gets can be so bad sometimes he ends up in the hospital. I am so happy to hear that your DD has a great BF to be with her.

Linda S- I hope that all of your games and practices and Dad were close together or that would be doing a whole lotta driving! Glad that you were able to fit everyone in!

K & T so cool that you guys are so close! well, sort of :)

Meg- Could you imagine -- 25 chickens? Gah!!!!!! I think 2-3 is a much more reasonable number.;) Thanks for the advice on the advocate, that was going to be my next step if she didn't call back.

Trudy- (you can see I am going backwards hah!) Good luck with going back to work and the resume and all that. I hope that you land the perfect and great paying job so you can have that B&B someday!

Clara- thank goodness again for dave! He cooks *and* lets you borrow an ipad. Yay for a bit of internet! Too funny about your anniversary- I remember last year you did the same thing. Happy anniversary!!
I am going to try to keep Merlin locked in my bedroom for a while. I don't know what esle to do, so hopefully your tips will help.
Good luck with Ethan- this is why I couldn't homeschool my kids- they'd drive me crazy!

Kat- how did Nick do at the dentist? And yes, what are you going to do with your free time? Spend it here I hope!

Krista- awww, good for the girls!! and you too! You all got lots done. Sorry to hear about the "trophy" We have pet rats (yes!! The really are awesome pets, cute and friendly and smart! Really!) but Ihate when my cats find a mouse and leaveit for me. That gets an immediate wake up for Gary cuz I don't do dead mice either.

Nana Linda- good luck with your posting today!

xoxo everyone!


lOve the O!
Chris- I am with you on the coffee- my sleep in day and I woke up at 5:46 with the headache that I got rid of last night. I have a busy day- getting my hair done- highlights, cut, pre treat to get the red out (lovely well water with iron), and then dance. Mdh will not be home for lessons, so I will take them by myself. I also need to see if the local grocery stores sell slider buns- making pulled veal mini sandwiches for dance party tomorrow night- it is a tailgate party.

Chris- unfortunately I tell the parents of my babies (that I work with) from 3 on when they become involved with public school that they have to always always be on top of the school - I have seen through the years that the district, the funding, the state do not make a difference- So glad you caught it early!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns

I just need more coffee ... lots more coffee!! Today is my long day well and tomorrow ... working a split ... ugh!!

I will be back tonight to see how everyone is for the day ..... I still have to shower .... ;)

Have a great day all,
love ya!!


lOve the O!
Krista- have a great day at work

Chris- hope you do well at the garage sale

Nana- hope you are enjoying time with the boys

I have managed to clean both bathrooms, wash a load, vacuum and clean the vacuum- eat breakfast, quiet time and talk to my man- it is just 8:30- wow- cleaning the clutter from my kitchen (still some to go) has surely freed up the positive energy in my house- some people spring clean- I am fall cleaning- getting ready for the hunker down period which bothers me more and more each year.


Well-Known Member
I managed to post in one thread...and had to LEAVE!!! Sharon got here this morning and was CHATTY...she has a job like ONA....HAHAHA!!! Anyway....she hung around for about 45 minutes, went out to leave, had left her lights on and the car would not start....SO...looking like the HILLIBILLIES on the street...I drive my car all through the back yard to get it turned around (she was behind me in the driveway) so I could give her a jump....hooked up the battery cables....ONE LITTLE CRANK....so...drive all around the back yard and around the house to the front to get in the street...gather the kids up and take her to work!!! Mike is going to see the tires tracks all over the yard and KILL me!! HAHAHA!!! JOYS of living in a neighborhood!! Yard is small!!

Anyway....I am back now....and my kiddos are wired!!! I will have to come back in a bit to do my posting!!! I need to see what entertainment I missed after I went to bed last night!!!




Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone... got up with DH this morning at 6:00am so of course once he is out the door I am on the computer and straight to the "O". I'm with you Nana Linda I love the O and I love all of you too :love: Well I dropped my application off to the Safeway yesterday and was told to expect a call very soon as they are hiring. We will see... It means taking all of the crappy shifts and no more weekends with my DH for a while, but oh well, it will get me out there again and we could use the extra cash. This new HST tax that we have here in B.C. is killing us. Krista I'm sure you know all about this as Ontario also has this tax. :rant: It's a whole can of worms that I won't go into right now.

Chris - sure hope your computer issues get fixed, and that you have not lost all of your precious photos, I think I would freak out if anything happened to my EHD, although I do back up onto CDs. Horray for all of your good news!!!

Laurie - wow you have had a busy morning already! I haven't even made my bed yet (shame on me) oh well it will get done, along with all the other daily chores right??
Have fun at dance class tonight and enjoy the hairdressers, I love to have someone do my hair!!

Krista - Working hard!! Have a great day at work and say hi to the McCanns for me (ha,ha) :wave:

Nana Linda - Tooo funny about driving all over your yard, my DH would kill me :boom:
I checked out the posting challenge forum...you guys are having way to much fun :pound: Hope you are having a blast with the kids!!
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lOve the O!
back again- front door is clean and shiny- they combined the corn across the road yesterday so dust from the front will only be road dust- the puppy nose prints were killing me with the sun streaming through.

OKAY- GRRR time. Dh has lots of land line phones in amish country for his customers to call him. We have been struggling with one line as he changed what could and couldn't be called and then all these long distance charges showed up and we were stuck with them. Called 2 weeks ago-(I did) talked to tele rep and got some charges taken off, shut off long distance (thought I did) new bill, they hadn't rec'd the money, and we got charged $6 for not making enough long distance calls- what the... Call up today- 10 min wait :lalala:, guy can't get computer to work- puts me back in the wait line, call gets disconnected, call back :phone:, 8 min waiting (cleaning those windows)- tele rep refuses to talk to me- cause I'm not on the "list" and dh is not home to verify (he's a salesman) and she can't even tell me if the payment went through- man- hope she felt my steam..... off to email dh who will love to steam them more on his drive across OH :car:after his meeting today. Is it too early for wine (grr can't get the rest of the smilies to load)


Well-Known Member
Chris -- OH MY GOODNESS!! They didn't know about the IEP???!?!?!?!?! Ughhhhhhhhhh!!! This is what my BA is in -- with a speciality in deafness -- I can't believe that!!! Who was at the IEP meeting then? Where THEY asleep??!?!?!?! Now's the time to be mother bear & put your foot down until they get things done. Remind them that this should of been done A MONTH AGO, that they need to have things in order now, and your son isn't going to wait! I agree with Laurie, with how things are, you really have to be on top of the school. They have Parent Advocates for the IEP process & enforcing, our local advocate group is called Exceptional Parents Unlimited. No idea what your group could be. Legally, the school is already in a ton of trouble, especially if you threaten a ... oh what is it called... due process hearing. Usually as soon as you mention that, they get their act in gear FAST because it's cheaper to meet the demands than fight them in court.
Hooray for the patient advocate getting back to you!!!!!

Krista -- I hope you get your coffee!!!

Laurie -- Wow!! I'm lucky to be showered and fed by 8:30!! Can you come clean my house? Our dog Riley redecorated the living room last night.

Nana Linda -- LOL oh goodness! Maybe next time you should get longer jump cables :p

Trudy -- Good luck with the job!! I don't know how the grocer up there is, but down here they're all unionized. They made my father in law pay them to hire him... which in the end they didn't.

Laurie -- here you go!! :partywine: I hate dealing with the phone & cable companies. It takes a lot of energy!! Good luck!!

OK -- on to me...

I have a meeting with a org that I've been doing probono work for. It's been a nightmare, I wont go into all the details. I'm just praying that the meeting goes well and I (edit) wont be short with anyone.

Then, I've got to finish a test site for an AMAZING client. Once that's done, I'll probably take a nap with the hubs. Last night I kept waking up with the worst cramps, and I can feel them starting up now. Ugh, and it isn't even *that* time!! Dr. says everything is normal, I don't want another ultrasound. I'm guessing is my family's genetic disposition to polyps. Pass the :partywine: please!

Time to go -- my cousin in law just texted me about some plywood and "other stuff" and to call her... hmm??
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I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Krista- have a great day at work

Chris- hope you do well at the garage sale

Nana- hope you are enjoying time with the boys

I have managed to clean both bathrooms, wash a load, vacuum and clean the vacuum- eat breakfast, quiet time and talk to my man- it is just 8:30- wow- cleaning the clutter from my kitchen (still some to go) has surely freed up the positive energy in my house- some people spring clean- I am fall cleaning- getting ready for the hunker down period which bothers me more and more each year.

I have been doing fall cleaning too :) hehehehe ... we are tooo busy in the spring really to make an honest effort at it ... so we just maintain over the spring / summer and then get at in the fall .... once soccer is done :) The kitchen is my obsession too, seeing as I'm a short-order cook as well, it's only natural, that the energy of the house is OFF if the kitchen is dirty ... seeing as I control most of the energy in the house!! LOL!! They are SLOWLY learning. Clutter is a MASSIVE issue in our house ... :doh: Too much crap, too many people, not enough space!!

Work ... was well work!! :)


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
I managed to post in one thread...and had to LEAVE!!! Sharon got here this morning and was CHATTY...she has a job like ONA....HAHAHA!!! Anyway....she hung around for about 45 minutes, went out to leave, had left her lights on and the car would not start....SO...looking like the HILLIBILLIES on the street...I drive my car all through the back yard to get it turned around (she was behind me in the driveway) so I could give her a jump....hooked up the battery cables....ONE LITTLE CRANK....so...drive all around the back yard and around the house to the front to get in the street...gather the kids up and take her to work!!! Mike is going to see the tires tracks all over the yard and KILL me!! HAHAHA!!! JOYS of living in a neighborhood!! Yard is small!!

Anyway....I am back now....and my kiddos are wired!!! I will have to come back in a bit to do my posting!!! I need to see what entertainment I missed after I went to bed last night!!!


Oscraps has saved my life more times than I can even count on one hand, the ladies here have been my refugee for a LONG time!!! I :love: each and every one of you !!!

about driving in the yard :) You are hilarious ... but a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do to get it done!!!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Morning everyone... got up with DH this morning at 6:00am so of course once he is out the door I am on the computer and straight to the "O". I'm with you Nana Linda I love the O and I love all of you too :love: Well I dropped my application off to the Safeway yesterday and was told to expect a call very soon as they are hiring. We will see... It means taking all of the crappy shifts and no more weekends with my DH for a while, but oh well, it will get me out there again and we could use the extra cash. This new HST tax that we have here in B.C. is killing us. Krista I'm sure you know all about this as Ontario also has this tax. :rant: It's a whole can of worms that I won't go into right now.

Chris - sure hope your computer issues get fixed, and that you have not lost all of your precious photos, I think I would freak out if anything happened to my EHD, although I do back up onto CDs. Horray for all of your good news!!!

Laurie - wow you have had a busy morning already! I haven't even made my bed yet (shame on me) oh well it will get done, along with all the other daily chores right??
Have fun at dance class tonight and enjoy the hairdressers, I love to have someone do my hair!!

Krista - Working hard!! Have a great day at work and say hi to the McCanns for me (ha,ha) :wave:

Nana Linda - Tooo funny about driving all over your yard, my DH would kill me :boom:
I checked out the posting challenge forum...you guys are having way to much fun :pound: Hope you are having a blast with the kids!!
When I get up in the morning, I check facebook and then Oscraps ;) Daily!! :) HOpe you get a call from Safeway soon!! And HST ...


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
And for those of you needing drinks early or late today .... here are a couple for you :)

This is my personal poison!!


This one is for Nana and Chris




always chatty at the O!!
Hey guys...I've been posting away in the gallery so I'm going to be quick. I just wanted to say hi. I'll maybe be more chatty tomorrow. Today was a long school day. Now I'm laying here feeling very blah. Love you all.


lOve the O!
evening all - dh took care of the phone bill and even got the 5$ late charge repealed- he said- umm if you don't send me a bill how can I pay it on time? He also has my name on so when the bill comes messed up again I can call and they can talk to me. I went to get my hair highlighted and cut, and my new hairdresser had childcare/sick kid issues so I had her put the highlights on, someone else rinse me at the proper time and someone else cut it. Then on to dance- I am working on getting smooth fluid movements in my arms/hands for our routines- it is coming along.

Clara sounds like school was better

Krista- good luck on clutter management

meg- I am a morning person and totally love my day off at home with no one here but me- my energy flows big time- my day off is my day to recharge


Well-Known Member
Hey girls.
Just popping in to say hello. i know i haven't been around in a long time. Been such a difficult year, and busy. Lots of things happening in my personal life.

But, things are coming full circle, and we are starting to put our life back together. I'm 21 weeks pregnant now, with a baby girl. Her name will be Hallie Noelle.

Think I might start back scrapbooking, for real.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!! I am so late to the party today!!

Chris - Awww Poor Scott he must be exhaused! Ugh about the detention and the counselor how did he/she not know? Glad the advocate call went well...ugh you need the stress to go away!

Kat- how did Nick do at the dentist? And yes, what are you going to do with your free time? Spend it here I hope!
He was a super trooper! Did not take the gas...just had novacaine. Unfortunately he got a cut in his mouth - they say he bit his lip but it looks like a straight cut up & down. So he was in a lot of pain today and stayed home from school.

Laurie - How did the highlights turn out? :)

Sharon got here this morning and was CHATTY...she has a job like ONA.

Ugh!!! I ran out of time for personals! I will read them tomorrow! Hope everyone had a great day!!


Well-Known Member
My meeting went well today -- YAY! I still feel like it was a waste of time, but I basically put my foot down and told them the site was going live on Monday no matter what they had ready.

Then my hubby surprised me and took me out to lunch & ice cream! We then walked around the hardware store by our house and price checked some more stuff for the chicken coop. Then, come to find out, we're getting all of the lumber we need from my DH's cousin's hubby!!! Hooray!!! We just need to buy the hardware and wire.

We took a nap this afternoon since we hardly slept last night with me waking up every hour with killer cramping. The nap was really nice :) I love our lazy weekends!

For dinner I made The Pioneer Woman's recipe for today:

It was great!!! Especially with penne pasta.

Clara -- Take the night off and relax!!!


Stephie -- Nice to see you! I can't wait to see some maternity pages in the gallery from you :) I love the name you picked out :)