
Daily Ooo's Monday September 28


The Loopy-O
Happy happy Monday!!!!!! It is a new week, and I am ready to take it on!!!!
Go me! Go us!!!!

Linda S- you can do it too. One baby step at a time. I got your hand and I am holding it tightly. I am thinking the best possible thoughts for your mom.
We have to learn to breathe!
Shaun and Scott will be ok- look at the moms they have standing with them too.
What is the line from pooh? You are stronger than you think,and braver than you believe? Ahh, can't remember, been along time since my guys watch Winnie the Pooh... However, I did have a very odd dream last night that I was at a Green Day concert, and there was a Pooh "skit" in it Buhahah!
The point it-- we are stronger/braver/smarter than we we think.

Clara- loooove those eye popping hugs !

How was the rest of everyone's weekend? Busy with football I bet.

I was looking fwd to a day of getting some scrap work done. But Gary and some of our reinds went to the Air Show up in town, which then got rained out. So everyone came back here, and there went my afternoon. Oh well.

Today I just have to go food shopping and then I have to work from home, so hopefully I can make up that lost time from yesterday.

Have a great Monday!!!


Well-Known Member
Just kept hitting the snooze this morning so only have a couple of minutes. But I'm so glad that I took time to stop in because...Chris, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes on a Monday morning as I read your post. Thanks hun...that Pooh bear quote (one of my favs) is just the thing that I need to hear this morning. Love ya!


The Loopy-O
Just kept hitting the snooze this morning so only have a couple of minutes. But I'm so glad that I took time to stop in because...Chris, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes on a Monday morning as I read your post. Thanks hun...that Pooh bear quote (one of my favs) is just the thing that I need to hear this morning. Love ya!

Yay!!! That makes me so happy!!!! Love you too!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh Chris and Linda.....You girls are great!! That's a fab quote to live by!! and I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE you that these times will make you stronger and wiser and you will get through them....and one day you will realize these are the times that turn those wonderful little people into the wonderful adults they will flourish into...just becuase of you!!!! I love you girls!!!

Well...today is the day the new baby comes...Aiden is his name. I am not sure what time he will be here...she said on M-W his daddy will bring him, because he goes into work late those days, and it just depends if he has something he needs to do before he goes to work. So he might be here at 8 or not until 10:30.....

I spent most of my day on the couch yesterday. No one was here but me. I watched a couple of movies, and scrapped and took a LONG LONG nap!! I only take naps when I feel bad....and I didn't feel really great, I felt like a truck hit me on Sat. so I guess it was just a delayed nap.

I hope you ladies have a great day!! ((((HUGS))))) to you all!!


Well-Known Member
Happy Monday lovely-Os!

Chris-don't work too hard today :). ROFL about your dream, sounds like one of mine!

LindaS-it's sooo tempting to stay in bed, especially on a Monday, isn't it ;). Have a great day!

LindaW-hope you feel better today! Enjoy the new baby, I bet after a wk he will feel like your own :).

Clara-how'd your dh's test go? I'm sure he did fine, but wanted to check :). I KWYM about bigger bikes, we only have a Sportster, but I think I'd be scared no matter what. But I wanna go sky-diving...LOL...what kind of sense does that make?! hehehe

Lori-I'm sure no matter what you do for your neighbor he'll appreciate the gesture :).

xoxoxoxo everyone!!!! love you all :).


Well-Known Member
Driving by, saying hi, and dropping off lattes and muffins for all.

Hope you all are doing okay. I was hitting snooze this morning too, but we still made it in time - schools are closed for Yom Kippur so there was a lot less traffic. I even managed to get my flu shot at my doctor's office too! Woot!

Will be back tonight for personals, I hope.


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies!

I got behind here on the weekend and feel out of the loop. It doesn't help that I'm trying to get settled here either. lol

I didn't want to get out of bed this morning either. And, I actually turned off my alarm and instead of getting up and making sure that my DD ate her breakfast, I slept until the dogs barking woke me up 30 min. later. I'm glad they did, because I always make her lunch, too, and just make sure that she gets off to school on a good note. She's 13 and totally fine making her breakfast/lunch but I feel better doing it and knowing for sure that she's eating well each day! I had an hour to do some reading from my Bible (something that I'm trying to start up again!) and work on my to-do's for today. It's a long list but it has to be done! I've really been putting things off these past few months. Things have been really bad w/ my 18 year old and I've let all of that stress cripple me. I can't live like this anymore, so I got my calendar out and my notepad and started figuring out what all I need to do..... Today is our first meeting with my DD's probation officer and I have no idea what to expect. She was caught shoplifting at JCPennys in May and since she already has a MIP under her belt, she is feeling the law a bit more than she did with the previous ticket. I'm a little nervous and my DD is very good at manipulating others to feeling sorry for her and that we're the bad people. If this probation officer falls for her, then I'm not sure what these next 6+ months will be like. It is a woman and I fear that her motherly instincts will kick in and she will try to "help fix her" or something like that. Which is just what my DD wants, because she can work that to her advantage. Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble on about that. It's weighing very heavy in my heart right now.

Speaking of silly dreams....I had one last night where I was hired to take photos at a wedding and my camera was acting all crazy and not working right, so I was missing key photo opportunities and basically freaking out! lol It's amazing how what's on your mind works it's way into your dreams. Here's the really crazy part. I had a friend text me last night and she asked me if I would take pictures for her niece's wedding. I told her over and over that I haven't ever done anything like that before, but she wouldn't give up and said that I take awesome photos and she wants me to do it. They will even pay to fly me, my hubby and Gracie to VEGAS!!!!! They have a summer home in Vegas and that's where the wedding will be. I am so freaked over this! I have a week to decide and let her know. I don't know what to do! Obviously my dream is showing my doubts in myself being able to do it, too. lol I hate to not help out my friend, but wow, the pressure!

So, I will check in soon to catch up on personals. I need to get my grocery list together.....long day full of to-do's for me!

Lori Potts

Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone!!

I am just dropping by to say Hello!!
I am feeling pretty great today. I have gotten 7 hours sleep for four days in a row and I have my whole day planned. I already blessed my house for the week and did a bit of homework. Hopefully the afternoon with the boys home goes great. I am trying to focus on attention, patience and routine with my littles. I would like them to follow school rules at home so they can hae an easier time keeping it in check at school. Good news my neighbor has slept better the past two days. I am keeping them quiet so he feels like a fool for waiting 3 years to mention it.

Ok gotta go my quesadilla is probably burning. I will be back to check in on ya'll today.


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. Yay for Monday!! I am adament that Monday this week is going to be a great start to the week. Of course I am saying this on a day when I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. I was giving my neighbor crap this morning and told her that the courts better give her custody of her grandkids quickly because it is geting in the way of my workout routine. They had to get declarations to the courthouse today so I wrote mine last night and then basically dictated Cindi's. Dh was cranky about writing his and spent 2-3 hours and only wrote a very small statement. he's a dork. But I was up until about 2 last night helping Cindi get hers in order. Being the one who is trying to get custody she had a lot more to say than most everyone else. The typed declaration was 9 pages long. She is so worried about the hearing but I have no fear. I think it is a pretty open and shut case. Her daughter has lost it, the kids aren't safe, the dad doesn't protect them and there is a lot of domestic violence. Cindi provides them a safe and stable environment. I am still praying for them constantly. She has started coming to church with me which has been awesome to be able to support her in that way also. I pray for a lot of people in my life but don't have the opportunity to pray over them very often. I also think it is a bonus that she is getting the kids involved in church as far as the court goes also. So, for any of you who pray, if you could please include Cindi and her family in your prayers I would really appreciate it.

So, Addie has gotten very strange about sleeping lately. She has always slept in a dark room with her door closed but she has recently decided that she wants the door open and a light. I don't have any real problem with either but she has trouble staying in her bed. Over the past couple of weeks she has really been learning about cause and effect. There are two things that she does. For whatever reason she likes to put her hands in her drinks so I have started pouring it out and she loses it when she puts her hand in it. It took two or three times and she understood what would happen if she did it and has stopped. Then with her bed I told her if she got out of bed we'd close the door to her room. She got that after just once. It was pretty cute a few days ago. DH went into her room and she climbed to the very edge of the bed but wouldn't get out. I love watching their brains start to get things and understand more mature concepts. Eventually she will start to understand the opposite that if she does good things, good things will come of it. I love it.

I hope everyone had a good weekend. My weekend went really well considering that I was a single parent for the weekend. It was funny because on Saturday Ethan was in a great mood and Addie was a whiner and on Sunday Addie was awesome and Ethan was the whiney one. Addie helped me make banana bread which was fun. Her favorite way to help, of course, is to lick the beaters and spoon. She listened really well and did what I asked her to. It was just awesome...although we always have major meltdown whenever we go shopping at Walmart. It was a good weekend though. Well, I have about 50 posts to get done today so I am going to cheat a little and do individual personals!!


always chatty at the O!!
Chris - I am so glad you love eye-popping hugs. I do too. That's cool that all of your friends came over to hang out, even if it meant you didn't get to lounge like you had planned. Yay for a new week.


always chatty at the O!!
LindaS - the snooze button is bad. I hope you weren't late to work. I wanted to hit snooze repeatedly but got my butt out of bed anyway. Blah!! More sleep!!! I swear I am going to bed early tonight.


always chatty at the O!!
LindaW - I am so glad you got to have a lazy day yesterday. I had lazy moments but not a lazy day. I hope you got nice and relaxed for your first day with the new baby. I think it will go awesome. That sounds a little frustrating to not have an actual time of arrival but the timeing isn't too horrible and guys tend to like habits and I bet he'll bring him around the same time every day that he brings baby. Let us know how it goes.


always chatty at the O!!
Dawn - DH hasn't taken the test yet. He just went to the registry seminar and will be taking the test on the next couple of weeks. He just has to get it scheduled. he felt pretty good after the seminar so I think he'll be okay. The specialized tests are generally a little easier than the original x-ray test, but you still have to have a clue. So, riding motorcycles and jumping out of planes are totally not at the same danger level. I think riding a bike is extremely more dangerous that skydiving. You need to start saving up your change to do it next year. It was worth every penny.


always chatty at the O!!
ME - off for Yom Kippur, huh? That doesn't happen here. Cool that you get a day off though and yay for flu shots. I am a HUGE advocate of flu shots. Enjoy your day off.


always chatty at the O!!
Speaking of flu shots...GET ONE!! If you are healthy enough to get one, aren't allergic to eggs and want to decrease the likelihood of getting the flu and decreasing the symptoms if you do get sick...get the shot. It is coming on that time of year for flu season. This is especially important for children and the elderly.

Okay...harassment time is over.


always chatty at the O!!
Dianne - Yay!! Another talker. You are in good company. LOL!! There are a few of us who ramble on a bit. I love it. That is unfortunate that your DD has your stress level up. I hope that she is able to learn from these incidents and her life improves in the very near future. Did I read right the other day that you drank mojitos at a church function?? I need to come to your church. It is in Texas, isn't it?? :(

I think you should definately do the photography of teh wedding. If your friend has enough confidence in you to photograph her wedding...you should to. Weddings are big days so if she is willing to take the chance on you rather than hire a professional photographer I'm guessing she has put a lot of thought and effort into it. So take it on girl!! Rock the wedding photography and get a mini vacation out of the deal. Whoohoo!! Oh, and welcome to the Os. You're a friend of Sally's, right? YOu're gonna love hanging out here.


always chatty at the O!!
Lori - don't burn your quesidilla. Yummy. anything with cheese is goon enough for me. That sounds like a good plan to implement the school rules at home. That is awesome that your neighbor has noticed a difference. It is so sad that more people don't just confront their issues instead of sitting on them and bottling them up until they are mad and frustrated. Hopefully he'll learn in the future to just say what his issue is whether to you or someone els.e People can't make changes if they don't know there is a problem. I'm glad that is working out.


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! Big hugs, big waves. I love pooh, the real pooh, not the stuff my kids are watching these days. I mean, Tigger and Pooh is just fine, but the Pook of my chilhood is awesome. Thanks Chris!

I got 100% on my second paper. YAY! So all my stressing must be worth it. This week I have a paper, but it's in the "easy" class, so I'm going to try to do some scrapping this week. The spotlight challenge, for sure. Sue has some great LO's and the prizes are just TOOO good.

Miss Genevieve has been spiking a fever here and there, and has been acting "droopy." For some reason, when she's sick, she seems more "impared," so that's fun. She does a lot of rolling around, and rubbing her head on things ( I know, I don't get it either.) and she isn't eating either. Which is good, because she has diarrhea. fun.

Also, I'm broke. I hate this. And my financial counselor at school is totally dropping the ball, I should have my grant money by now, but she is just slacking. I am out of gas, so I'm driving my husband's truck. LOL that's one way to do it, right? It's a good idea to drive it anyway, I don't want it to freeze up or anything. But it's hard because it totally smells like him in there. *sigh* Also, it's a big truck with a full size bed and a big cab, the kind with second row seating... I know there's a word for it, but I forget. Anyway, so it's this big truck, and I usually drive a Toyota echo, which is tiny. So in the truck, I feel like I'm going to ram into everything. Hee hee!

Okay, big hugs everybody!


always chatty at the O!!
Andrea - I love pooh too. I have classic pooh and piglet tattooed on my leg. Poor Genevieve. Kids are so sad when they are sick. Ihope she feels better soon. Good work on your classes. that is awesome. I never went for 100% in my classes. Bad, I know. Have fun in the truck...payday is on Wednesday so you're almost there. Big hugs!!


Well-Known Member
Just popping in for a few minutes before we eat supper and head off to gymnastics. Just returned from the surgeon. Mom has a very small tumor...it was next to a benign cyst which is why they sent the results to Mayo to confirm. Anyway...lumpectomy should do the trick with 5 weeks of radiation. And the surgeon is a wonderful guy...just loved him.

Now, if the visit with Shaun's teacher goes as well...


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies!

Speaking of silly dreams....I had one last night where I was hired to take photos at a wedding and my camera was acting all crazy and not working right, so I was missing key photo opportunities and basically freaking out! lol It's amazing how what's on your mind works it's way into your dreams. Here's the really crazy part. I had a friend text me last night and she asked me if I would take pictures for her niece's wedding. I told her over and over that I haven't ever done anything like that before, but she wouldn't give up and said that I take awesome photos and she wants me to do it. They will even pay to fly me, my hubby and Gracie to VEGAS!!!!! They have a summer home in Vegas and that's where the wedding will be. I am so freaked over this! I have a week to decide and let her know. I don't know what to do! Obviously my dream is showing my doubts in myself being able to do it, too. lol I hate to not help out my friend, but wow, the pressure!

So, I will check in soon to catch up on personals. I need to get my grocery list together.....long day full of to-do's for me!

(((((((Di))))))) I soooo hear you on the DD problems my 25 yo DD is bipolar and is quite the handful. Anytime you need to vent your frustrations feel free, that's what we're here for :).

As to the wedding photos I say GO FOR IT! Just be sure to take a back up camera LOL and enjoy yourself :).



Well-Known Member
Just popping in for a few minutes before we eat supper and head off to gymnastics. Just returned from the surgeon. Mom has a very small tumor...it was next to a benign cyst which is why they sent the results to Mayo to confirm. Anyway...lumpectomy should do the trick with 5 weeks of radiation. And the surgeon is a wonderful guy...just loved him.

Now, if the visit with Shaun's teacher goes as well...

This is fantabulous news, Linda!!!! Thanks for letting us know :).


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody! Big hugs, big waves. I love pooh, the real pooh, not the stuff my kids are watching these days. I mean, Tigger and Pooh is just fine, but the Pook of my chilhood is awesome. Thanks Chris!

I got 100% on my second paper. YAY! So all my stressing must be worth it. This week I have a paper, but it's in the "easy" class, so I'm going to try to do some scrapping this week. The spotlight challenge, for sure. Sue has some great LO's and the prizes are just TOOO good.

Miss Genevieve has been spiking a fever here and there, and has been acting "droopy." For some reason, when she's sick, she seems more "impared," so that's fun. She does a lot of rolling around, and rubbing her head on things ( I know, I don't get it either.) and she isn't eating either. Which is good, because she has diarrhea. fun.

Also, I'm broke. I hate this. And my financial counselor at school is totally dropping the ball, I should have my grant money by now, but she is just slacking. I am out of gas, so I'm driving my husband's truck. LOL that's one way to do it, right? It's a good idea to drive it anyway, I don't want it to freeze up or anything. But it's hard because it totally smells like him in there. *sigh* Also, it's a big truck with a full size bed and a big cab, the kind with second row seating... I know there's a word for it, but I forget. Anyway, so it's this big truck, and I usually drive a Toyota echo, which is tiny. So in the truck, I feel like I'm going to ram into everything. Hee hee!

Okay, big hugs everybody!

Woohoo!!! WTG on the 100%!!! Hope little Genevieve gets to feeling better quickly!


Well-Known Member
Dawn - DH hasn't taken the test yet. He just went to the registry seminar and will be taking the test on the next couple of weeks. He just has to get it scheduled. he felt pretty good after the seminar so I think he'll be okay. The specialized tests are generally a little easier than the original x-ray test, but you still have to have a clue. So, riding motorcycles and jumping out of planes are totally not at the same danger level. I think riding a bike is extremely more dangerous that skydiving. You need to start saving up your change to do it next year. It was worth every penny.

Ahhh I see! LoL! Well good luck to him just the same :). Well, the saving might take me a little bit....read on to see why.


Well-Known Member
Well....I got good news and bad news today...I'm not really sure if the bad news is bad or not....well, it is somewhat LOL.

I got fired this afternoon. I kinda saw it coming and those of you that have known me a while know what I've been going through at work. Then last week on Thurs afternoon I was at work projectile vomiting...I had witnesses(poor girls!). Two of us went home that afternoon and were still sick Friday, plus, I had the flu several wks ago and missed 2 days. So, that's it for me too much missed time within 6 months. Irony of it is last wk we got an email about everything that's going around and how they want us to not come in if we have symptoms LMBO.

Plus, today DH's workplace got told there will be layoffs, they're going to try voluntary at first but if that doesn't work there will be mandatory. He's been there the longest so he should be ok but still makes me :::shudder:::.

My workplace timed it just right, insurance terminates at the end of the month in which you are terminated. I'm not doing COBRA, too expensive. They no longer do a severance pkg. So I get my last 2 wks and today's pay and that's it. My ex-boss-from you know where couldn't even look me in the eye and her face was white as a sheet. The human resources lady was really nice though.

Soooo, I'm going to take a little time off to get the house in order and deep-cleaned. Have a yard sale of all my paper scrappin' stuff....and start the job search. One thing around here that's always available are jobs in the med field. I think I need a break from it though. I may clean houses for a bit or sit with the elderly. I don't know. I'm doing lots of praying and will see what comes along.

On top of all of that my grandma had a mini-stroke (TIA) today and I can't get her to go to hosp or even to a doctor. She said she would if it happens again....argh....I tried to explain to her if it happens again it might not be a mini but she's stubborn. I did tell her now is the perfect time for me to help her by taking her wherever she needs to go :).

So funny how there's a bright side to nearly every situation if you just look for it :).
I'll have some extra scrappin' time and exercise time, too, maybe I can get off my blood pressure med!! So..that's my day...a little yucky and I imagine I'll cry a little about it but then I can remember at least for a few days I don't have to set the alarm LOL and I don't have to see that ughy boss again oh and I never told y'all her name but get this it's mic-HELL-e, appropriate, huh?!