
Daily Ooos: May 4-5: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy happy weekend!
*blows some smoke away*
Are everyone's credit cards smoking from the DSD sales? So many amazing deals and new designers and sheesh! Just everything is amazing. I *had* to get a kit by Aimee Harrison.
Had. To.
I loooove fantasy-style kits and had a blast playing with this one. You know how some days, the LO just flows out of you? I had that yesterday. I get annoyed by the other times I sit down and a LO fights me. :batfight:: YKWIM? I think my fight-to-flow ratio is in the "fight's" favor so I appreciate the flow days so much more.
I was busy the entire day and other than the scrap page and a yummy dinner, I don't feel like I accomplished anything. Everything on my To-Do list was crossed off and I even did a deep clean on my bathroom. I think that the party and the shower are overwhelming me. Gary wasn't feeling good yesterday so he rested much of the day. I'm glad we were able to celebrate his b-day the day before.
Dinner-- I made a Vegan Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad and Crispy Black Bean Tacos. Really good! I added cheese to some of the tacos for me, Gary, and Cait and left some plain for Tom. I would never have thought that vegan mayo would taste similar to regular but I find that it works perfectly in most recipes.
ETA: The vegan mayo was for the pasta salad, in case you were wondering what the heck I was talking about!

I am off to the FP (Food Pantry- We lived solely on Gary's SS Disability for years and credit cards were the only way to make ends meet. The FP has been such a huge help to my family. Everyone knows I go-- I'm trying to destigmatize it- other than my parents who would be devastated and would want to give us more money/food that they can't afford to give us) this morning and then I'm going to my parents after lunch. My dad's surgery went well and as of dinner time last right, still going home. I haven't heard differently so that's what I am assuming. I'll call in a bit to check in.
Shoulder replacement is same-day surgery-- seems crazy but if that's how they do it... *shrugs*

I hope that everyone enjoys the day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday has the weather been nice for you? I wish I had an area to sit outside and drink coffee. My goal is one year clean the patio well enough to make it a nice place to relax. It hasn't happened yet in the 29 years we have been here LOL
I have to look for your ATC pages, congrats on finishing them!!

@taxed4ever Don't feel too bad about your missing siggie, mine is from February *winks*
Darn wind on the lake! What a pain that it wouldn't cooperate for you and Linda. Hopefully, you'll have an amazing season ahead and will be able to spend lots of time on the lake. That's awful about the construction traffic. Between that and the Bruins losing, I'm glad that your morning was at least fun.
I can never get good pictures hiking with a group but on my own, I end up with a million photos of *one* mushroom Ha!!!
Ok, so you might *technically* be retired but you do more in one day than I do in weeks all together haha!
OOOOHHH! I scrolled down and saw your beautiful siggie!!!!! :lovey3:

@AK_Tracy ((((((hugs)))))) What an ordeal you went through trying to help your kids before you knew what it was.
My college roommate has three kids. Two have Cystic fibrosis and one was born with a spinal issue. Way back when, I was talking to her about my kids' illness and then felt awful and insensitive. Who was I to complain to her about kids with illness? Ya know??
She told me that her struggles don't take anything away from mine and that stuck with me to this day.
IMHO-- It's to everyone's benefit to lift each other up and support them. I feel it every day I am here in the Ooos. Always have and so happy you feel it too ♥
Age is such a weird thing. Sometimes I feel young and then I see myself in the mirror-like in a store when I am not expecting it- and I scare myself!! :floorlaugh:
Vicki Robinson has a fantastic kit Age is Just a Number-- I am trying to link it but the shop is running slow

@pachimac Did the sleep Dr give you any idea how long it typically takes to adjust to sleeping with the mask? I hope that last night was easier for you. *high 5* for going to the gym especially since you weren't feeling it!!!! :bowdown2:

@JeanneMN Ha! So it was you making all of that smoke with your credit card! And @AK_Tracy too! what did you both get??
BTW- That is such a special way to honor your friends, you gave me goosebumps. I imagine they are happy watching you live that way

@Cherylndesigns The woman in FL sounds like a hoot! There's that meme about being old that story made me think of, if I can find it i'll post it.

@mimes1 Good for you! That's an awesome step streak!!

@shauilee Thanks for the good thoughts for my dad! That's the sweetest photo of your kitty. But of course, he prefers the box! Cats are too funny that way :giggle4:



Well-Known Member
Happy happy weekend!
*blows some smoke away*
Are everyone's credit cards smoking from the DSD sales? So many amazing deals and new designers and sheesh! Just everything is amazing. I *had* to get a kit by Aimee Harrison.
Had. To.
I loooove fantasy-style kits and had a blast playing with this one. You know how some days, the LO just flows out of you? I had that yesterday. I get annoyed by the other times I sit down and a LO fights me. :batfight:: YKWIM? I think my fight-to-flow ratio is in the "fight's" favor so I appreciate the flow days so much more.
I was busy the entire day and other than the scrap page and a yummy dinner, I don't feel like I accomplished anything. Everything on my To-Do list was crossed off and I even did a deep clean on my bathroom. I think that the party and the shower are overwhelming me. Gary wasn't feeling good yesterday so he rested much of the day. I'm glad we were able to celebrate his b-day the day before.
Dinner-- I made a Vegan Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad and Crispy Black Bean Tacos. Really good! I added cheese to some of the tacos for me, Gary, and Cait and left some plain for Tom. I would never have thought that vegan mayo would taste similar to regular but I find that it works perfectly in most recipes.
ETA: The vegan mayo was for the pasta salad, in case you were wondering what the heck I was talking about!

I am off to the FP (Food Pantry- We lived solely on Gary's SS Disability for years and credit cards were the only way to make ends meet. The FP has been such a huge help to my family. Everyone knows I go-- I'm trying to destigmatize it- other than my parents who would be devastated and would want to give us more money/food that they can't afford to give us) this morning and then I'm going to my parents after lunch. My dad's surgery went well and as of dinner time last right, still going home. I haven't heard differently so that's what I am assuming. I'll call in a bit to check in.
Shoulder replacement is same-day surgery-- seems crazy but if that's how they do it... *shrugs*

I hope that everyone enjoys the day!
Shoulder replacement is pretty easy surgery I had it done mid Oct. no pain pills needed .... It's really not that bad so don't worry so much.
So glad there are FP's to help families who really need it. Good luck to you.


Not sure how I managed to miss posting here yesterday. I was busy most of the day. Had the pest control guy here just before lunch. Then I was off to grocery store to get some fruit, veggies, and bread. Picked up mail and sorted through it - need to pay a couple of bills today. Then DD#3 and son came down to pick up the package of gorilla shelves.... they are cleaning out their garage and need the shelves for storage. Also talked to sister last evening. By then the day was done and I was ready to head for bed. I do remember looking at some kits/collections but couldn't make up my mind what I wanted to work on. Have a few non-scrapping chores I need to get done also - so taking a scrapping break this weekend and work on them. CYL


Love my O Family!
Happy happy weekend!
*blows some smoke away*
Are everyone's credit cards smoking from the DSD sales? So many amazing deals and new designers and sheesh! Just everything is amazing. I *had* to get a kit by Aimee Harrison.
Had. To.
I loooove fantasy-style kits and had a blast playing with this one. You know how some days, the LO just flows out of you? I had that yesterday. I get annoyed by the other times I sit down and a LO fights me. :batfight:: YKWIM? I think my fight-to-flow ratio is in the "fight's" favor so I appreciate the flow days so much more.
I was busy the entire day and other than the scrap page and a yummy dinner, I don't feel like I accomplished anything. Everything on my To-Do list was crossed off and I even did a deep clean on my bathroom. I think that the party and the shower are overwhelming me. Gary wasn't feeling good yesterday so he rested much of the day. I'm glad we were able to celebrate his b-day the day before.
Dinner-- I made a Vegan Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad and Crispy Black Bean Tacos. Really good! I added cheese to some of the tacos for me, Gary, and Cait and left some plain for Tom. I would never have thought that vegan mayo would taste similar to regular but I find that it works perfectly in most recipes.
ETA: The vegan mayo was for the pasta salad, in case you were wondering what the heck I was talking about!

I am off to the FP (Food Pantry- We lived solely on Gary's SS Disability for years and credit cards were the only way to make ends meet. The FP has been such a huge help to my family. Everyone knows I go-- I'm trying to destigmatize it- other than my parents who would be devastated and would want to give us more money/food that they can't afford to give us) this morning and then I'm going to my parents after lunch. My dad's surgery went well and as of dinner time last right, still going home. I haven't heard differently so that's what I am assuming. I'll call in a bit to check in.
Shoulder replacement is same-day surgery-- seems crazy but if that's how they do it... *shrugs*

I hope that everyone enjoys the day!
I sure hope Gary is feeling better today.
My mojo for scrapping is about nil. I'm forcing myself to get my ATCs done each day.
Hope your dad made it home yesterday.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday has the weather been nice for you? I wish I had an area to sit outside and drink coffee. My goal is one year clean the patio well enough to make it a nice place to relax. It hasn't happened yet in the 29 years we have been here LOL
I have to look for your ATC pages, congrats on finishing them!!

@taxed4ever Don't feel too bad about your missing siggie, mine is from February *winks*
Darn wind on the lake! What a pain that it wouldn't cooperate for you and Linda. Hopefully, you'll have an amazing season ahead and will be able to spend lots of time on the lake. That's awful about the construction traffic. Between that and the Bruins losing, I'm glad that your morning was at least fun.
I can never get good pictures hiking with a group but on my own, I end up with a million photos of *one* mushroom Ha!!!
Ok, so you might *technically* be retired but you do more in one day than I do in weeks all together haha!
OOOOHHH! I scrolled down and saw your beautiful siggie!!!!! :lovey3:

@AK_Tracy ((((((hugs)))))) What an ordeal you went through trying to help your kids before you knew what it was.
My college roommate has three kids. Two have Cystic fibrosis and one was born with a spinal issue. Way back when, I was talking to her about my kids' illness and then felt awful and insensitive. Who was I to complain to her about kids with illness? Ya know??
She told me that her struggles don't take anything away from mine and that stuck with me to this day.
IMHO-- It's to everyone's benefit to lift each other up and support them. I feel it every day I am here in the Ooos. Always have and so happy you feel it too ♥
Age is such a weird thing. Sometimes I feel young and then I see myself in the mirror-like in a store when I am not expecting it- and I scare myself!! :floorlaugh:
Vicki Robinson has a fantastic kit Age is Just a Number-- I am trying to link it but the shop is running slow

@pachimac Did the sleep Dr give you any idea how long it typically takes to adjust to sleeping with the mask? I hope that last night was easier for you. *high 5* for going to the gym especially since you weren't feeling it!!!! :bowdown2:

@JeanneMN Ha! So it was you making all of that smoke with your credit card! And @AK_Tracy too! what did you both get??
BTW- That is such a special way to honor your friends, you gave me goosebumps. I imagine they are happy watching you live that way

@Cherylndesigns The woman in FL sounds like a hoot! There's that meme about being old that story made me think of, if I can find it i'll post it.

@mimes1 Good for you! That's an awesome step streak!!

@shauilee Thanks for the good thoughts for my dad! That's the sweetest photo of your kitty. But of course, he prefers the box! Cats are too funny that way :giggle4:

Our weather this week has been . Too hot for me. But the mornings have been pretty nice. That's when I sit out on the deck. The birds don't like it. Today is rainy and cooler so far. Mark and I ate breakfast out there. Actually we're still enjoying the pitter patter of the rain on the metal roof! So nice!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Just watched a squirrel run across our patio and deck with a walnut in its mouth. Wish I could have known he was coming so I could take a picture. I'm sure he was as surprised to see us. Mark and I are listening to the rain on the metal roof of the deck. The deck was added to the car port patio about 10 years ago. Mark about lost his life as a piece of the roof slid down and landed on the back of Mark's neck. But the Lord had other plans for him to marry me after my husband died. Thank You Lord!
The rain is going to be around all day so no working in the woods for Mark. He wants me to ride along as he goes to Lowe's and harbor freight. I'm going to stay in the car, however!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
Quick check in before work. @faerywings I agree with your comment about that your friend made. Yes, pain is pain and just because they are different doesn't take away from someone else. I said that to a friend who was having issues with her thumbs and needed surgery. She was talking about how much it hurt and she knew what we had been through. I told her I was sorry she was in pain. Then her comment of I shouldn't complain. But yes you should. Pain is pain. Mine is just different and doesn't take away how she feels. I feel we should lift each other up and not try to win the "whoa is me" match. That's not fun. When I see someone in the store and I think a compliment, I usually tell them. Why cant we just say Wow you look fabulous? No one has ever frowned or gotten mad. That's what I love here. So uplifting and caring. It also doesn't feel drippy fake lets put on a show to feel good. I love my new home. Its warm and full of wonderful people. As for my smoking cc yeah, couldn't resist. I got some of the Aspiration pieces, the music kit that is new (thanks to the amazing layouts I keep seeing), some of the kits in my wishlist, I forget the name but its AFT and green mini kit. I've been drooling over the greens for a month so I had to have it. I cant remember what else I bought but one was Aimees Gotta Latte.I thin it was six things I bought LOL And I had just promised myself to buy one a month and that was all. Oh well, the sale made it cost about the same as one big kit so I am going with that theory. :giggle4:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Saturday morning ladies! I slept in a bit and now have to be quick in and out of here as we are headed to Costco this morning. The weather has changed a bit from sunny and warm to rainy and a bit cooler, but that’s ok we need the rain! I finally managed to get my signature made yesterday and wanted to do more scrapping, but I have started a new painting and it was calling my name. I decided to try painting flowers and see if I can do it. This one is of a Dahlia and I hope it turns out, I will post a photo when I am done. I was going to send out coupons for the challenge winners yesterday and then realized that I can’t do that until after INSD sales are over, so I have the weekend off from doing that. So many gorgeous kits etc for the sale!! If only I had more time to play!! Anyway I just wanted to pop in and see how everyone was doing today! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Sorry that I don’t have time to do personals, but I know you wonderful ladies all understand :lovey3:


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
@pachimac Did the sleep Dr give you any idea how long it typically takes to adjust to sleeping with the mask? I hope that last night was easier for you. *high 5* for going to the gym especially since you weren't feeling it!!!! :bowdown2:
It was a horrible night again. I tried a larger mask and the fit was fine, but my CPAP has a ramp up feature where the pressure slowly builds and as it got to the higher pressures, it kept leaking with a farting type sound and waking me up. I slept maybe 4 hours tops and I had to get up and drive Vegas to Barstow (2.5 hours) to take Meli's friend home from spending the week with us. Her Mom meets us 1/2 way which is Barstow. Anyway, I was SOO tired as I had to get up at 5:30 am. I just got home and I feel sleepy but I'm not going to nap so that maybe I can fall asleep from exhaustion tonight! I did have to wind up getting a Starbucks Frap with non fat milk because I needed the caffeine!

I have to call Monday and set up a respiratory therapist to come to the house and figure it out with me.

Yeah, I was proud of myself with the gym. I have been really good since February - 3x a week to the circuit classes! It really helps and having the class and people counting on me helps me keep motivated. I don't have a gym buddy.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns The woman in FL sounds like a hoot! There's that meme about being old that story made me think of, if I can find it i'll post it.

Yes, she was a hoot! You didn't want to mess with her She carried a gun in her purse. The older people down there are real partiers, too. They have their cocktail hours and dinner parties. We were good friends with the couple across the street, who were older than Chuck. What characters - there was always a bunch of people over there. They used to have "Drinks on The Drive" - several of them did that and what fun they were. People just went from driveway to driveway and there was serious libation going on.

I know of a funny meme too if I can find it. Found it - at least my fave. It was in my pictures.

Last edited:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
It was a horrible night again. I tried a larger mask and the fit was fine, but my CPAP has a ramp up feature where the pressure slowly builds and as it got to the higher pressures, it kept leaking with a farting type sound and waking me up. I slept maybe 4 hours tops and I had to get up and drive Vegas to Barstow (2.5 hours) to take Meli's friend home from spending the week with us. Her Mom meets us 1/2 way which is Barstow. Anyway, I was SOO tired as I had to get up at 5:30 am. I just got home and I feel sleepy but I'm not going to nap so that maybe I can fall asleep from exhaustion tonight! I did have to wind up getting a Starbucks Frap with non fat milk because I needed the caffeine!

I have to call Monday and set up a respiratory therapist to come to the house and figure it out with me.

Yeah, I was proud of myself with the gym. I have been really good since February - 3x a week to the circuit classes! It really helps and having the class and people counting on me helps me keep motivated. I don't have a gym buddy.
:yourock: on going to the gym!

Glad you can get somebody to come out to the house and figure this Cpap out for you.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Happy Saturday morning ladies! I slept in a bit and now have to be quick in and out of here as we are headed to Costco this morning. The weather has changed a bit from sunny and warm to rainy and a bit cooler, but that’s ok we need the rain! I finally managed to get my signature made yesterday and wanted to do more scrapping, but I have started a new painting and it was calling my name. I decided to try painting flowers and see if I can do it. This one is of a Dahlia and I hope it turns out, I will post a photo when I am done. I was going to send out coupons for the challenge winners yesterday and then realized that I can’t do that until after INSD sales are over, so I have the weekend off from doing that. So many gorgeous kits etc for the sale!! If only I had more time to play!! Anyway I just wanted to pop in and see how everyone was doing today! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Sorry that I don’t have time to do personals, but I know you wonderful ladies all understand :lovey3:
We totally understand, Trudy. I can't wait to see your new painting!!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Quick check in before work. @faerywings I agree with your comment about that your friend made. Yes, pain is pain and just because they are different doesn't take away from someone else. I said that to a friend who was having issues with her thumbs and needed surgery. She was talking about how much it hurt and she knew what we had been through. I told her I was sorry she was in pain. Then her comment of I shouldn't complain. But yes you should. Pain is pain. Mine is just different and doesn't take away how she feels. I feel we should lift each other up and not try to win the "whoa is me" match. That's not fun. When I see someone in the store and I think a compliment, I usually tell them. Why cant we just say Wow you look fabulous? No one has ever frowned or gotten mad. That's what I love here. So uplifting and caring. It also doesn't feel drippy fake lets put on a show to feel good. I love my new home. Its warm and full of wonderful people. As for my smoking cc yeah, couldn't resist. I got some of the Aspiration pieces, the music kit that is new (thanks to the amazing layouts I keep seeing), some of the kits in my wishlist, I forget the name but its AFT and green mini kit. I've been drooling over the greens for a month so I had to have it. I cant remember what else I bought but one was Aimees Gotta Latte.I thin it was six things I bought LOL And I had just promised myself to buy one a month and that was all. Oh well, the sale made it cost about the same as one big kit so I am going with that theory. :giggle4:
We're so happy that you're happy here in your new hOme at The O, Tracy! This is a wonderful place with wonderful people. :heartpumpred::heartpumpred:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning,
Just watched a squirrel run across our patio and deck with a walnut in its mouth. Wish I could have known he was coming so I could take a picture. I'm sure he was as surprised to see us. Mark and I are listening to the rain on the metal roof of the deck. The deck was added to the car port patio about 10 years ago. Mark about lost his life as a piece of the roof slid down and landed on the back of Mark's neck. But the Lord had other plans for him to marry me after my husband died. Thank You Lord!
The rain is going to be around all day so no working in the woods for Mark. He wants me to ride along as he goes to Lowe's and harbor freight. I'm going to stay in the car, however!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Yes, thank The Lord that Mark wasn't taken. What a miracle for ALL of you. Aren't metal roofs the best? Our whole house has one. Oh, when it's thunderstorming or hailing like it did the other night, they can be very scary sounding, though


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Happy happy weekend!
*blows some smoke away*
Are everyone's credit cards smoking from the DSD sales? So many amazing deals and new designers and sheesh! Just everything is amazing. I *had* to get a kit by Aimee Harrison.
Had. To.
I loooove fantasy-style kits and had a blast playing with this one. You know how some days, the LO just flows out of you? I had that yesterday. I get annoyed by the other times I sit down and a LO fights me. :batfight:: YKWIM? I think my fight-to-flow ratio is in the "fight's" favor so I appreciate the flow days so much more.
I was busy the entire day and other than the scrap page and a yummy dinner, I don't feel like I accomplished anything. Everything on my To-Do list was crossed off and I even did a deep clean on my bathroom. I think that the party and the shower are overwhelming me. Gary wasn't feeling good yesterday so he rested much of the day. I'm glad we were able to celebrate his b-day the day before.
Dinner-- I made a Vegan Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad and Crispy Black Bean Tacos. Really good! I added cheese to some of the tacos for me, Gary, and Cait and left some plain for Tom. I would never have thought that vegan mayo would taste similar to regular but I find that it works perfectly in most recipes.
ETA: The vegan mayo was for the pasta salad, in case you were wondering what the heck I was talking about!

I am off to the FP (Food Pantry- We lived solely on Gary's SS Disability for years and credit cards were the only way to make ends meet. The FP has been such a huge help to my family. Everyone knows I go-- I'm trying to destigmatize it- other than my parents who would be devastated and would want to give us more money/food that they can't afford to give us) this morning and then I'm going to my parents after lunch. My dad's surgery went well and as of dinner time last right, still going home. I haven't heard differently so that's what I am assuming. I'll call in a bit to check in.
Shoulder replacement is same-day surgery-- seems crazy but if that's how they do it... *shrugs*

I hope that everyone enjoys the day!
I'm so glad your dad's surgery went well, Chris. My credit/debit card smokes all the time. LOL I bought my ferns today! They aren't HUGE, but they will be. They go up in price every year and you have to pay big bucks for the huge ones now. I got mine 2 for $20 at Lowe's. They'll be huge in no time, but at least I got them and Ava hung them for me already. They really perk my porch up. We thanked Chuck for buying those "pull down" holders. Of course, (short person problem) I can't reach them when they're all the way up. I wanted to hang my asparagas fern up there, temporarily, the other day so I took a broom handle that had a hole in the top, hooked it through the pull down hook and got it down. Short people have to be inventive. :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Not sure how I managed to miss posting here yesterday. I was busy most of the day. Had the pest control guy here just before lunch. Then I was off to grocery store to get some fruit, veggies, and bread. Picked up mail and sorted through it - need to pay a couple of bills today. Then DD#3 and son came down to pick up the package of gorilla shelves.... they are cleaning out their garage and need the shelves for storage. Also talked to sister last evening. By then the day was done and I was ready to head for bed. I do remember looking at some kits/collections but couldn't make up my mind what I wanted to work on. Have a few non-scrapping chores I need to get done also - so taking a scrapping break this weekend and work on them. CYL
Sounds like you've been busy, Kay.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
We drove all day yesterday from Virginia to Cleveland, which is tiring, but we had arranged to spend the night with cousin. it was great getting to know him and his wife better. Today was a 4 hour ride in a van down to Cincinnati; where we will start our bike four tomorrow. On the ride I read this thread and said "sale?!" so part of the 4 hours was me buying a few things on my phone. I won't be able to download until next week,when I get back to my computer, and by then I won't remember what I bought so it will be a delightful surprise all over again.

That's one of the fun things about getting an Amazon package delivered - I can never remember what I ordered so it's like Christmas (to myself).

So everyone cross their fingers and wish for No rain the next week while we bike from the Ohio River to Lake Erie!


Love my O Family!
We drove all day yesterday from Virginia to Cleveland, which is tiring, but we had arranged to spend the night with cousin. it was great getting to know him and his wife better. Today was a 4 hour ride in a van down to Cincinnati; where we will start our bike four tomorrow. On the ride I read this thread and said "sale?!" so part of the 4 hours was me buying a few things on my phone. I won't be able to download until next week,when I get back to my computer, and by then I won't remember what I bought so it will be a delightful surprise all over again.

That's one of the fun things about getting an Amazon package delivered - I can never remember what I ordered so it's like Christmas (to myself).

So everyone cross their fingers and wish for No rain the next week while we bike from the Ohio River to Lake Erie!
Praying for a safe ride and no rain!!! :praying2::praying2:


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone! Hope you all are having a great day so far! This morning Mark and I had our morning coffee (me) and tea (him) outside in front of the chiminea. It was very peaceful. This evening we saw some our herd of deer - 5 tonight. Last night there were 10 or 12. We put corn out for them. Last week we saw a fox in broad daylight running through our neighbors yard. We've had neighbors tell us they're around but had never seen one before then. We also have groundhogs here! Living with all this wildlife at our backdoor is something we absolutely love. In California we were much more urban so this is country living at it's finest for us!
I sure hope Gary is feeling better today.
My mojo for scrapping is about nil. I'm forcing myself to get my ATCs done each day.
Hope your dad made it home yesterday.
@vickyday I scrolled through your ATC's the other day. They look very nice all put together on the 8.5 x 11, and they all look sooooo good!! You are very talented.


Well-Known Member
We drove all day yesterday from Virginia to Cleveland, which is tiring, but we had arranged to spend the night with cousin. it was great getting to know him and his wife better. Today was a 4 hour ride in a van down to Cincinnati; where we will start our bike four tomorrow. On the ride I read this thread and said "sale?!" so part of the 4 hours was me buying a few things on my phone. I won't be able to download until next week,when I get back to my computer, and by then I won't remember what I bought so it will be a delightful surprise all over again.

That's one of the fun things about getting an Amazon package delivered - I can never remember what I ordered so it's like Christmas (to myself).

So everyone cross their fingers and wish for No rain the next week while we bike from the Ohio River to Lake Erie!
@Terri M My sister lives in Toledo and she goes on Bike trips in her area all the time. I wonder if you have crossed paths. I'll have to get more information from her on what she's done and what organization she rides with. Wouldn't that be a small world if you're with the same group?


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I came to the O looking for change & in the process got obsessed with the vibe I get here and with Anna Aspnes. I picked up some Art Play Palettes and a bunch of templates. The O has been OMG for me in so many ways. All of the new stuff is cataloged and ready to go. Weather it supposed to be nice today. We have 4 racks of ribs we're going to put on the smoker grill . We leave them on for about 6 hours and they are m-m-m GOOD! .


Well-Known Member
Well this is the day of our dear friends Celebration of Life. Family is here from MA, NY and CA. Last night I cooked up the 150 egg rolls we made last week, now I can just put in the oven at the club. I made the photo board, I painted background added palm tree of poster board and real palm fronds but I will add more on right side later, in front of that palm will be a bucket with his fav beer in it.. We are expecting a huge crowd so there will be lots of food and drinks honor guard and I will be releasing Monarchs in honor of him. Sad but he wanted a party so he will get his wish!!!


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Well-Known Member
I came to the O looking for change & in the process got obsessed with the vibe I get here and with Anna Aspnes. I picked up some Art Play Palettes and a bunch of templates. The O has been OMG for me in so many ways. All of the new stuff is cataloged and ready to go. Weather it supposed to be nice today. We have 4 racks of ribs we're going to put on the smoker grill . We leave them on for about 6 hours and they are m-m-m GOOD! .
Ribs on smoker....yum...sounds delicious


The Loopy-O
I found the meme I was looking for



Well-Known Member
We drove all day yesterday from Virginia to Cleveland, which is tiring, but we had arranged to spend the night with cousin. it was great getting to know him and his wife better. Today was a 4 hour ride in a van down to Cincinnati; where we will start our bike four tomorrow. On the ride I read this thread and said "sale?!" so part of the 4 hours was me buying a few things on my phone. I won't be able to download until next week,when I get back to my computer, and by then I won't remember what I bought so it will be a delightful surprise all over again.

That's one of the fun things about getting an Amazon package delivered - I can never remember what I ordered so it's like Christmas (to myself).

So everyone cross their fingers and wish for No rain the next week while we bike from the Ohio River to Lake Erie!
Hi Terri, good luck with your ride. I can't wait to see photos and layouts, yours are always so beautiful.
And, fingers crossed for no rain! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Well this is the day of our dear friends Celebration of Life. Family is here from MA, NY and CA. Last night I cooked up the 150 egg rolls we made last week, now I can just put in the oven at the club. I made the photo board, I painted background added palm tree of poster board and real palm fronds but I will add more on right side later, in front of that palm will be a bucket with his fav beer in it.. We are expecting a huge crowd so there will be lots of food and drinks honor guard and I will be releasing Monarchs in honor of him. Sad but he wanted a party so he will get his wish!!!
Thinking of you Debby, it sounds like it will be a meaningful celebration of life. I know you have been such a comfort to his wife, sending hugs to you my friend. :beatingheart:


The Loopy-O
GooOOOOOd morning, O-Fam!

How are ya doin' today? As of right now ( 7 am Eastern) the site seems to be running at a normal speed. Yesterday morning, it was like molasses.

It felt like yesterday was several days rolled into one. FP was good- they had cheese and eggs and they always load me up with dog food cans. They take good care of my girls :dancingdog: The director is one of the nicest people I've ever met. She greets everyone by name and asks how they are doing, always asks how my dogs and Cait's rats are. She recently won an award from the town for her volunteer work. She and her team make it easy to be there. The first time I went to a FP I cried. I was ashamed, I think, and the woman there was sooooo sweet. Her name was Sandy and her DD was having a baby girl right as Covid hit. That FP closed and I still wonder how she and that baby-- now 4 yo!-- are doing.

The three of us went down to see my parents and Gary and I got the roof to their gazebo on. Gary tried to get my mom's new cell phone working and that was :rolleyes1: . My dad looked good! I think he still had some after-effects of the anesthesia - he was a little loopy. We got his ice bucket wrap set up for him and running before we left. It's a good thing because my mom wouldn't have been able to figure it out.

I already started my grocery order while I was drinking my coffee this morning. I have two goals for today: 1. Grocery list/menu for the week and 2. get the May Bash ATC cards and menu pulled together. Anywhere between 14 and 20+ people will be here in two weeks and I am not gonna be ready. :thud: I am working 4 days this week and I am not used to that. It's good, just more time management skills than I have.

Wishing everyone a great day!