
Daily Ooos: May 4-5: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
@BoatLady Thanks for the good thoughts for my dad! He had his hip done twice and his other shoulder 2 years ago. I tease him that he is winning the contest with my dog who has had both knees done. And that it ends *here and now.* bwuahah!

@BrightEyes You sure had a busy day and it's no wonder you never had a chance to pop in here. You were all talked out with your family♥ Must have been so good to see DD#3 and DGS and then to end the day with your sister.

@vickyday I hope that your mojo comes back soon!
Your morning on the deck must be a wonderful way to start the day. My neighbor feeds the birds and squirrels peanuts and I always get a kick out of seeing them run through my yard with them in their mouths.
Oh my! That must have been terrifying when the roof came down on Mark!

@AK_Tracy I love your attitude! It takes just as much effort to be kind as it is to be mean- actually, unless you are mean to my family, it's much easier to be nice. I always write a little note on my FP paper, thanking them and they have told me how good that makes them feel. It is only a scribbled sentence, but I guess a little goes a long way. I wish more people saw it like you do.
This place has that vibe, doesn't it? I love it here, I'm elated that you all do too!

@taxed4ever Oooh you are going to paint flowers! I love dahlias and I bet that your painting will be awesome!! (You should add a teeny tiny turtle to it, hidden in the leaves, just for kicks. JK, I think you are done with turtles for now LOL!!!) I can't wait for you to share the pics of it, you have such talent!
I can see your siggie.

@pachimac Bergh about sleeping and the machine waking you up. Are you sure the noise wasn't your DH and he was blaming it on the machine :rotfl: Good luck calling for an appt tomorrow, I hope they can get it working properly for you. It's not much help if it wakes you up constantly.:/
So proud of you for getting to the gym! I've been slacking on yoga since I started working more and I can feel the difference. boo. But you got this!!!

@Cherylndesigns That meme is *you*!! 100% Cheryl. To a T. Hahahaha!
Drinks on the Drive sounds awe-some!
dance3 So glad you got your ferns up!! They will be huge in no time but I bet they look fresh and pretty already.
Short people have to be inventive, that is for sure!

@Terri M No rain vibes coming your way~~~~~ (unless it is at night to clean the air so it is fresh for you)
Bwuahhahahha!!!! That's hysterical that you were O-Shopping on your phone. You are going to be super excited when you get back home and find all of the goodies you bought :p
When my Lyme Brain was really bad I couldn't hold onto a thought for more than a second. That was me all day, every day. Christmas shopping was like that. I couldn't remember what I bought or wrapped (or hid!!) gifts. it was a surprise for everyone when they unwrapped it. :rotfl:

@mimes1 I am sorry, I can't remember where you live now. I know you were in San Diego -- the zoo part was easy to remember LOL-- but isn't it exciting to see the deer and the fox! Have you found a lot of new-to-you birds?

@JeanneMN You have no idea-- it makes my heart happy when you say that you're obsessed with the vibe here! me too! So you've been having fun just Art-Playing? Thats just-- Perfect!! :love:
Hope you enjoyed the ribs!

@BoatLady The celebration of life sounds like it is exactly as your friend wanted. I hope that there was love and fun and happy tears. Thinking of you and all who loved him ~~


Well-Known Member
GooOOOOOd morning, O-Fam!

How are ya doin' today? As of right now ( 7 am Eastern) the site seems to be running at a normal speed. Yesterday morning, it was like molasses.

It felt like yesterday was several days rolled into one. FP was good- they had cheese and eggs and they always load me up with dog food cans. They take good care of my girls :dancingdog: The director is one of the nicest people I've ever met. She greets everyone by name and asks how they are doing, always asks how my dogs and Cait's rats are. She recently won an award from the town for her volunteer work. She and her team make it easy to be there. The first time I went to a FP I cried. I was ashamed, I think, and the woman there was sooooo sweet. Her name was Sandy and her DD was having a baby girl right as Covid hit. That FP closed and I still wonder how she and that baby-- now 4 yo!-- are doing.

The three of us went down to see my parents and Gary and I got the roof to their gazebo on. Gary tried to get my mom's new cell phone working and that was :rolleyes1: . My dad looked good! I think he still had some after-effects of the anesthesia - he was a little loopy. We got his ice bucket wrap set up for him and running before we left. It's a good thing because my mom wouldn't have been able to figure it out.

I already started my grocery order while I was drinking my coffee this morning. I have two goals for today: 1. Grocery list/menu for the week and 2. get the May Bash ATC cards and menu pulled together. Anywhere between 14 and 20+ people will be here in two weeks and I am not gonna be ready. :thud: I am working 4 days this week and I am not used to that. It's good, just more time management skills than I have.

Wishing everyone a great day!
I'm glad your dad is doing well, surgery is not fun but he will be better for it....Party- I can arrange that for you!...Do what you can and do not worry about the rest at that point there is nothing else to do. You got this!!!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I found the meme I was looking for



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Love my O Family!
Hi Everyone! Hope you all are having a great day so far! This morning Mark and I had our morning coffee (me) and tea (him) outside in front of the chiminea. It was very peaceful. This evening we saw some our herd of deer - 5 tonight. Last night there were 10 or 12. We put corn out for them. Last week we saw a fox in broad daylight running through our neighbors yard. We've had neighbors tell us they're around but had never seen one before then. We also have groundhogs here! Living with all this wildlife at our backdoor is something we absolutely love. In California we were much more urban so this is country living at it's finest for us!

@vickyday I scrolled through your ATC's the other day. They look very nice all put together on the 8.5 x 11, and they all look sooooo good!! You are very talented.
Thank you, Amy! You are very sweet to say that! :lovey3:


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Ribs on smoker....yum...sounds delicious
That grill/smoker is the best Father's Day gift I've ever gotten hubs. He's been keeping notes in a notebook about every cook he's done on it, temp, amount of time, how it turned out. Did I mention he's a tad anal? I used to be the bbq-ing person, but out friends had one of these and hubs really took an interest. He's had it for about 4 years now and some mighty yummy stuff has come off of it. We usually make extra and freeze it. I may toss some cherry wood or apple wood chunks in with the lump charcoal today.


Love my O Family!
@BoatLady Thanks for the good thoughts for my dad! He had his hip done twice and his other shoulder 2 years ago. I tease him that he is winning the contest with my dog who has had both knees done. And that it ends *here and now.* bwuahah!

@BrightEyes You sure had a busy day and it's no wonder you never had a chance to pop in here. You were all talked out with your family♥ Must have been so good to see DD#3 and DGS and then to end the day with your sister.

@vickyday I hope that your mojo comes back soon!
Your morning on the deck must be a wonderful way to start the day. My neighbor feeds the birds and squirrels peanuts and I always get a kick out of seeing them run through my yard with them in their mouths.
Oh my! That must have been terrifying when the roof came down on Mark!

@AK_Tracy I love your attitude! It takes just as much effort to be kind as it is to be mean- actually, unless you are mean to my family, it's much easier to be nice. I always write a little note on my FP paper, thanking them and they have told me how good that makes them feel. It is only a scribbled sentence, but I guess a little goes a long way. I wish more people saw it like you do.
This place has that vibe, doesn't it? I love it here, I'm elated that you all do too!

@taxed4ever Oooh you are going to paint flowers! I love dahlias and I bet that your painting will be awesome!! (You should add a teeny tiny turtle to it, hidden in the leaves, just for kicks. JK, I think you are done with turtles for now LOL!!!) I can't wait for you to share the pics of it, you have such talent!
I can see your siggie.

@pachimac Bergh about sleeping and the machine waking you up. Are you sure the noise wasn't your DH and he was blaming it on the machine :rotfl: Good luck calling for an appt tomorrow, I hope they can get it working properly for you. It's not much help if it wakes you up constantly.:/
So proud of you for getting to the gym! I've been slacking on yoga since I started working more and I can feel the difference. boo. But you got this!!!

@Cherylndesigns That meme is *you*!! 100% Cheryl. To a T. Hahahaha!
Drinks on the Drive sounds awe-some!
dance3 So glad you got your ferns up!! They will be huge in no time but I bet they look fresh and pretty already.
Short people have to be inventive, that is for sure!

@Terri M No rain vibes coming your way~~~~~ (unless it is at night to clean the air so it is fresh for you)
Bwuahhahahha!!!! That's hysterical that you were O-Shopping on your phone. You are going to be super excited when you get back home and find all of the goodies you bought :p
When my Lyme Brain was really bad I couldn't hold onto a thought for more than a second. That was me all day, every day. Christmas shopping was like that. I couldn't remember what I bought or wrapped (or hid!!) gifts. it was a surprise for everyone when they unwrapped it. :rotfl:

@mimes1 I am sorry, I can't remember where you live now. I know you were in San Diego -- the zoo part was easy to remember LOL-- but isn't it exciting to see the deer and the fox! Have you found a lot of new-to-you birds?

@JeanneMN You have no idea-- it makes my heart happy when you say that you're obsessed with the vibe here! me too! So you've been having fun just Art-Playing? Thats just-- Perfect!! :love:
Hope you enjoyed the ribs!

@BoatLady The celebration of life sounds like it is exactly as your friend wanted. I hope that there was love and fun and happy tears. Thinking of you and all who loved him ~~
Mark said there was really no pain at the time but when he reached his hand back and saw all the blood he knew it was bad. He had his step son get him something he could press against the cut. He took off his shirt and gave it to him and then called 911. The doctor said if the cut had been slightly different he wouldn't be here. That was the hand of God protecting him!


Love my O Family!
Happy Saturday morning ladies! I slept in a bit and now have to be quick in and out of here as we are headed to Costco this morning. The weather has changed a bit from sunny and warm to rainy and a bit cooler, but that’s ok we need the rain! I finally managed to get my signature made yesterday and wanted to do more scrapping, but I have started a new painting and it was calling my name. I decided to try painting flowers and see if I can do it. This one is of a Dahlia and I hope it turns out, I will post a photo when I am done. I was going to send out coupons for the challenge winners yesterday and then realized that I can’t do that until after INSD sales are over, so I have the weekend off from doing that. So many gorgeous kits etc for the sale!! If only I had more time to play!! Anyway I just wanted to pop in and see how everyone was doing today! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Sorry that I don’t have time to do personals, but I know you wonderful ladies all understand :lovey3:
Oh, Trudy! I can't wait to see your flower painting! What size are you making it? Will it be for you or someone else? You must give us a sneak peek after you get started!


Well-Known Member
@MariJ Welcome to the Ooos!
I got a little confused for a second. I saw your post as ScrapperM, posted my thread, and then saw it as MariJ.
Whatever name you use, we are thrilled to have you join us!
Haha, thank you for the warm welcome. That's funny, Ona was in the process of changing my screen name for me and you must have caught it hot off the press! I was registered here as ScrapperM long ago, but now I wanted to use my ScrapGirls name so my old friends would know it was me. With Ona's kind help I am good to go now!


Love my O Family!
Good morning everyone!
More rain expected today. But we need it. And it cooled the temperature way down yesterday. I'm glad because it was way too hot for me last week!
I was able to eat more yesterday, finally, which means the IBS issues subsided a bit! I even went to Ilene's in the afternoon for a few hours. Bet you couldn't guess that we played Qwirkle! She doesn't even want to play Rummikub anymore. That's okay since I play the Rummikub app with my sister in Florida at night.
I did get my February monthly review done yesterday but I still need to post it. I'll have to do it later. Now I need to get my shower for church before I run out of time!
Hope you all have a great day!


Love my O Family!
Haha, thank you for the warm welcome. That's funny, Ona was in the process of changing my screen name for me and you must have caught it hot off the press! I was registered here as ScrapperM long ago, but now I wanted to use my ScrapGirls name so my old friends would know it was me. With Ona's kind help I am good to go now!
Welcome to the O family, MariJ! We're loving all of the ScrapGirls who are being adopted by us! :lovey3: :hug4:


Morning, all. I am moving slowly this morning. I decided that it was time to get photos taken of my art rubber stamp collection and accessories to put on the local sales website. I was a Stampin' Up! demonstrator for 7+ years. I did both rubber stamping and digital for a few years but then switched over to all digital a few years ago. It is time to sell the rubber stamping stuff as I don't use them any more. I decided to do a 'local' sale as I have too many sets (200+ - all wood mounted sets) and inkpads, paper, etc to try to mail them. I also want to do bulk sales (all the stamps sets together; roller stamps, inkpads and handles in another; the SU inkpads, refills, storage stand, and markers in one group; specialty inkpads and refills in 3 other groups). I was crawling around looking in storage drawers and other places pulling things out, moving them to the kitchen island and taking photos, then putting them into plastic bins and itemizing what and how many. I left the stamp sets in the 2 bookcases but will be going through them to itemize how many alphabet sets, other type sets, etc and take a few photos of them. I am leaving the papers until the last as they are in crates that are buried behind/underneath other storage containers. Know I am missing a few things but will find them as I continue to look in the storage bins in the craft room. Needless to say, the body is stiff and sore from being on my knees and opening storage bins under the cutting table and other tight places. Today I hope to get the photos of some of the stamp sets and get a count of how many sets I have. At least those are easy to get to as they are in bookcases in the master bedroom - no crawling around to get to them!!! My goal is to get it organized, priced for each group and up on the website by the end of the month.

Guess the "spring cleaning" bug has bit me... with DD#3 getting ready for her garage sale coming up later this month. We were talking about my stamp collection when she was here and I decided I really needed to take care of getting rid of it. I also need to have a sale on my Red Hats and Red Hat clothes and other things. When I told her I had 45+ red hats... she gasped then LOL and said she would help when I was ready to have the sale. BTW, I didn't buy all those hats... my hubby bought about 2/3 of them for me... Every time he would see a red hat, he would either buy it or take me to the store to try it on and then buy it for me. I would take plain red hats and decorate them. Now that my RH chapters are closed (after 18 years) and I am no longer a member, it is time to sell them to other Red Hatters.

I am taking another day off from scrapping .... will go back to it on Monday. Don't have anything on the calendar until Tuesday, May 14th. Will be hosting the Gals Brown Bag Lunch then.

BBL for personals.


Well-Known Member
Morning, all. I am moving slowly this morning. I decided that it was time to get photos taken of my art rubber stamp collection and accessories to put on the local sales website. I was a Stampin' Up! demonstrator for 7+ years. I did both rubber stamping and digital for a few years but then switched over to all digital a few years ago. It is time to sell the rubber stamping stuff as I don't use them any more. I decided to do a 'local' sale as I have too many sets (200+ - all wood mounted sets) and inkpads, paper, etc to try to mail them. I also want to do bulk sales (all the stamps sets together; roller stamps, inkpads and handles in another; the SU inkpads, refills, storage stand, and markers in one group; specialty inkpads and refills in 3 other groups). I was crawling around looking in storage drawers and other places pulling things out, moving them to the kitchen island and taking photos, then putting them into plastic bins and itemizing what and how many. I left the stamp sets in the 2 bookcases but will be going through them to itemize how many alphabet sets, other type sets, etc and take a few photos of them. I am leaving the papers until the last as they are in crates that are buried behind/underneath other storage containers. Know I am missing a few things but will find them as I continue to look in the storage bins in the craft room. Needless to say, the body is stiff and sore from being on my knees and opening storage bins under the cutting table and other tight places. Today I hope to get the photos of some of the stamp sets and get a count of how many sets I have. At least those are easy to get to as they are in bookcases in the master bedroom - no crawling around to get to them!!! My goal is to get it organized, priced for each group and up on the website by the end of the month.

Guess the "spring cleaning" bug has bit me... with DD#3 getting ready for her garage sale coming up later this month. We were talking about my stamp collection when she was here and I decided I really needed to take care of getting rid of it. I also need to have a sale on my Red Hats and Red Hat clothes and other things. When I told her I had 45+ red hats... she gasped then LOL and said she would help when I was ready to have the sale. BTW, I didn't buy all those hats... my hubby bought about 2/3 of them for me... Every time he would see a red hat, he would either buy it or take me to the store to try it on and then buy it for me. I would take plain red hats and decorate them. Now that my RH chapters are closed (after 18 years) and I am no longer a member, it is time to sell them to other Red Hatters.

I am taking another day off from scrapping .... will go back to it on Monday. Don't have anything on the calendar until Tuesday, May 14th. Will be hosting the Gals Brown Bag Lunch then.

BBL for personals.
Wow that's allot of hats!!! Is there a FB page of RH ladies...might be a good place to sell them.
Stampin'Up was fun but I don't use the few pieces I have I cannot imagine 200+
Good luck with your sales.


Well-Known Member
Well this is the day of our dear friends Celebration of Life. Family is here from MA, NY and CA. Last night I cooked up the 150 egg rolls we made last week, now I can just put in the oven at the club. I made the photo board, I painted background added palm tree of poster board and real palm fronds but I will add more on right side later, in front of that palm will be a bucket with his fav beer in it.. We are expecting a huge crowd so there will be lots of food and drinks honor guard and I will be releasing Monarchs in honor of him. Sad but he wanted a party so he will get his wish!!!
Oh Debby what a lovely tribute. I love that you all honored his wishes for a party! That's what I want to, no weeping. I love your photo board. So much fun. I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating a dear friend.


Well-Known Member
Hi Terri, good luck with your ride. I can't wait to see photos and layouts, yours are always so beautiful.
And, fingers crossed for no rain! :cool:
YEAH! Marilyn is here!!!!! And she got her name changed back to "normal" :love: Woo woo!! let the party get started now! So glad to see you here.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. It's been a busy wkend. I was doing some gluten free baking, the first batch of choc chip blondies turned out edible but too sweat and crumbly, another recipe I tried yesterday was so dry I had to throw it out and hopefully third time is the charm with a different recipe. My two go-to recipes got lost in the move somehow so I am trying to find a few more I like. If this third batch doesn't turn out the way I want then I will scrap the brownie idea and go to no bake oatmeal choc balls. My mexican train group is coming this afternoon so wanted a couple of snacks for them. I have the frustration game board out so will show them and see who might be interested in a game night with that soon. We have landscapers coming this afternoon to get the yard ready for the season. The only thing I should need to do (other than pull out the raised garden we don't want to keep) is to trim back the bushes along the front sidewalk. We are getting more birds in the yard. The last few days we've gotten big groups of waxwings, so the robins and blackbirds aren't happy with that. The little birds don't care. It's amazing to see the waxwings come swooping down in one big group. The are flying back and forth between 3 of the trees and one tree is small, I can't believe it can hold so many birds without collapsing. The eagle and hawk have been circling across the street, I am guessing there is something good in the field there. A deer walked up the side of the yard, past my office window yesterday and then hopped the fence to get out. First time I've seen them do it. They don't even hesitate, they just leap up 6 feet and over they go, so graceful.

Not much scrapping or tv watching this past week. I had 3 appts (GP, eye specialist and dentist). Happy to say the eye pressure has decreased, so everything is good.

I will catch up on personals maybe later tonight. Right now I need to get the brownies in the oven, shower/dress and then get Remi over to the park before company comes.

HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
Oh my @BrightEyes that will be a great accomplishment to see all those stamps. I loved Stampin' up! I had so much stuff, as a customer LOL, and I parted with it a couple years ago. It was such a fun time back then. Spoke to my kid at heart. I hope you are able to sell them quickly.


Well-Known Member
Haha, thank you for the warm welcome. That's funny, Ona was in the process of changing my screen name for me and you must have caught it hot off the press! I was registered here as ScrapperM long ago, but now I wanted to use my ScrapGirls name so my old friends would know it was me. With Ona's kind help I am good to go now!
Marilyn I'm so happy you're here!! You're going to love it. I think Tracy has already said it but I'll say it again - the welcome here has been incredible. There has been so much warmth and support. The daily Oos is an excellent way to get to know everyone. Everyone is so real and accepting. Can't say enough good things. :hug4: :flower: :heartpumpred:


Well-Known Member
Well this is the day of our dear friends Celebration of Life. Family is here from MA, NY and CA. Last night I cooked up the 150 egg rolls we made last week, now I can just put in the oven at the club. I made the photo board, I painted background added palm tree of poster board and real palm fronds but I will add more on right side later, in front of that palm will be a bucket with his fav beer in it.. We are expecting a huge crowd so there will be lots of food and drinks honor guard and I will be releasing Monarchs in honor of him. Sad but he wanted a party so he will get his wish!!!
Debby I'll be thinking of you today. Releasing the Monarchs is a very cool tribute to your friend. We had an Honor Guard when my dad passed - it was so beautiful. And thank you to your friend for his service!


Well-Known Member
Morning, all. I am moving slowly this morning. I decided that it was time to get photos taken of my art rubber stamp collection and accessories to put on the local sales website. I was a Stampin' Up! demonstrator for 7+ years. I did both rubber stamping and digital for a few years but then switched over to all digital a few years ago. It is time to sell the rubber stamping stuff as I don't use them any more. I decided to do a 'local' sale as I have too many sets (200+ - all wood mounted sets) and inkpads, paper, etc to try to mail them. I also want to do bulk sales (all the stamps sets together; roller stamps, inkpads and handles in another; the SU inkpads, refills, storage stand, and markers in one group; specialty inkpads and refills in 3 other groups). I was crawling around looking in storage drawers and other places pulling things out, moving them to the kitchen island and taking photos, then putting them into plastic bins and itemizing what and how many. I left the stamp sets in the 2 bookcases but will be going through them to itemize how many alphabet sets, other type sets, etc and take a few photos of them. I am leaving the papers until the last as they are in crates that are buried behind/underneath other storage containers. Know I am missing a few things but will find them as I continue to look in the storage bins in the craft room. Needless to say, the body is stiff and sore from being on my knees and opening storage bins under the cutting table and other tight places. Today I hope to get the photos of some of the stamp sets and get a count of how many sets I have. At least those are easy to get to as they are in bookcases in the master bedroom - no crawling around to get to them!!! My goal is to get it organized, priced for each group and up on the website by the end of the month.

Guess the "spring cleaning" bug has bit me... with DD#3 getting ready for her garage sale coming up later this month. We were talking about my stamp collection when she was here and I decided I really needed to take care of getting rid of it. I also need to have a sale on my Red Hats and Red Hat clothes and other things. When I told her I had 45+ red hats... she gasped then LOL and said she would help when I was ready to have the sale. BTW, I didn't buy all those hats... my hubby bought about 2/3 of them for me... Every time he would see a red hat, he would either buy it or take me to the store to try it on and then buy it for me. I would take plain red hats and decorate them. Now that my RH chapters are closed (after 18 years) and I am no longer a member, it is time to sell them to other Red Hatters.

I am taking another day off from scrapping .... will go back to it on Monday. Don't have anything on the calendar until Tuesday, May 14th. Will be hosting the Gals Brown Bag Lunch then.

BBL for personals.
That's alot of Stamps!! It must feel good to get everything grouped and catalogued. I think we need to see a layout of your red hat collection before you disassemble it!


Well-Known Member
Oh, boy my fingers got in the way. @BoatLady Debby, because of your TLC and hard work, your friend’s family will be at peace knowing his wishes were honored. The Celebration of Life will be so meaningful and healing for his loved ones as a result of your caring efforts.


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy Your new siggie looks great! Love that you still incorporated the snowman.
Thank you. Had to keep the snowman. Might be my new signature piece to every siggy LOL Its so me. I would decorate the house in fat happy snowmen if hubs would allow it. For now we stick to snowmen in December.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening,

Quick in and out but I wanted to pop in and say hello and welcome to Marilyn. @MariJ Glad you got your username changed. I knew Ona could help you. We're happy you're here.

I can't catch up with everybody because I'm too tired. LOL I just got home from Adrienne's - I went up there about 6 and hung out for awhile, then ate dinner with she and Roger, then just got home about 10:15.

Chris @faerywings I swear my ferns have grown since I got them Saturday! They want $40 each for the big ferns that we have always gotten for less than half that price in the past! I couldn't believe it!! So, I was thrilled to find them at Lowe's for 2 for $20 and they'll grow - my front porch is the perfect place for ferns - absolutely perfect amount of light. When I thought I was going to have to pay 40 apiece for them, I debated on even getting them this year - I can't remember the last year I didn't have ferns. We found huge ferns year before last for less than $20 each! Last year they were more, but not as much as this year. Geesh!:furious:I wish I had the room to bring them in for the winter - I used to do that when I had a big house. I KNEW you'd like that meme and it is SO me, isn't it??? Old hippies never grow up. :floorlaugh:

Hugs to ALL and have a good night.


Well-Known Member
Good evening,

Quick in and out but I wanted to pop in and say hello and welcome to Marilyn. @MariJ Glad you got your username changed. I knew Ona could help you. We're happy you're here.

I can't catch up with everybody because I'm too tired. LOL I just got home from Adrienne's - I went up there about 6 and hung out for awhile, then ate dinner with she and Roger, then just got home about 10:15.

Chris @faerywings I swear my ferns have grown since I got them Saturday! They want $40 each for the big ferns that we have always gotten for less than half that price in the past! I couldn't believe it!! So, I was thrilled to find them at Lowe's for 2 for $20 and they'll grow - my front porch is the perfect place for ferns - absolutely perfect amount of light. When I thought I was going to have to pay 40 apiece for them, I debated on even getting them this year - I can't remember the last year I didn't have ferns. We found huge ferns year before last for less than $20 each! Last year they were more, but not as much as this year. Geesh!:furious:I wish I had the room to bring them in for the winter - I used to do that when I had a big house. I KNEW you'd like that meme and it is SO me, isn't it??? Old hippies never grow up. :floorlaugh:

Hugs to ALL and have a good night.
Glad you had a good day Cheryl! Have a good sleep and we'll see you tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
I'm up late waiting for my daughter to get home to her house safely. She visited her friend in Michigan this weekend for her friends college graduation. She flew home tonight from Detroit but her plane was delayed, a couple times, but she did make her connecting flight in Baltimore and just landed safely in her home town. She texted me when she landed, then again when she got safely to her car, so now I'm waiting up for her to make the 45 minute drive home. And she'll text me again when she's home safe. She's 5 hours from here and I still need to stay up and make sure she's ok and home safely!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I'm up late waiting for my daughter to get home to her house safely. She visited her friend in Michigan this weekend for her friends college graduation. She flew home tonight from Detroit but her plane was delayed, a couple times, but she did make her connecting flight in Baltimore and just landed safely in her home town. She texted me when she landed, then again when she got safely to her car, so now I'm waiting up for her to make the 45 minute drive home. And she'll text me again when she's home safe. She's 5 hours from here and I still need to stay up and make sure she's ok and home safely!
Of course you need to stay up until your "baby" gets home, Amy. My babies all have to check in with me when they're traveling, too. We never stop being Mama Bears. :hug3::heartpumpred: