
Can't Sleep? Daily chat for the night birds


Elaina/aka Nightshadow
I don't know if it was the incentive of prizes or if it's something the "O" really needs, but I noticed during the 11th party celebration that the "I want to know" thread was quite busy. Just in case the reason was because there are more people than me who are up late I'm starting this thread. Let's see how busy it gets...oh...and this will be great for the people on the West coast and those at the opposite ends of the world ... yes I mean you Ozzies. :bolt:

Let's chat...about anything...


The Loopy-O
what a great idea, Elaina! I am most definitely *not* a nightbird, but I saw that you and your "night crew" had a blast while I was fast asleep.

I am sure I will check in after I wake up in the mornings :D


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it was the incentive of prizes or if it's something the "O" really needs, but I noticed during the 11th party celebration that the "I want to know" thread was quite busy. Just in case the reason was because there are more people than me who are up late I'm starting this thread. Let's see how busy it gets...oh...and this will be great for the people on the West coast and those at the opposite ends of the world ... yes I mean you Ozzies. :bolt:

Let's chat...about anything...

Oh, I think the prizes had a lot to do with it.,.... But I will try to remember to check in here... Have indeed had fun


Well-Known Member
It's fun to keep a running chat thread going b/c with the different time zones we are all in, someone is always awake :)


From the other thread:

Do you have an older Kindle? I do. A lot of the newer ones no longer have speakers or sound. I have an old Kindle 3 (kindle keyboard) and I love it, not interested in anything newer.

I do have 3 of the older ones. As soon as I found out the new ones wouldn't have text to speech, I stocked up just in case something happened to mine lol


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it was the incentive of prizes or if it's something the "O" really needs, but I noticed during the 11th party celebration that the "I want to know" thread was quite busy.
I think it was because of the excitement from the celebration. I was taken additional free time to can be in touch with everything in the moment of happening. And now back to the routine is so stressful, I have to finished one of my page for designer challenge, but I'm not even chose the photos yet. :scared:



Well-Known Member
What a good idea! I am out of sync due to schedule and/or time zone but I will check in when i am around!
I was pretty excited today. While i was trying to find a similar effect to what Felis did on one of her layout, i actually found a tool to do realistic "warped" shadows with my software! I had it instlled all along but never knew what it was for! (I have not figured out how to do a mosaic like Felis yet, though! But one step at a time!)


Well-Known Member
I think it was because of the excitement from the celebration. I was taken additional free time to can be in touch with everything in the moment of happening. And now back to the routine is so stressful, I have to finished one of my page for designer challenge, but I'm not even chose the photos yet. :scared:


I finished my designer challenges today, i have not started yet on the other monthly challenges. I need to think about them! I have done a lot of layouts this month already!


Well-Known Member
What a good idea! I am out of sync due to schedule and/or time zone but I will check in when i am around!
I was pretty excited today. While i was trying to find a similar effect to what Felis did on one of her layout, i actually found a tool to do realistic "warped" shadows with my software! I had it instlled all along but never knew what it was for! (I have not figured out how to do a mosaic like Felis yet, though! But one step at a time!)

Are you using Photoshop, elements or something else... and where is the mosaic you are tying to do... Lots of the effects we get today are APPS on the phone...

Congrats on the Anna win!


Well-Known Member
Are you using Photoshop, elements or something else... and where is the mosaic you are tying to do... Lots of the effects we get today are APPS on the phone...

Congrats on the Anna win!
I am using "paint dot net". Felis told me how she does it with Photofiltre, i am trying to find the equivalent in paint.net. I'm sure there is a tool (plugin), it's just a matter of finding it.


Elaina/aka Nightshadow
From the other thread:

I do have 3 of the older ones. As soon as I found out the new ones wouldn't have text to speech, I stocked up just in case something happened to mine lol

Ha! I did the same thing. I own 4 Kindle keyboards; I picked them up on Ebay for a fraction of what they cost new and they all work perfectly. Plus I bought a spare battery and tools to install it. Love my Kindle keyboard. ♥


Well-Known Member
I finished my designer challenges today, i have not started yet on the other monthly challenges. I need to think about them! I have done a lot of layouts this month already!
If you plan to join at Challenge #4 Photo swap, better hurry to say it before March 25, because Veer want everybody to have enough time to do their turn.
I don't remember when last I'm do it so many LOs at one month. :rapture:


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is the Earth Hour. I live in small town so I'll commemorate it only with my family.
But I suppose that this year events into the big Europe capitals wouldn't be so bigger after the attack in London. It so sad! Hope people to not let fear to paralyze their life, but is normally after the tragedy to not been much care about the planet.


The Loopy-O
It is really dark out here this morning, and I bet a bunch of you are still sleeping, so I can post? :)

I hope that the tragedies happening all over don't make us forget about the Earth since it is the one thing that will always connect all of us.
Sending out love to all!


Well-Known Member
I am using "paint dot net". Felis told me how she does it with Photofiltre, i am trying to find the equivalent in paint.net. I'm sure there is a tool (plugin), it's just a matter of finding it.

Never heard of that one... good luck!:bump2:


It is really dark out here this morning, and I bet a bunch of you are still sleeping, so I can post? :)

I hope that the tragedies happening all over don't make us forget about the Earth since it is the one thing that will always connect all of us.
Sending out love to all!

Sending love back to you darlin!


Well-Known Member
I just got a link to a video of a HUGE cyclone aimed at Queensland in Australia... Will post the link If anyone wants to look at it... There is a video from space... HUGE!


Well-Known Member
Here you go...


Interesting... the feed has changed since I viewed it... Lots of images of damage now.. scroll towards the bottom and there is a link to watch from space... short version or full... short is enough to see its size...

Sorry to be slow.. got caught up with the Wall Art Creation...
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Well-Known Member
Life Is A Whirligig, one awesome news followed from another terrible. The month almost ended and the time pressure me.
Did the time changing affects you?! I'm happy to have more daylight hours, but this meant more time outside and less to scrap. :hippie:


The Loopy-O
Oh cripes, those Cyclone Pics remind me of Hurricane Sandy. :scared:

Felis, I would love to be outside in the sun but it had been so cold all month with a blizzard. Now we are warming up, but with lots of rain-- but the bright side is that it is washing the snow away.

My heart hurts after yesterday's news about the US Administration rolling back all of the Obama Administrations Climate regulations. I cannot even read too much about it, it really upsets me that much :(


The Loopy-O
And yes, I always end up spending much more time out in my yard when the weather is nicer, and that totally cuts into my scrap time :D


Those pictures were amazing. Mother Nature is so powerful.

And, yes, Felis, the time change definitely affects me. I actually like this one better. I need that sunshine time :)


Well-Known Member
Life Is A Whirligig, one awesome news followed from another terrible. The month almost ended and the time pressure me.
Did the time changing affects you?! I'm happy to have more daylight hours, but this meant more time outside and less to scrap. :hippie:

I will be sad to see the rain stop for the same reason.. then I will no longer have any excuses to not be out working in the yard rather than scrapping!


Well-Known Member
Not like me to be up in the middle of the night but cannot sleep. After Earth hour the other day, here we're doing Earth day or actually just entering Earth day number 2... ok, fine i'll admit it's not not of our own free will. A storm caused power outages and while our neighbours across the street have had electricity most of yesterday and porch lights on all night, we are powerless! How frustrating (enraging might be more like it...) that in a few hours i will have to throw out our fridge/freezer contents, go to the shop for just enough to get by for breakfast/lunch, have to figure out what to do with a bucketful of dirty cloth diapers that were meant to be washed yesterday, while literally across the street it is business as usual. Our electricity provider is not giving any info either ("currently assessing the condition" since yesterday really). Yesterday the boys had a glorious 2.5hr nap, and i could not do anything with that free time (well i guess i could have handstitched a blanket or aomething).
Whingeing over (better save that phone battery, currently can only charge it in the car). I need to figure out a way to switch off (!) and get back to sleep. Arghhhhh