
Bonjour....Hello..from Bordeaux.....France!!


Well-Known Member
:wave:a BIG HELLO to you all!!

My name is Benoit( Ben) aka Benthaicreations!!!
My hometown is Bordeaux...in the south west part of France...
I used to be a teacher before life had other plans for me...now I am a freelance translator and also teaching private...
I usually share my time between France and :elephant Thailand where I volunteer teaching in a high school and for monks at the buddhist university !!:plane:

I started digiscrapping a few years ago...I am a sort of geek...I love everything
"e"....e-design, e-painting, 3D, animation.....

Hmmmmmmm what else??:noidea:
That's all....::grouphug


The Loopy-O
Hi Ben, I have been following you on FB for along time now. You make the prettiest papers!

Welcome to the O!


always chatty at the O!!
Sounds like a very busy life with all of that traveling...but that gives you lots to scrap about. Welcome to the O!!


Well-Known Member
Benoit, welcome! what an interesting life you lead! i look forward to seeing some of your "e-creations!"


Welcome Benoit

Wonderful to have you join us at our "O" hOme.

Have a peek at our monthly challenges - and join the fun.

There are lots of Freebies in the Shop - our designers are very talented and generous :)

If you have any questions - just shout - and please check our Gallery Guidelines when you have a minute.

looking forward to seeing you in the gallery and in the forums


Well-Known Member
Welcome! Such a worldly traveler! I will be anxious to see your creations as you are surrounded by such beauty!