
Begging for prayer


always chatty at the O!!
So, my neighbor's husband returned from Iraq on Thursday. On Friday he went for a motorcycle ride and got into a horrific accident leaving him with skull fractures. He coded during the night and they shocked him back but now she doesn't think he's going to make it. We are on the way there right now and I am feeling so helpless. We'll probably be able to help with watching their daughter...but for now all I can do is ask fir prayer and pray myself but I'm having a hard time finding words at this point. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Praying now Clara...for your friend's husband, for wisdom for the hospital staff, for your friend's family and for you as you try to comfort them.


Well-Known Member
OMG he returned from Iraq on Thursday and this happened on Friday! Sending hugs and prayers to you and for him and his family. I can't even imagine, just speechless.


always chatty at the O!!
Thank you all so much. We're just hanging out at the hospital now waiting. Trying to think of practical ways to help. Food is the answer right now.


I lOve Me Some O!
Oh Clara! I'm sending all my good healing thoughts your way! I know it's hard to find the words & you are feeling helpless, but you are doing what's most needed with your caring & being there.

Stay strong. I'll pray for them!


lOve the O!
Clara- you can start a caringbridge.org website to keep everyone updated and take the load off the family- people can leave their well wishes and prayers as well.


always chatty at the O!!
Fabulous thinking Laurie. I'll work on that. I wonder if I can set that up from my phone.


back hOme and loving it
Oh my ... how terrible ...
keeping you all in my thoughts
and (((hugs))) to you clara ... it's good for your neighbour that she has you to lean on, be strong for her.


Well-Known Member
Oh my ... Clara, I am sending thought and wishes to you and your neighbour and his familly...


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Oh Clara... how terribly sad!! Of course all of my good thoughts and prayers are headed your way!!


Cupcake Ninja
Oh Clara!! How awful - said some prayers and will continue to say them. Please keep us updated. xoxo


always chatty at the O!!
You guys are amazing. My husband is at the hospital now to stay through the night. Hopefully tomorrow something will change. Why does tragedy always come out of no where at the least expected moments. My initial thought was for my husband to sell his motorcycle...but then I thought...crap, then someone else will drive it. I am so thankful his bike is the size of a car and is always seen.

Thank you everyone for all of your love, prayers and support. My heart is so broken for them. They adopted a little girl less than two years ago and one of my friend's first concerns she mentioned was worrying about her baby girl growing up without her daddy. They spent YEARS trying to have their little family. My heart is broken for them. I think I need to try art journaling tonight. We'll see how that goes.


Well-Known Member
Oh Clara!!! I'm soooo sorry!!! Unfortunately, I know just how horrifying this is (Iain was hit by a drunk driver while riding her scooter)! All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight! ((((big hugs, much love and loads of peace to you))))


The Loopy-O
Hugs to you Clara. My first thought too, was "Damn motorcycles." But I also know that its is usually not the biker's fault. Well, I shouldn't make generalizations, but its seems that way at least.

How horrible for that poor family. Is there any new info? I have seen what prayers and good thoughts have dome for people in the past. I truly hope that is the case here.


Well-Known Member
Praying for God's mercy and the overwhelming love of Jesus Christ be felt in the midst of family and friends.


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. It means more than you know. I need your prayers more than ever now. He had an EEG done this morning and Michelle just called me to let me know that he has been declared braindead. So after they do some military stuff and some paperwork she will have to turn off the machines. They have discussed before and so there was no deciding what to do.

I am soooooo heart broken for them. I'm watching their daughter right now and have been trying to think of little things to do. I put food in a crock pot. I want to pray but I just can't. I'm not angry with God, I just have no words. They are such an amazing little family. After years of trying to have a baby they adopted this sweet little girl. So now Michelle has to comPletely rewrite their future. My mnd is so mushy right now with this news. Anyone who can pray on my behalf for them would be sooooo appreciated.

I'm here without Derek and Addie. Ethan is with me but we have no car seat so we just have to stay here. It sucks. Anyway, I just wanted to keep you all posted.

And one last thing...grab the nearest person around you that you love and squeeze them tight. You never know what the future may bring. These things happen on regular everyday type days. Love you guys.