
Any Dr. Who fans?


The Loopy-O
Gary and I have been watching the newer series of Dr. Who on Netflix. Nice light fun.

However.... now every time I see a blue Port-A-Potty, i think of the TARDIS!!
Anyone else have the same issues?



The Loopy-O
hehe! Its a BBC series of a time-traveling alien who's spaceship is a old-fashioned police call booth that looks like a port-a-potty :D
Its very campy and silly but fun to watch.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I've never heard of Dr. Who....I'll have to go to netfilx and check it out.


Oh my goodness, 4 generations of British children have grown up watching, terrified, from behind the sofa. Well, I did, anyway. It's been running more or less continuously here in Britain since 1963 and there've been 11 different Doctors. Which Dr are you up to Chris? David Tennant or Matt Smith? My kids are finding the current Matt Smith stories just a touch too scary for them, and as they air after the watershed, they are on too late anyway. In my day the sets used to wobble something rotten - glad things have gone a bit more upmarket now.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
And have you seen the latest spin off "Torchwood" starring the impossibly gorgeous John Barrowman? Yum yum. Shame he's gay. This only airs about once a year for like a 4 hr special - and we're getting the latest installment THIS WEEK. Oooooh, be still my heart. :sheep1


I lOve Me Some O!
Yep! Well.. when I was at school I watched it. Only with the 3 most recent Drs & a couple older ones, (one of my friends is OBSESSED!)

I've watched all of Torchwood except the most recent Miracle Day stuff. Need to bug my friend Jen to get me the episodes! YES SELENA! YUM YUM BARROWMAN!!! He sings gorgeous too & I have a few of his covers.



Well-Known Member
Dr Who rules my house with a 50 year old husband bought up on it! I agree Selena, cant quite come at the new Doctor and I have stopped watching. Don't get me started on Torchwood! I think I will settle for Merlin!


always chatty at the O!!
Never watched Dr. Who...but Meg got me started on watching Psyche and then my husband started watching them and watched 4 seasons in less than 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I saw one episode near the end for the last Dr. Who as my BIL gets it on his TV in Oklahoma. Here you have to be able to get BBC TV and we don't even have cable, so that is all I've seen. I think I would surely watch it otherwise. (And I really thought the call box looked pretty much like a phone booth, but then I didn't see much of it.)


The Loopy-O
we are somewhere around epidsode 30- the 10th doctor. I liked Christopher Eccelston (sp?) better but this one is growing on me.

We also started watching Torchwood too-but i think I must be the only one who has Captain Jack get on my nerves a bit. LOL

I love netflix (even though I am totally aggravated that they have increased the rates grrr)


always chatty at the O!!
We are about to get rid of cable and stick with netflix and Hulu when we move. It will be quite a change and I will miss Criminal Minds but I am sure we'll start watching things like Dr. Who before long.


Well-Known Member
Yes Chris ... Christopher E was great ... we took awhile to get used to David Tennant but he grows on you and you will love him soon enough.


The Loopy-O
You are brave, Clara! Although- my kids don't watch TV all that much any more. Scott loves the Science Channel- which is fine my me. Cait falls asleep with her TV on, but doesn't pay attention. Its Gary and I that are addicted to the DVR. ;)

helen- glad it isn't just me. Little by little, David Tennent is getting "better" but I miss the goofiness and the FAN-Tas-tic! of Christopher E. LOL

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Gotta say, David Tennant drove me nuts, with his fake esturine accent and his constant shouting. As as for Donna - she's old enough to be his mother! Well, not quite, actually, but the actress is my age, and frankly looks it, so it's entirely uncredible that she'd be this ditsy "girl" who lives with her grandparents! I actually prefer the current incarnation of Matt Smith with Amelia Pond as the Dr.'s side kick. Although to be fair to David Tennant, he's a brilliant actor when given something a bit more meaty, like Shakespeare.

Helen - do you guys get The Sarah Jane Adventures on kids TV? It's another spin off but for younger kids starring the side kick from my youth, Sarah Jane Smith. It's a brilliant series, definitely worth letting the kids watch, although very sadly the actress that plays Sarah Jane - then & now - died suddenly a couple of months ago. British pre-teens all over the country are in mourning for her - spurred on by the BBC!


Well-Known Member
See ... now I just can't come at Matt Smith and have stopped watching.

We loved it when the Doctor and Rose were together.

Selena ... I don't know of Sarah Jane Adventures?

We watched the new version of "Tron" the other evening ... now Hugh is infatuated with that! *sigh*


The Loopy-O
Donna comes back? ugh! We just passed the 2 episodes with her and have just met Martha on the moon.
Donna was a bit...... scary? Always yelling, and all.

i don't know what an esturine accent is however. ;)

And gary and I had to laugh in Torchwood with one of the first scenes- when the girl (why can't I think of her name??) and her police partner went into the bar, where she gets her head clunked. If it was an American police force, they would have had a zillion guns drawn and SWAT-Teamed themselves inside. I love how she doesn't even know how to shoot a gun. Very refreshing to me.


huge Dr fans here! never thought it looked like a portapottie lololol - it's the TARDIS woman! have some respect ;)

Christopher E is my all time favorite. Have a bit of crush (ok, a major one) on him. I was supremely ticked when David T took over, but I got over it and continued watching. I really like Matt and Amy, too. But, Christopher.... ah, Christopher. He'll always be my #1 Dr!

Jean, I get it on my TV in Oklahoma, too! :)

We watched Torchwood when it was on and I think we've only gotten one 'special' thus far. It seems like its been a long while since it was on.


The Loopy-O
huge Dr fans here! never thought it looked like a portapottie lololol - it's the TARDIS woman! have some respect ;)

Christopher E is my all time favorite. Have a bit of crush (ok, a major one) on him. I was supremely ticked when David T took over, but I got over it and continued watching. I really like Matt and Amy, too. But, Christopher.... ah, Christopher. He'll always be my #1 Dr!
Ok, now you've done it. I am going to have to take a picture of the port-a-potty. they are doing construction on the road that leads into town so I drive past it several times a day. And just so you know- its only the blue port-a-potties that look like the TARDIS, not the yellow. hahahahah!!!!

I am so glad it isn't just me who had that crush! I would look at Christopher E and think-- soooo not my type, but he had a twinkle in his eye. LOL


The Loopy-O
So I am driving along this morning, I pull to the side of th eroad. Here is the port-a-potty.

2011-07-18 09.01.37 by faerywings, on Flickr

See?? Its the TARDIS? Ok- its really the cheap, hillbilly NJ version, but see? I am not 100% crazy? (Only 95%????)


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
Bwuahahahaha ... you're too funny Chris!!! For anyone of hasn't seen Dr Who, here's what the Tardis actually looks like ...


But Chris's port-a-potty does look remarkably similar ... hahahahahahaha!!!!!
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