
Advice - scrapping on a MAC


Well-Known Member
Hello my friends,

thinking of switching to the Dark Side and using a Mac.

Mac users ... what do you use??????

I am currently on PSE6.

Thanks for all input and suggestions!
I'd LOVE to use a Mac! what's stopping me - all my software is windows/pc based.

I don't know whether Adobe would change it or not - I did buy the boxed version of PE9 and it has an Mac disk too.

Looking forward to the answers -
and I'll be horribly jealous if you get a MAC :)
I will be doing same soon as this old pc dies. I will have to invest in new software I guess as my old version of photoshop wouldn't run in Lion in any case even if it could be converted. I already own a mac laptop and considering putting PSE on it so I can scrap while away from my pc but haven't committed. Can't wait to move to iMac that's for sure.

Helen, perhaps you might find some advice somewhere on the adobe community forum ?


Good luck with it.
Hi I am an Apple lover from the very beginning. I use a Mac laptop to do all my scrapping. I use PSE9. I had PCs at work and my Mac at home and it was not that different so I do not think you will have a problem going to a Mac. Only softwear I have on my Mac besides PSE is microsoft office. I love my laptop.
I use PSE 6 on a Macbook Pro that's two years old. I love my Mac, and if I really needed PC software, I use my husband's. LOL

I am considering upgrading my PSE 6.0 though. It's awfully glitchy. I have CS3, but I just can't get the hang of it and don't have the time to teach myself it right now.

Ask me anything you want to know about my Mac. I also run all the Macs at school, so I can be of some help!!
I do have to say....as much as I am an Office user for years and years...I've found it to be more and more frustrating and less and less compatible with my Mac. My Mac runs almost 20 degrees hotter with Office going. Most of the time now, I'm using Pages and Keynote. Though Excel is still my spreadsheet of choice because I use it so much. Oh and the ease of photo work and editing and movies and such with the Mac is great. And if you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad it integrates soooo seamlessly and syncs so well.
Thanks so much everyone. My DH resisted so long and now just *hearts* Macs! We have ipods and ipads etc.

So Sara - my new 'go to' girl - .... are there Mac versions of PSE?

And what about Lightroom?

And also ... whilst I am picking your brain Sara....does your Mac 'talk' to your smartboard at school?
@Helen. I'm using Photoshop CS5 on my mbp.. for scrapping & designing.
Can not help you with PSE or Lightroom, but you can purchase PSE from apple store
Lightroom https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/adobe-photoshop-lightroom-4/id506734677?mt=12

@Sara. I learn how to use Numbers (and Pages) recently... and found it very interesting. I LOVE how they sync through iClouds to other iDevices! So I think I will migrate from excel to numbers as soon as possible.. :-) Just need some times to get familiar with the new environment...
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Yes there are Mac versions of both PSE and Lightroom. And yes, our Macs talk to our Smartboards. Though I have to admit, Smartboard software doesn't play nearly as nicely with Macs. We actually don't like our Smartboards anymore. They are much more of a pain than anything else. Mostly because the tech people mounted them right in the middle of the regular board. The teachers can't be spontaneous and write on a whim, if things aren't working, they can't use the majority of their board, it's an enormous pain for subs.... and so on. They really just want the projector, a laptop, and an iPad. Get rid of the Smartboards! :-)

Helen - I was actually able to get PSE for Mac super cheap through an educational software place. Several of us at school were using it for things and so we got it for about $28. It was through a company called Soft-choice. I don't know if they have an overseas store. :-)
Helen, I just got my IMac a couple of months ago and love, love, love it!! I use PSCS6 a gift from my wonderful son and have had no problems with it! I know that Adobe has a program that if you want to use any of the Photoshop programs than you can pay 19.99 a month and have access to all of their products, when the new versions of photoshop come out than you can switch to the new ones anytime you like. 20.00 a month seems like a lot but if you don't want to pay the hundreds for a new program every year its really not that bad I guess??
Helen, I just got my IMac a couple of months ago and love, love, love it!! I use PSCS6 a gift from my wonderful son and have had no problems with it! I know that Adobe has a program that if you want to use any of the Photoshop programs than you can pay 19.99 a month and have access to all of their products, when the new versions of photoshop come out than you can switch to the new ones anytime you like. 20.00 a month seems like a lot but if you don't want to pay the hundreds for a new program every year its really not that bad I guess??

So if I buy a Mac - will you give me lessons? :fear:
I've a Macbook and currently using Photoshop CS4 (I've got CS6 but not installed yet!). My OS is still Snow Leopard. Not inclined to change to the latest OS especially Mountain Lion as it's still quite buggy! Frankly, I've enjoyed digi scrapping on the Mac. It's intuitive somehow. I've scrapped on a PC laptop when my Mac died briefly (due to hard disk failure) and I find it harder somehow. Maybe it's because I'm so used to a Mac. It does take time to get used to a Mac but once you have used a Mac, you don't want to go back to a PC!
Hey Helen,

I'm a Mac user with LR and PSE8.

Like Audrey I haven't upgraded to Mountain Lion because I'm lazy and mean with my money!! Also, I'm fearful I'll have to upgrade my PSE again and I don't want to as I love PSE8 (after some initial teething problems) because it uses Bridge rather than Organiser and apparently later versions use Organiser. However, as a windows users you might find this better for you.

As to LR - it works brilliantly. Adobe products were originally developed for Macs back the dark ages so they work very intuitively even now.

Yes, when I switched from Windows to Mac I had to rebuy all my software, but in truth, I was running PSE2 when 4 or 5 was the current version so it really wasn't that much of a hardship. Buying MS Office was more of an ouch. And as Sara says, it can be very unstable and both Word and Excel crash regularly on exit, but I've learned to deal with this and save regularly!

It's not true when they say Macs don't crash. They can and do, but it does tend to be third party software that crashes (Apple created software is very stable - my Pages has NEVER crashed, but sadly I prefer MS Word as a wordprocessing package) and the crashes tend not to be catastrophic and take out the entire machine the way PCs are wont to do.

My Mac has never picked up a virus. Those irritating emailed viruses that do the rounds are just blocked and not allowed through. Love that!

I spent 10 years in the computer industry, using Dos & Windows based platforms and had never even seen a Mac before we bought one. The learning curve was very small - the close software cross is on the other side of the screen, that's about it! The file manager/My computer system is very straight forward and the search facility is simple, functional and WORKS. I sit down at Dominic's PC and I'm flabbergasted by the complexity of all the different drives and I can never find anything. And the close crosses are on the wrong side - bwahahahah!

Would I go back to a PC - absolutely no way.

Do I wish I'd splashed out and bought the really big screen - oh yes!
I haven't had too many problems with bugs on Mountain Lion. Just seems to be more memory intensive for my poor two year old machine.

Oh Selena - Don't forget that the "red x" doesn't actually quit out of a program. I have the hardest time teaching my staff and students that. I have some teachers that will come to me saying their computer is running slow and they have 15 programs open. No kidding?!! Really?!

I agree that 3rd party software is more of a problem. I did have my computer crash a couple weeks ago, but I was able to restore it in less than 24 hours thanks to Time Machine. I still don't know what happened with that one. (I even was able to boot my computer up as a drive with a school computer as the hose and pull a few other files off of it.) Adobe Flash can be quite the pain in the arse, so can Java...but usually it works itself out.

And only seen one Mac virus in the 12 years I've been tech support for them. So that's a bonus too.
I use PSE 9 on my mac and like it. I had used PSE 7 on a PC before that and liked it a little better but I think it was more the issue of change than the program. Now I'm used to it and like it.
I use Pages instead of MS Word as I find it easier. I can do both Publisher type of work on Pages as well as documents. I don't think there's a Publisher for Mac format.
I use Google a lot for documents and spreadsheets. I hate the new format on Word. I can never find anything.
New format of Word???

Ah-ha - I've just checked my version, and it appears that I'm running MS Office Mac 1897, no wonder it looks just the same as it always did! :hurt:
LOL You're so funny Selena!

Yeah...I can't find anything on the new version either. But Pages is awfully easy to use.
Girls, I have a 13 inch mac pro - last years basic model with i5, Lion and 4g ram which I am going to change up to 8g very shortly. Would it be possible to run photoshop or elements on it do you think? Just that I had no intention of using it for scrapping when I bought it. I have a desktop for the purpose and only use my laptop when away from home. I hate not being able to scrap though.
I think you'll probably be ok if you stick with Lion maybe...but I don't have the newest version of PSE either to compare it with!!
I just upgraded to PSE11 on my MacBook Pro and LOVE it. PSE11 is on sale right now at Amazon and will be on sale at Costco for Black Friday. I tried downloading the trial for Lightoom because I kept hearing people rave about it as an alternate indexing tool for digi supplies - but Lightroom does not support PNGs!

If you get a Mac lap top consider going bigger than a 15" screen. I went with the 15" and wish I had a 17"; it's just a little too small for me. But otherwise I love my Mac! I also recommend getting One to One training if you are near an Apple store. It really helped me get over the learning curve. But One to One is only available when you buy the Mac (renewable later though). It's worth the $100 for the training if you have no experience on a Mac.

Good luck and have fun! You will never look back fondly at your PC.
Yes I think my 13 inch screen is too small for photo editing so might have to give it a miss and wait till I get an Imac.

For those wondering about the move to Mac. I 've only had my mac pro 7 months or so and don't use it every day - no lessons - deliberately didn't buy a mouse so I would learn to use a trackpad properly. Have to say I love it - the trackpad and the whole bit - and I'm an oldie. LOL

Can't wait for an IMac now !!
woot! Helen!! upgrading!!! yay!!!! hope you tell us how you go with it all!!!

I purchased PSE10 a few months ago and then heard about PSE11 and bought the upgrade!!!!!!!!!! bleh!! I do not like it!!!! it just seems to waste so much space, the tool options are all at the bottom of the screen instead of the top.............HOWEVER it is sooooooo easy to load actions in Ver11, unbelievable!!!! so have loaded heaps of actions onto it and pop in there to fix up my photos and then pop back into ver10 to scrap!! bwhahhaaa!!!!!! :biggrin:
oh Helen you will love your IMac I love the track pad and opted not to go with the mouse, but I also use my Bamboo tablet with my Mac and love it also!!
WOW ... such great feedback everyone! Thanks so much.

Passed up 10% off Apple at a local store this past weekend - too swamped with end of year reports etc to try and master a new system.

Hopefully will come up again soon - especially as just downloaded a new app for writing lesson plans - so many learning curves!

PSE11 - WOW! Amazing!

Will be back in the months to come with an update.

Thanks again!
Yes I think my 13 inch screen is too small for photo editing so might have to give it a miss and wait till I get an Imac.

For those wondering about the move to Mac. I 've only had my mac pro 7 months or so and don't use it every day - no lessons - deliberately didn't buy a mouse so I would learn to use a trackpad properly. Have to say I love it - the trackpad and the whole bit - and I'm an oldie. LOL

Can't wait for an IMac now !!

I've a 13" screen and I use it for photo editing as well as digi scrappping. In fact, I scrap on it all the time. I'm used to the screen size now. Of course a bigger one would be ideal but I can't imagine not scrapping at all.