
01/13 QOTD: Willpower


Well-Known Member
Do you have a lot of willpower, or none at all?

I tend to have little willpower or do have it, but only for a short time. That is why I'm always trying to find a good eating plan because I am tempted to eat too much, too often and often the wrong things, and then I gain weight.

So this year I am back to Weight Watchers, hoping to lose the 25 lbs I regained over the last 4 years or so. I have to admit, it's getting easier to choose the healthy foods, especially for snacking, as each day goes by and am seeing results. But....knowing that I have little willpower, I have to limit the amount of snacks/junk food that comes into the house as I can only resist for so long....and then give in.


Well-Known Member
This sounds so like me, Rae !!!

I try but fail after a short while or I fail after I have said "No thank you" to someone offering me cake, cookies, etc. but then they insist just a little, ...
Oh well, I guess baby steps are steps too, right ?
First I want to get through the work's New Year's Lunch and the yummy gifts we still got at home. LOL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
I am not good with committing to diets anymore! I know that I should try to lose some weight also, but my will power is NIL!! DH does not help me at all he wants a snack during the evening and insists on us having a snack especially on the weekends when we watch a movie and it is usually something that is not healthy :gaah: how is a girl supposed to stay on a diet?? I never eat snacks during the week, but the weekends are bad! I just need to make healthier choices and not bring any junk food into the house. What he doesn't know won't hurt him right? I also have thyroid issues so that makes it even harder to take of weight :pout:


always chatty at the O!!
It depends on the thing...chocolate?? NONE!! My phone?? None. Putting off cleaning to take care of anything else...I have a ton of willpower for that. LOL.


The Loopy-O
As a recovering anorexic, my willpower against eating can be *strong.* In a very negative way. :D Bit since I am including the word "recovering" the willpower against restricting can, and usually is, be just as strong.

If I have a goal, I will do my damnedest to get there.
As I get older, more tired, more apathetic??? I find it harder to actual *make* a goal.


Well-Known Member
I certainly had no willpower over the holidays this year, I managed to gain six pounds! Now I'm back to a regular diet and exercising again more regularly, I'm hoping to lose those pounds! Amazing how quickly they pile back on though, and take forever to take off again!