

  1. 7th Grade Band Concert

    7th Grade Band Concert

    My son and family at my son's Christmas Band concert at his school Be still kit by Tammykat Xmas Collection ALpha by Doodles n Dimples Felty Flowers by Doodles n Dimples Scraplifted monkey socks' Nutty Girl layout
  2. A Cousin's Love

    A Cousin's Love

    So it was arguing as usual for the majority of the time we were visiting with the family this Christmas, but one day, just after New Year's my DS and his cousin, who is 3 weeks younger than him, just started hitting it off. It would be all quiet, and when I went looking for them I would find...
  3. Winter Wonderland Recital

    Winter Wonderland Recital

    I was able to help out with my DS's Christmas Recital this year, and had a blast doing it...he just loved having me there too! Using TaylorMade Designs template here allowed me to use a lot of those Christmas recital pictures that I didn't know what to do with!! Journaling: You had to learn 4...
  4. Growing So Fast

    Growing So Fast

    I took these pictures the other day and when I looked back at them I couldn't believe how much he has matured. Since I've been waiting to take my exam I really been enjoying spending more time at home with my kiddos...what am I going to do when I have to go to work?! TFL Journaling: I'm not...
  5. One in Every Bunch

    One in Every Bunch

    I have this picture on my desktop because it cracks me up every time I look at it. The girls just look so sweet and composed...and then there's Tanner...aaahhhh, he makes me laugh!! Papers - Lori Barnhurst (littledreamerdesigns) - Dirty Preppy Boy Stars - Patti Knox (designerdigitals) - Star...
  6. You rock!

    You rock!

    My DS Felipe who won this cup last week (with his team of course) playing Soccer. I was updating my blog and realized I had NO LO's of him alone....(he hates photos!!),. Fortunately I begged to take this one and I was able to do this very simple LO. Today I got some more (with his friends...not...
  7. Couldn't Have Done It Without You

    Couldn't Have Done It Without You

    So after 2 1/2 years of complete stress I finally graduated in December with my Masters. My DH lived 3 hours away during the week because of work, so it was pretty much me and the 3 kids toughing it out together. And although it was really tough, I wouldn't have done it any other way...and I...
  8. Love-Hate Relationship

    Love-Hate Relationship

    This is just a typical day in the lives of my DD and DS. It all starts out so sweet and innocent, but soon they just get on each other's nerves...and it doesn't take too long! Paper - Sharon Bobis - Flowers 4 U "yellow" Overlay - Sharon Bobis - Love is All Around...
  9. A Classic Moment - Christmas Morning

    A Classic Moment - Christmas Morning

    Journaling: Its Christmas morning and everyone is so excited that Santa came to visit...including you. You patiently sat through my picture taking. As soon as we said it was okay to open presents everyone tore into them...everyone, except you. I was a little puzzled by your actions, so I...
  10. You


    tfl products: Paper - TaylorMade Designs - Leave Your Mark Kit and Summer Solace Kit Word Art - TaylorMade Designs - Corner Me With Words available at oscraps
  11. Only Boy

    Only Boy

    My DS is one of two boys in the family, and the other is 8 years older and lives in AZ. So he has a tough time just being a typical boy sometimes with 2 sisters. Papers - Leiko Beck Designs - Rainy Day Paper Collection - Dirty Poncho, Mud & Mud Drops Staples - Gina Miller Designs - This...
  12. Embrace Life

    Embrace Life

    Love this picture of my DS just enjoying the ocean. I had so much fun playing around with the blending. TFL Paper - Leiko Beck Designs - Surfers Paradise Sand Font - perpetua
  13. Joy


    Both my DH & DS. :) Joy of my life. Credits: PTM & Jofia - Stroke of Midnight Collab Kit Ah! Designs: - Dangling Spiders - Picklet Tink Alpha (JOY) - coming February - Layered Edges Vol. 6 - Winter - Courthouse Paper Doodles (CRD Apprentice) Christina Renee Designs...
  14. Waiting Impatiently

    Waiting Impatiently

    My youngest ds last Christmas morning. He's such a trooper posing for mom before opening gifts :) Credits: Jolly-O collab by the Oscraps designers Black Glass alpha by Meredith Fenwick photo frame by Katie Pertiet - Designer Digitals Festive Stardust Overlays - Jenna Desai - TLP blue...
  15. The Passing Years by Pablo S.

    The Passing Years by Pablo S.

    This only seemed fitting to use the photo of Pablo and his mother after I did the other one of him and his father as a panoramic. I took this photo while we were visiting for Father's Day this year, and we were just relaxing and seeing the sites at Redondo Beach, CA. I had never been... I'm...
  16. Boy


    A layout for my son. Journaling reads: Okay, so in this photo your face is not dirty and you look fairly peaceful... yet you are absolutely ALL BOY. You love video games, and shooting your bb gun. You build forts and catapults with your friends. You have your habits that drive me crazy... (how...
  17. A Walk w/ Dad...

    A Walk w/ Dad...

    Journaling Reads: It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. {Johann Schiller} I took this photo this photo of my husband and his day while we were visiting for Father's Day. I took it while we were walking along the Redondo Pier in CA, and I'm glad I got this...
  18. time with you

    time with you

    just an older pic f ds.... fonts: centurygothic, impact, carpenter i LOVE these papers - they are SO rich in color and texture - taylormade - solid & understated -seasoned (available at oscraps)
  19. Driving with My Dad

    Driving with My Dad

    My youngest ds learning to drive the boat last summer - not sure who was more proud- dad or ds! Credits: Color Wash Vol 10 Brown and Dirty pp, by Sue Cummings here at Oscraps Frameworks Dad Frame by Debra Tope, Carla Gibson and Sue Cummings here at Oscraps Aged Leathers Vol.1 papers by...
  20. preparing


    this was just one of those poorely snapped "snap shots" until i saw amanda's word art - what a perfect fit, or so i think! PRODUCTS: Taylormade (at Oscraps) Blue & Green Paper and staple- summer solace kit word art- perceptive philosphy designer digitals: katie pertiet...