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  1. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: July 13-14: Weekend Edition

    Quick pop in for me tonight!!! Chris, you and I seem to go through the same stuff with our kiddos...Quent is a permit driver right now, too. And I totally yelled at him to stop tonight when he didn't really see a car coming when he turned onto another street. And it took him a long time to stop...
  2. cellomom

    Suggestions please

    (thanks, Sara!!!)
  3. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, June 10

    Morning everyone!!! Yep, it feels like Friday, right, Chris???? I was wondering why Trudy was posting in last Friday's thread!! LOL!!! I had a busy busy weekend...I posted about it on my blog! yay! I'm still posting almost everyday (sometimes I take a weekend day off to catch my breath!), but...
  4. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, June 5

    I can tell it's summer!!! Everyone is out by the pool instead of here giving me fodder for my lurking!!! ♥♥♥ Chris, how is your MIL's broken bones??? Isn't she going on a trip soon???? I was thinking about her!! hugs to everyone!! Off to whip up a blog post that is 3 days late (for our modern...
  5. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, June 3

    Hugs to everyone!!! and Happy Monday!!! Spreading a little cheer today! This is my time (when school's out) for major business revamping, so I'm reading all I can and working on a gob of projects!! I'm also getting Quentin ready for his mission trip to Zambia, Africa! He'll be gone for a...
  6. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 1

    hugs to everyone today!!! I'm out of time right now, but Love you all!!!!!!!!!! *waves violently* ♥♥♥
  7. cellomom

    My road leads to awesome....

    I sooo adore Kid President!! I love the video of him meeting Obama!!! it's so great!!
  8. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 29

    hugs, hugs and more double hugs, sweet Nana!!! love you, girlie!!!
  9. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 29

    Hey girlies!! I'm always in here late on Monday! I finished dishes this morning (always a victory!!) and my laundry is almost all put away! (it was all put away until I found a load in the dryer!! Eeek!) These are the last two weeks of school for us, so it's a bit wild here. Notebooks are being...
  10. cellomom

    The Memory Thing...

    I agree with all of that!!! But it's also a busy-ness and a time thing! So, I thought I always had trouble memorizing lyrics, and I watched as a friend just picked them up and memorized them super fast. But she spent more time thinking about them. When I started really focusing and practicing my...
  11. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, April 25

    Hey kids! In a bit earlier today!! :) I just let Quentin drive to Schola (the name of the place I work and they take classes...)...I'm soooooo glad I took my blood pressure meds!! eeeeek!! This is exactly why Mr Gorgeous does the Drivers Ed in our house! wow! I didn't realize it was so hard to...
  12. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 24

    Quick pop in for me!!! I'm sewing up a storm today hopefully!! Mr Gorgeous is on a plane to the Windy City until Friday which means I'm mom and dad for the rest of the week!! But you know me...when the cat's away, the mouse will play!! :) teeheee!!! hugs to all of you!! love you all!!
  13. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, April 23

    Morning, my O fam!!! Sipping my wonderfully gorgeous cup of coffee while I wait for the kids to get downstairs so I can take them to their outside classes! It always sounds like we are homeschooling outside! LOL!! Today would be a great day for that!!! Today I let Mr Gorgeous take the...
  14. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 22

    Happy Afternoon, Monday Peeps!!! I'm sorry I've been MIA...My computer had to go to the Dell hospital and get a new MotherBoard (i like capitalizing it like MotherShip!! LOL!!). For some reason, it's so much easier to check in here in the privacy of my own craft studio instead of in the open on...
  15. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 10

    HI everyone!! popping in really quickly!! My laptop's motherboard died (which meant that my hard drive is okay! and I rescued everything on it! yay!)...so I'm not on the computer too much. FB and email, yes, but that's me! LOL!!! hugs to all of you today on this very rainy cold Wednesday...
  16. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 5

    Morning everyone!! I'm in quick!! I monitor at the kids' choir praxtice, so we are off for the morning in about 5 mins!!! Just here to spread some cheer and love for a sec!!! love you all!! Praying for all of you! ♥♥♥
  17. cellomom

    any idea why my yellow printer ink is now orange?

    Is it a refill ink cartridge or brand new???? I found that my refills didn't work worth beans... That's my only knowledge on the subject! :)
  18. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, April 4

  19. cellomom

    Emergency Thankful thread!!!!

    Hey everyone!!! It seems to be a rough week for a lot of us...(check out today's daily is for more info!) I also had my hard drive crash on my three month old laptop last night, and our Internet is completely down today!!! My dishes are stacked to the ceiling, I have 15 loads of laundry to fold...
  20. cellomom

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, April 4

    Seriously BIG hugs all around!!!! Love you guys!!!! Starting an emergency thankful thread now!!!!