
Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 5


The Loopy-O
Oh wow. yesterday was a rough day all over, wasn't it? I am glad that we all are able to come here and vent it out. And then, our Sally gives us a wonderful tool to feel better. Did you see the Emergency Thankful thread!!!!

It helped me so much. And I really love seeing all of the things that you are thankful for and I get to nod and smile and say in my head, yeah, I am thankful for that too.
I also got a lot of hugs from my kids, and didn't even hear the "oh moooom..." that I sometimes get. As soon as that heard that I was crying over Harley, they know it is a bad day for me. They make me crazy but I have good kids.

Today I am in a much better head place. Physically- not so much. And don;t tell my dr, but I think I am only going to do 6 days of Tindamax instead of 7...... It is really the most evil medicine I have ever taken. Gary is on his last day today and he feels like crap too. (but he doesn't have to deal with the FEMALE crap!!!)

off to work in a bit and thankfully, cait is coming with me again. She is happy to get some spending money and I am thrilled that she will do the vacuuming!! My brother slipped me $30 for gas on Sunday and I pay her $15/house and this is her second house this week. Works out perfectly in my mind, right?

Sun is also shining and the forecast of a snow shower has gone away. Rain I can deal with-- snow, even flurries-- not so much.

I have big pot of coffee on, hope you all join me :tea:
good morning all.....up making sure the girls are getting ready for school about to go check on the ducks make sure we all made it through the night.....this week has gone by way too fast...before I know it dh will be gone...boo....

I'll join ya with a cup of hot tea...not a big coffee fan myself
Nana- wish there was something I could do to help ya with the allergies. One good thing is that at least it isn't contagious???? (that doesn't help at all does it?)

Kristi- the pics of the ducks were so cute!Hope that you have a relaxing last day or so with your hubby- you said he leaves on the 7th for a month? hugs!

bwuahahha!! Laurie- I thought your wrote that your son was going to hang *you* on the wall!!! LOL Hope you got a lot of scrapping, er, I mean cleaning done yesterday :)

Nancy- I finally have some hope that spring will be here!

Laurie-- sooooo there in the hot tub- with my glass of non-alcoholic wine :partywine

Phyllis- hope the foot dr went well. And I really hope that you have some success and no eye-wigglies for scrapping. I can't imagine really being so stuck and for so darn long :(
Does trying the challenges or using templates help at all? Those are usually my go-to's when I have scrapper's block but I don't think I have ever had it as ad as you are in right now. Wish I could make it better.

Oh yuck Angela!!!! BTDT with some of our drs too, and then the insurance companies... it is maddening! What do they think that their job actually is??? ugh!!!!!!

D- I know-- its funny how I flip from Dumpty, to Marie to just D with you :) Have a wonderful and fabulous time with your parents!!!
I'll hit Laurie's hot tub for a few days and then come to your pool but the time your parents head home. :D. I remember trying to swim out to you once before and that didn't work. I might try a raft this time....

((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) Trudy!!!!! don't let YMG get to you, you did the right thing for *you*. If you stayed there, it would only get worse and it would take a toll on you physically and mentally.

Cynthia-- the only way I can remember what everyone wrote is I have two tabs open, one for yesterday and one for today's thread.
I am "Peri-menopausal" so I get the best of both worlds.... :hurt:
And my gyn told me to just take iron so I don't get anemic. No help from that man!!!! My lyme dr suggested OTC menopause supplements but damn they are so expensive, so i am trying to stick it out. It cant get much worse, can it?? (Don't say yes, don't say yes......)

so...Geek Girl?
you know, the girl who said she thinks she is my daughter?
(I was literally laughing very loud here!!!)
is she/are you Tracy Martin then? the designer?

you can be my daughter ANY TIME.
every time you lie, or don't tidy up your bedroom, or go hang with the wring company....
you have to make mum a kit.



I'd adopt Tracy too!!!!

Good luck tonight to your DD in the play!!! And all 4 of us in my family get anxiety from Lyme as well, so I can totally relate to your agoraphobia. Just keep breathing..... good luck to you too.

Terry-- huge hugs to you tooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please keep venting to us-- you need objective yet caring people to hear you. That is us. I hate that insurance co's get to dictate *when* your are able to leave care. Its crazy. :(
Will she have a home health care nurse at least? No that I need to tell you this, but fight for that at the very least. Oh it makes me so mad!
*fingers crossed* for good u/s and pap results too.
And not stress about not popping in here -- it it not allowed. I think that is the only rule about the Ooo's-- no stress or pressure allowed. Coffee good, stress not good. Got it? :D
Thinking of you and your mom too.

I'm with you Chris about the thankful thread by Sally, it helps put things in perspective.
Great Cait is coming to help! I hope you feel physically better soon too!

I hope everything is ok with the ducks Kristy!

This morning started the same as it went yesterday and I almost thought of not answering anymore calls, but then my mom called, she and her husband are coming to visit this afternoon, I'm glad they do, I could use some distraction.

I'll do the same as Kristy and join with tea :)
Good morning - I am really feeling so much better. Thanks for all the good thoughts! I think they worked. Plus the sun in shining. I dont even know what to say to you all with all the worries going on in your lives. My heart goes out to you all and am sending hugs.

I hate to even write that things are going well in my little corner of the world. My only problem is that my Devils can not score. Trudy your Bruins looked good but so did my Devils. It was a great game. My next game is Sat and my DIL is going to be out of town so I get her down close seat. That will be fun.

I hope you all have a great weekend and all your worries become much smaller or disappear all together!
Morning everyone!! I'm in quick!! I monitor at the kids' choir praxtice, so we are off for the morning in about 5 mins!!! Just here to spread some cheer and love for a sec!!!

love you all!! Praying for all of you! ♥♥♥
Morning ladies... Can I add to the thankful thread here? I want to say thank you to Petra for helping me with the Designer Spotlight Challenge for Studio 68!! I love that gal!! Thanks Petra!!! :hug:

Now I feel better this morning, I finally got a good nights sleep and I already have a lead on a new job, so I am going to pursue that this morning. Its with the Royal Bank and it will only be 25hrs a week, perfect for me! I used to work in the bank before DD got sick. I have many years in banking ever since high school so that is like back in the Stone Age LOL!! Keep your fingers crossed for me that they will like me and that they will give me time off to go help out DD with the new baby when it arrives! A good friend of mine from my home town is the Manager so hopefully she will have some kind of influence to help me out.

Chris - Sweetie, please feel better today!! I think of you so much and all that you have to deal with! Why Oh Why can't life be simple and easy for everyone! Sorry that you are missing your Harley so much too! Isn't being a woman wonderful?? NOT!!!! Glad that your kids are being understanding to you! That helps heaps!! Sending you love and healing hugs :hug: and lots of :tea: to share, pour me a cup ok?

Kristy - Those ducks are so cute, hope they are all fuzzy and warm and healthy today!

Angela - Have a nice visit with your Mother!! Nice that she can give you a distraction from the everyday stuff!! Enjoy!!

Nancy - Have fun at the hockey game, you must be happy to be sitting so close by!! Glad that you are feeling better and that the sun is making an appearance for you today!! It was a good game last night, hockey is always good !! Hubby was very happy with his Beasts from the East last night, but not so happy that Montreal also won their game :sad:

Sally - Thanks so much for your thankful thread!! It really made all of us feel better!! And here you are again spreading your love around! You are an amazing person! :kiss:

Well I have a resume to get ready, OMG I can't remember all those dates when I worked at the bank all those years ago!! :hurt: Somebody give me back my 25yr old brain!! :becky: Have an amazing day everyone! :wave:
Phylis - Where are you?? Hope that you found your mojo and that you are scrapping some beautiful art today!!
eeep. here's me. i'm having a boring sort of day. laundry, a trip to Walmart, making almond flour Linzer cookies while watching videos. i think my brain is atrophying. and i think i must be OK with that, at this moment in time. weird. i think i CAN scrap, i'm just choosing NOT to scrap, for some reason. (fear o' wiggly lines? dunno.) so i'm just going to ride this out until after next week. i have and endoscopy on Friday, and i want that behind me.

i hope everyone is having a beautiful, sunny day. (wonder if the snow has stopped a Nana's house!! that was so weird!) and Nancy, don't feel bad. have you seen the Penguins lately??? i hope to be getting back to doing better personals soon.
forgive meeeeeeee!:peep: :behindsofa:
Whew glad you are ok!! I was worried about you!! Glad to know you were just hiding behind the chimney and couch :becky: Caught your pun about having the endoscopy "behind" you LOL that is if its that end of you that is getting the endoscopy?? :biggrin1: