
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, April 25


The Loopy-O
Its the big day for me! Off to get my hair cut and colored this morning, first time in a year. Eeeeek!
My mom has been trying to get me to cut my hair short, collar bone or shorter and I just cannot do it.I have really weird curly hair so when I go short it actually gets harder and takes longer for me to style. I chopped all of my hair off when I was on bed rest when pregnant with Cait and it was horrible. That was the last time I went short. bleck!!!!

I have been poking around the Internet and Pinterest looking for hairstyles but most of them look pretty much the same. And I also realized that I am also wanting the models' faces and bodies, which I know the salon can't fix for me. I wish they could!LOL

For example: I love this color -- so much fun to have the red and blond chunks- but I think I also want her face/makeup/body and that sweater!!! :pound:


I really do love that hair color but I guess at my age I can't really pull it off. :(

So that's about it for me. How about for all of you? Any fun things happening? Any yucky things you need to vent about?

Laurie- what happened to your internet? Are you back online yet? Hope that you had a great visit with your friend.

Phyllis- you just have to laugh at life sometimes.... and Yes, my MILis amazing. One of my best friends. She tells me that if Gary and I ever split, she is keeping *me.*
How are you feeling, any news from the dr??

eeeeeep! Angela! How do you keep losing IUDs? Keys, glasses, remotes... I can losing them, but an IUD?? ack! Is the fluids in your womb a serious thing? Hope not.

Nancy- how was your day? Relaxing?

Kristi- sooo good that you are seeing results already!! Keep it going! I did my sit-ups again-- every day since I started woot!

ugh- late... gotta get going, sorry to all of you that I missed....:hug:
'morning. the sun is shining, so all's good(-ish.)

Chris, i'm certainly not the one to give hair color advice, since my hair doesn't HAVE an color!! that being said, NOT having what a friend of mine called "party-colored hair" is a lot cheaper than having it. and i've found that getting used to what i look like as an Old Person has been a lot easier because i always knew what my REAL hair color looked like along the way. does that make any sense?

gotta go have my yearly sonogram this a.m., so drinking lots of H2O. then i don't know what i'll do. maybe go to the Mall and have a bunless burger at Five Guys. then laundry. then clean the bathrooms. then, if it doesn't rain, walk 'round and 'round on my patio for some exercise. thrilling. :bored:

hope everyone enjoys Thursday!
that does make sense Phyllis- but I can't give up my blond hair even though the brown roots seems to be getting darker as I get older. I guess it is nature's way of making the greys coming in look so much more spectacular! :pound:
I have been dying my hair blond since i was 12! I am truly a blond at heart. I went dark brown back in 1999-- loved it for about a week, then felt like i was looking at a stranger in the mirror, it was very disconcerting. Then-- i HATED it!!! tried to dye it back blond on my own and got a lovely shade of blondish greenish. Might have been attractive it I were an evil mermaid!!

Good luck with your u/s. And enjoy your bunless burger. Hope that the weather holds up for you too so you can enjoy the new growth in your yard!

I think I was up to Trudy??

Trudy-- oh yes, I love Lucy and live for re-making many Lucy Moments. Its one thing I am good at LOL
Did you get to do any more painting? Keep those pics coming please!

Oh Lordy!! Sally's on her own again!! What int he world is she going to be up this time??? :rofl:

Cynthia-- hospital?? IS this something routine or are you having bigger problems? Hugs to you and many many good and healthy thoughts.

Hope that all of you have fantastic days!! xoxoxoxo
TOTALLY go for the hair!!!! I think it would look great on you!! I would love to do that to my hair...but alas I look a bit ridiculous with light hair HAHA...and keep at those situps!! great job!!!

today me and my walking buddy start walking again WOOOT!!!! will do that in a few hours so I will probably go and do my 30DS right now not sure if I will want to do it after our 2 hour walk (thats usually what we do LOL)
Morning everyone, I am up a bit earlier than usual, I actually had a great sleep with no tossing and turning for a change, must have been the long walk I had yesterday, then the other walk I took in the afternoon. It was so beautiful yesterday that I did two walks LOL
Today looks to be the same, so I will enjoy the outdoors again. I think that I really like this not working!!

Chris - I say go for it!! I love the colour of that girls hair and you are not as old as me so I think you could pull it off!! If you don't like it, oh well its only colour and it will grow out again!! If I had Phylis's great hair I would just let mine go grey too, but my hair is a mousey grey colour and it looks awful!! So I will continue putting colour in my hair for as long as possible. Even my hubby lets me know that its time to dye my roots, he hates my grey hair and most guys really couldn't give a s@&%. :becky:

Phylis - Good luck with your sonogram! Hope you find something fun to do today! I was on my walk yesterday and was thinking about you, it would be nice to have a couple of walking partners to shoot the breeze with while I am out walking the trails!

Kristy - Have fun on your walk with your buddy! You will be fit as a fiddle soon!!

Well better get some breakfast and get moving, hoping to get some layouts done for up coming challenges today, as usual they are going to be great ones!! Enjoy the day everyone!! :wave:
Hey kids! In a bit earlier today!! :) I just let Quentin drive to Schola (the name of the place I work and they take classes...)...I'm soooooo glad I took my blood pressure meds!! eeeeek!! This is exactly why Mr Gorgeous does the Drivers Ed in our house! wow! I didn't realize it was so hard to keep an Excursion between the lines! At least his speed and braking were good! (I'm too young to be acting this old! LOL!!!)

Chris, you gotta do it!! You are NOT too old to have red streaks in your hair! Plus, I agree with Trudy...if you don't like it, it grows out! Of course, look at who you are talking to...last week, my mother-in-law shaved my head (underneath all of my other hair!!) without a clipper guard, so the bottom half of my head was pretty much bald. You can't really tell unless I wear my hair up! Again, I'm not sure you want to ask me wild mustang sally for hair advice!! LMBO!!! I want that sweater, too!!!!!!! :) Enjoy your day of pampering!! You deserve it, for sure!!!

Phylis, Have fun today!! Nothing like a good yearly sonogram with a full bladder to make the day perfect!! :) Hugs, dear!!!

Kristi, I think it'd be fun to see you with blonde streaks! (again, I'm the wild hair lady!! LOL!!) Have a great day today!!!

Trudy!!! I loved your painting for your sister! Etsy isn't hard to set up, just hard to get noticed. But with your talent, I wouldn't think you'd have a problem!! hugs!!!

Waving to Angela, Nancy, Laurie, Terry and everyone else who pops in here today!!!
I'm off to work on some web sites and maybe even crack open Photoshop!!! what????? that's crazy talk!!!

love you all! have a marvelous Thursday!!!!
That looks nice Chris, love the colors! I colored my hair often too, but haven't done it for the last years and must say that I'm ok with my own colors now. You have to show what you have chosen ok?!

Good luck with the sonagram Phylis and enjoy the rest of your 'thrilling' day!

Enjoy the walk Krysti!

Good for you you're enjoying your not working days Trudy, can't wait to see your pages!

This morning I helped out at school again and called the hosptal. Pregnancy test was negative (although that's positive for us ;) ) so I went to make an x-ray this afternoon and they saw the IUD but were it was they couldn't/wouldn't tell me. Monday I have to come back at the gynecologist. Now I have time to sit for half an hour and then I have to pick up Ben from a playdate and my DH picks up Nik from his playdate. Then cook, eat, get the kids in bed and enjoy an evening scrapping.

Have a great day everyone!
Chris, I think you would look terrific with that hair color, and there is nothing about "at my age" thing…you would look great!!!!

and yes to wanting her face & sweater LOL

Phyllis: I have two friends who let the grey grow, and they look amazing!
good luck with the ultrasound, and hope you find some excitement after the burger! LOL

LOL @ the evil mermaid!!!
I know what you mean about being used to a hair color…
I started dying red at 20, had some time in which I let it grow, my hair is black ish, I had it very shinny deep black 2004 for a while but then went to Brazil and black hair and pale[illness pale] olive skin bleached out by lack of sun in Britain really didn't suit me so I chopped it all of and went red again.

Hospital: I'm seen all the time, as I do pain management clinic, plus my replacement in the right hip is 10 years old, and the other hiop was never replaced and is refusing to move…thing is, I doubt I will agree to a surgery…

main thing at the moment is neurology, I'm having memory problems, quiet serious ones…plus coordination/concentration, don't want to give this tioo much thought, but will keep you updated…

Kiliki, well done with the walk!!!! I wish I could do , but hey, am not complaining I had almost 40 years of walking

Trudy, am glad you can enjoy the not working thing!!!!

I ll try be back later again!
Huggzzz everyone!!!!
Sally - I know what you mean about the stress of drivers Ed!!! Been there done that and its not fun!! Poor DD was an awful driver, she just could not get a handle on doing the corners without almost crashing into the oncoming traffic or the sidewalk, YIKES!!! So thankfully she no longer can drive (because of her illness) but I really hope that she never gets her licence! :fear: Have a fun day ! Thanks for the complement on my painting, perhaps I should give Esty a try!

Angela - Glad that your pregnancy test turned out the way you wanted, but ohhh very concerned about where that IUD might have gotten to!! Hope all will be ok!

Cynthia - I am sorry you struggle with so much pain all of the time!! Is there nothing that they can do fix the old hip replacement? Perhaps having the other one done would not be a bad thing?? I know it must be a frightening thought!! You would know best what your body can take!
Trudy: they operated 4 times trying to fix it in two years...last in 2005 and I got worse every time, so you can understand why am reluctant to let them operate in the other leg...the replaced leg hurts more than the one that wasn't replaced....

I'm just used to the idea of having to be in bed 90% of the day....sometimes I only get up to go to the toilette...anyway, it will be ok, am more worried with the neurologiucal stuff at the moment...or having some heavy diabetes related stuff if I dont stop eating the way I am...we got the new fridge ..need to wash it and connect now ....
evening all - I had such a marvelous time with my friend. I spent $$ at ikea today - mostly stuff for the basement to finish the dance area. Oh and led lightbulbs on sale for ikea family members. Tonight is the full moon called the pink moon. Hoping to get a photo. My phone is in too- so I will pick it up tomorrow along with other errands so happy to have the day off!