
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 1


The Loopy-O
Welcome May!!! Wackiest Craziest Busiest Moth of the year!!!! For me, at least.

As it is also the first day of the month, I have a lot of CT duties to do-- (wait to you see my fun Webspiration Challenge and ALL of the others this month-- they rock!!!)-- si I have make this really quick today.

I also don't know if I am babysitting this morning- I have nothing on my calendar for her. She is a sub for the school district and usually has days set up at least by the night before. Its odd to not have any news in the morning one way or the other. In a way I hope that she isn't working b/;c that will def. save me some time.

I am "off" today-- food shopping, steam cleaning-- hopefully the new part that we ordered for our machine will fix it. If not I am not sure what I am going to do. I don't want to have to ask for a steam cleaner for my birthday (again).
Whatevs LOL

Its also the start of Lyme Disease Awareness Month so I want to see if I can dig up any green ribbons to put outside.

That is about it-- will do quickie personals after I post my Challenge.

Oh and yesterday-- abs-- 4 sets/20, plus a mile walk!!

soooooooooooooper quick personals!

Linda S-- oh it is soooo good to see your smiling face in here. I have all good thoughts coming to you for your family schedules and the casino vote. Hugs!!!

Nancy-- can you post the chicken recipe please?
It is supposed to be lovely this weekend, I hope so!

Happy Queensday Angela-- sounds like your country had a lot of good times yesterday!

hahah!! Yes, ITA with you Phyllis- need new recipes! i Actualy tried a couple of new ones last week-- some vegetarian deals- that were pretty good. I'll try to post them up later on today/
Any luck at the drs??? I feel so bad for you :( I know how hard it is to have something wrong and for no one to know what it is!!!

Trudy!!! Oh my goodness I am so excited for you and your DD!!!!!!!!! Its funny-- yesterday I was wondering how close she is getting and how she is holding up (bet that her center of gravity issues are throwing her off a lot-- hard enough not having health issues....). Send her a hug from all of us here!!!!

love you all!!!!!!
morning O fam- life is going at warp speed- not good- at least next week I am on vacation so I may be able to spend more time here- well if it rains- I am going to be at the beach/island.
Chris, thanks. ANY recipes would be welcome! and can you recommend a steam cleaner?

Laurie, where are you going on vacation? sigh.... i've got about 5 weeks until mine, and it's always touch and go with the weather so early in June. if it rains, i'll scream.

today is DEXA scan day. you know. the how-good-are-your-bones test. i love this test. it doesn't hurt and it always shows that i have the bones of a 35-year-old. (as was evidenced when i fell down all of my basement step a few years ago and basically "bounced." )

another BEE-OOOO-tiful day here. two in a row. amazing. i even cooked dinner on the grill yesterday. and there's enough left over for dinner tonight!! everything is GOOD!!

have a happy day. i really have to look at all the May challenges. i have to MAKE A PAGE, for a change!!
Good morning! Here is the link to the chicken recipe. It is so easy. http://origin-www.rachaelrayshow.com/food/recipes/baked-chicken-herb-and-cheese-breadcrumbs/

Had a funny day yesterday. My son called me a little after 9am to say he needed me to bring him his other shoes. LOL. So doing my good mother deed I using my car's navigation I head out. We met and he got his shoes but on the way back I decided since I was already out I would stop at a little park and do a little bird watching and photography. Well I saw a new bird for me a golden winged warbler. Sweet! These warblers are so small hard to get a photo but I did and was able to figure it out when I got home and could look in my bird guides. And thanks to my Sibley bird app I could even hear him and it was the same tune. Lovely walk! So I guess my good deed was rewarded LOL. Sun came out and got in a good walk with my girlfriend. Then the playoffs started and the first two games went to OT. Great hockey. Cant believe it is May.

Chris enjoy the off day!

Phylis I hope the doctors figure it all out!

Angela it was reported on our news station the crowning of your new King. His daughters are so cute! Your carnival sounds like fun!

Trudy so amazing that it took pregnancy and her disability to get a correct walker for your daughter. You must be so excited for the arrival of this baby! Hope you found good flights.

Have a great day all!
You're really busy Chris, good luck with it all and so good you're keeping up with the sit-ups!

That's nice Laurie almost vacation!

Great Phylis it's another beautiful day, we are joining you overhere, nice temperature and sunny :)

Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday Nancy!

No big plans for today, with such nice weather I'll probably go to the playground with the kids for a while. Slept extra for a bit this morning, I wasn't feeling well, but after the nap I'm feeling better again, so maybe I was just to tired.

I hope you all can enjoy a sunny day too, have a wonderful day!
Hello all...been busy....my 5 yr old was home from school yesterday and again today.....they are having kindy preview days so none of the current kindergartners do not have to go to school these 2 days.....

and its COLD AGAIN!!!!! we are supposed to get some snow/rain mix the next 3-4 days UGH!!! ITS MAY!!!!!!!!!! blah.....

TWO MORE DAYS THOUGH!!!!! EEEEEEKS....I am so ready for Friday!!!

ohh and to add to my 30DS I am gonna do this as well :)
I need to try that chicken recipe looks awesome!
have fun at the playground Angela!!
Nancy how cool!!! pretty cool app too!
good luck at the scan Phylis....I probably have 50yr old bones :( I do not intake a lot of calcium
woohoo Laurie for an upcoming vacation!!! I need one of those!
Chris have fun shopping and cleaning! I need to get some cleaning done....and I need to finish ripping out my bathroom....
super quick again- taking a 5 min coffee break
my morning got crazy when Cait called to have me bring her homework to school and then I had to go tot ShopRite and spent waaaay more money than I was expecting. In the middle of that-- Scott texted me to check his grades- he got his report card!!! Honor Roll!!!!!!!!!!! Off to steam clean-- ugh....

but want to thank kristi for the fitness calender-- I am gonna do it!! Starting today! Who's with me????

Happy Hump Day everyone!! Another gorgeous sunny day today, although is is quite chilly in the mornings! Off the the hairdresser's today to get the grey out and a bit of a trim. I really love my hairdresser, she is a fun young woman and we always find lots to chat about! My SIL sent me this link to a little movie clip all about our beautiful valley that we live in and I thought that I would share it with all of you so I am going to start a new thread here so you can all see it.

Chris - Sending my DD the hugs from you all, how nice of you to keep her in your thoughts!! Surprisingly she has not had the centre of gravity issues that we thought she would. Hope that you get all of your errands done today and that you can be organized for the busy month ahead!

Laurie - Soon you can take a deep breath and just relax! Ahhhh vacation time!! Lucky you!

Phylis - Hoping that you still have the bones of a 35 year old!! No more bouncing down the stairs though ok? :becky: That is the one test I don't mind going for either, good bones run in our family too! Sure hope to see some Phylis beauty in the gallery soon! Enjoy your BEE-OOO-tiful Day!! LOL

Nancy - Thanks for the recipe link!! I gotta try this one!! It looks scrumptious!! Glad that you enjoyed the games yesterday and that you got to spend some nice time looking at nature!! Hoping we see some pics!!

Angela - Nice that you got a bit more :sleep: today! You must have needed it! Enjoy your day at the Park!

Kristy - Love your workout calendar!! Not sure what russian twist is so I guess I will have to google that! Hope you get your bathroom finished soon! Enjoy your day!

Ok off to get this other thread started, then breakfast... I am starving!! Then checking out the gallery, so many fun challenges this month, hope you all get a chance to participate!! :wave:
hugs to everyone today!!! I'm out of time right now, but Love you all!!!!!!!!!!
*waves violently* ♥♥♥
Kristy, i think my calendar would be filled with the green dots....

Nancy, that's what i call a SPEEDY return on doing a good deed!

Angela, nothing like a day with sunshine and going to the playground with loveable Little People!

Trudy, can wait to see that film clip. i KNOW i'm going to want to move there immediately!

Chris, i thnk it's safe to say that Scott has hit his stride. kudos to that kiddo. what a year he's having!

:bolt: whoa!! was that YOU, Sally??
hello my darlings!!!!!!!! just want to apologise I havent been around...
things got better with Sarita (my DD) but it involves lot of being there from me...we have been doing stuff together, plus she has been to every doctor appointment I had last week, and I saw the pschiatrist finally yesterday.
They wont do the MRI until my blood presure goes down and the stress{and agoraphobia}
are under control....
I need to come read through what s gonna be on for this weekend....I get stressed out running like a headless chicken in these events LOL
but just wanted to say miss you and will sorting my concentration levesl so I can come read properly... LOts Lots and Lots more hugggzzz
Evening all - left work fairly early for me- so I could drive 50 min to the mall and buy a protection plan for my phone, then stopped at bare minerals to get new spf makeup for vacation- when I will have time to play! Tomorrow on my day off, after or between 2 hour dentist and 2 hour hair, I will have to get the undone paperwork done! Or really early FRiday, but I would rather finish it tomorrow so I can get out on time on Friday and pack. Phylis- we are heading to Hilton Head, not on the beach this time, but rather the bay side where the sun sets and rather near the lighthouse. We are renting bikes.