Created with Lynne Anzelc and Cheryl Budden's "ALL ABOARD" COLLECTION Pre-Release
@Cherylndesigns it is NOT Friday. It is definitely MONDAY! you got that? lol
The printers are now working.. it was a java issue.
Now we've moved on to reports not opening. See, the State of NH works on an old system that cannot work on Edge. they found this go around to make the...
Good Monday Morning!!!
Started the day off with java updates that rendered all our printers disabled! How's your morning, everyone? LOL I have to laugh. It all worked out, but if we could just make today Friday, that would be great!
I am amazed every damn day how old I am. I don't know if it comes from still hanging out with my high school BFFs (who for the record will agree they have all deteriorated quicker than me. In their defense I was a tomboy and my friends are guys, who all played football...and lets just say...
Happy Saturday! What a beautiful day it has been. I have some of Chris's weather and I feel like it's the first decent day in months. First thing I did this morning was open all the windows to let some FRESH air in. For those of you still with those triple digit temps my heart goes out to...
HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY TASSICATS PRINCIPESSA AUDREY ROSE!!! Our sassy, loveable chunky monkey. Noah's BFF. Queen of the Florentinos kingdom.
Created with Lynne Anzelc and Cheryl Budden's "IN LIVING COLOR" Photo edging from "Eggs-actly"
@faerywings How do I deal with stubborn Italian men? hhhmmmm I'm half Scottish so there's a wee chance I'm more stubborn than my husband... but, if you quote me, I'll deny it.
@Cherylndesigns so very good to hear you had a good night!!
@faerywings we are in southern NH... East and South of where the bad flooding is. That's not to say my sump pump hole in the cellar is dry.. but thankfully we aren't like other areas. Poor VT is a mess.
Thank you for your kind words...
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