
Do you do things that are normal to you - maybe weird to others?


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit of a microwave neat freak, too. We don't use it enough to warrant washing it every day, but it heebs me straight out when I open the door and there are "bits" in there.

When we had a countertop microwave I didn't look into the microwave as much so you could get away with murder with that thing. But once Tom installed our over-the-range one, as soon as you open the door you're face to face with your own disgustingness.

Well, not MY disgustingness. I'm obviously perfectly clean. It's these other animals I live with.

YOu don't want to be around if I catch you microwaving something without one of our microwave splatter guards over it (do you guys have those? serious life-savers around here - literally - cuz I'll choke a bitch if she microwaves in my house without the microwave spatter guard on).


no spatter guard here, I usually just use an upside down plate or paper towel.

the main thing we have messing up ours is butter spatter from popcorn bags (yeah, that's pretty much all we use the micro for - popcorn and to heat my water for coffee lol)


Cupcake Ninja
YOu don't want to be around if I catch you microwaving something without one of our microwave splatter guards over it (do you guys have those? serious life-savers around here - literally - cuz I'll choke a bitch if she microwaves in my house without the microwave spatter guard on).

That bitch would be my husband!!! Piss me off to no end sometimes. It's that damn Ambien he takes so he can sleep - it makes him hungry (and dumb) and he can make a whole giant dinner and never knew he made it the next day and he does it all without the splatter cover!

I make him take a soaking wet cloth and put it in the microwave for 5 mins on high and that creates a lot of steam to make the crud come off easily but WTF?

Damn Ambien - but that's a whole other thread ...


Cupcake Ninja
Vicki wait - you use a paper towel or a plate?? You have to get the plastic cover to keep the moisture in your food!

It doesn't flip you out if food gets onto the plate when you cover it? That freaks me out if Im making something like say, eggplant parm and my mozz gets stuck to the plate. If it was the plastic cover it just sort of slides off it but the paper stuff it gets stuck to, no?

I can't get mozz stuck to the cover. All hell will break loose. I'm stingy with my mozz - I need to have it all on my plate..


a glass plate (or whatever regular plates are made from) not a paper plate. it just washes right off :)


Well-Known Member
Back to the TP issue, I'm with you, Ellen, I like it from the back too! :D

I can't believe how many 'front rollers' there are here at the O.
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Tina, you have no idea how much I'm restraining myself from saying, "that's what she said!"

but, i'm not going to say it ;)


:director: :director: :director:

I'd like to inform y'all that I'm running for president of FTT_FR.association and would appreciate blinkies, banners etc that my many "O" friends can donate.

Of course it's the :canada: Chapter. so there is ample opportunity for other countries participation.

A Great opportunity to share with the world the TRUE and CORRECT way to hang it!

Thanks, Vicki for the :rofl: site


Well-Known Member
OMG. I follow a blog called Graph Jam that is hysterical. Look at what I found. Click it to go to their site!



ROTFL thank you for posting site!! :bounce:
The discussion continues....
Anyone have blinkies for the first Canadian chapter?
Perhaps this will convince those of you on the fence?


Well-Known Member
LOL girls... Lovethe TP discussion. I think I am in none of that category since... we don't have TP holder. ( yes we do use TP ;-) )
I think that has been on the "too buy list" since we moved in... 4 years ago. :/

I don't have microwave pb, since I don't have micro wave .. and refusing a micro wave is kind weird those days... but I dont want one, because I don't want to clean it and I don't want it to take "space" for nothing.

one of my "weird" thing is that I use cabbage on every kind of swelling. like wrinkle twist or knee or ankle.
I drain water out and help to reduce the volume.
I use it also on breast, as I am breastfeeding , to avoid" mastitis".

so I think I am a cabbage addict although I never eat them ...


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely an over girl when it comes to the tp...

Ok so a couple of my quirks are...

One - I can't share socks with my partner... I could probably share underwear and my toothbrush before I share socks. I don't know what it is... But I just can't do it. It creeps me out and all day I'll think how she may or may not be crusting up my socks... Not that she does... Maybe it's because I was raised with brothers whose socks were barely usable after the first go.

Two - I have this thing about dairy. If we're like within 3 days of the "sell by" date... I can't use it. And you can't make me :p I don't care if scientists have said on a thousand talk shows that you can still use it up to a week after the sell by date... I'm not touching it.

Three - I rinse every dish/silverware/etc... before using it. It's not because I'm afraid of germs, it's because my grandmother (who I absolutely adore) never quite rinsed the dishes all the way, but wouldn't rinse before filling your glass with water... So everything tasted just a little soapy. So now it's just habit.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Of course the TP has to go over!!! I thought everyone knew that??? Linda I'm with you on the microwave, I won't use the one at work unless I completely clean it out first.;)


Cupcake Ninja
OMGosh Terra you would have FREAKED out if you saw this episode of that show Hoarders where they had this lady who wouldn't throw out any dairy until the container expanded and got all bloated!! It was SOOO gross. The people were like "look at this yogurt-it's 3 months expired" and she was like "well, it didn't blow up yet - put it back, I'll eat it!"


and I thought of another one - marshmallows freak me out! they are weird and squishy and I can't even think about putting one in my mouth - ewwww! Im all grossed out typing this!

Sara - that was hysterical!!!


Well-Known Member
I also dip my French fries into my frosty at Wendy's. I did it at work while I was pregnant and they decided it was a preggo thing but I've done it as long as I remember. I told them not to knock it until they tried it and got a couple of girls hooked.

omg i have been doing this since i was a kid!!!! i've taught all my kids how to do this LOL

okay for me....i like to eat bologna sammiches with doritos on them....or i like to make some dinty moore beef stew and dip my bologna sammich into that....both of those are thanks to my dad haha


Well-Known Member
suezee omg im glad im not the only one who thinks marshmallows are disgusting!!!!

ohh another one i HAVE to wear socks to bed.....i dont know why i just do...even if im super hot....i have to wear em or i feel naked lol

terra im with you on the dairy thing.....heck im like that on all expiration dates....even if i know its still "good" i still toss it LOL


Well-Known Member
omg petey that is HYSTERICAL!!!! im also the same way with my tp....i'll even be at other peoples houses and turns theirs around if they have it on the "wrong" way hahahahahahahahahahahah i have yet to have someone say it bothers them if that happens LMAO!!


Well-Known Member
toilet paper from the back, please. anyone who has a cat knows this to be true.

my weirdness. hmmm.... among many things, i feel badly if stuff that has been together isn't used together. like, if i cut up a carrot for soup and a piece of it falls on the ground and i have to throw it away, i feel BAD for that piece of carrot. i think this might be a sign that i'm losing it completely. :crazy:


Well-Known Member
OMGosh Terra you would have FREAKED out if you saw this episode of that show Hoarders where they had this lady who wouldn't throw out any dairy until the container expanded and got all bloated!! It was SOOO gross. The people were like "look at this yogurt-it's 3 months expired" and she was like "well, it didn't blow up yet - put it back, I'll eat it!"


and I thought of another one - marshmallows freak me out! they are weird and squishy and I can't even think about putting one in my mouth - ewwww! Im all grossed out typing this!

Sara - that was hysterical!!!

Oh I think I just vomitted in my mouth! LOL... Yes THAT is SOOOOOOOOOOO gross! Like I can't even begin to... blech!!!

Marshmallows are gross... But I do like marshmallow fluff & peanut butter sandwiches... I don't like peeps either.


Well-Known Member
I have an ikea tp holder and if you put the paper on the ''WRONG!!" way, it wouldn't work. TP needs to be over to be cut off correctly. Under just encourages men and small children to yank off a quarter of the roll, even though some of their underwear would indicate a lack of understanding about how to use tp.

There is not a damn think weird about me or any of my habits, and don't you dare to think otherwise! One of my friend's does say I have a bit of an OCD streak but look at what Martha Stewart accomplished with hers!!! All I do is irk my husband but I consider that my role in his life. So there.


always chatty at the O!!
my weirdness. hmmm.... among many things, i feel badly if stuff that has been together isn't used together. like, if i cut up a carrot for soup and a piece of it falls on the ground and i have to throw it away, i feel BAD for that piece of carrot. i think this might be a sign that i'm losing it completely. :crazy:

That is awesome. I don't do the exact same thing but I do think like that in general. I can't think of anything in particular at the moment but I get you.

Maureen - I hate to break it to you bot if you aren't quirky or a little bit strange...you are not in good company because we are a bunch of crazies up in here. Hahahahaha!!!