

Taste of Home

Created for the April Art Journaling Challenge #2 - Food

This is totally different than my normal style of art journaling. No blending. No paint. Totally different for me. But sometimes we just have to go where the creative muse leads us.
Credits list
Vintage Album Collection Bon Appetit Kit from Joanne Brisebois.
Masking It and Harvest Moon Rising from Lynne Anzelc Designs
Food WordART Mix No 1 from Anna Aspnes

Photo is from PXFuel with a Creative Commons License
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Joanne Brisebois
  3. Lynne Anzelc Designs
  • Love
Reactions: Susan - s3js
What a fabulous memory page!!! Thank you for taking me on your journey with you. Beautiful page, and that chicken sure looks yummy!!!
Beautiful composition and palette! Love all those layered papers.
My grandmother made dumplings rooled, too, and it was always the dish I asked for. I still make them rolled.
Oh sweetie - I love your journaling and I relate to it SOO much. My Mom made the BEST chicken and dumplings this side of the Mississippi! LOL She didn't roll them though. I'll have to try and make it that way and see the difference!
What a beautiful tribute page to your mom! I love your beautiful contrasting papers and your pretty leaf border! I also love the papers stacked under your photo and your pretty trailing vine and flowers!

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Art Journal
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Joanne Brisebois, Lynne Anzelc Designs, Oscraps Cheery O's,

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File size
247.8 KB
800px x 800px

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