

Feels Like Spring

Great! challenge...I went for lace,cluster,paper layers...maybe not my norm either...but I'm trying to stretch & learn while still putting my own stamp on my layouts....I just adore all the turquoise flowers,greenery,lace,yellow & white flowers in this beautiful! new! "Hello Spring" Collection By Palvinka that I used to create this page...Thank You! for this challenge...
Credits list
Hello Spring Collection By Palvinka Designs

Photo Courtesy of : Navid Sohrabi : Unsplash
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Palvinka
  • Love
Reactions: MrsPeel
A delightful spring page full of interesting bits and pieces tucked here and there. Love the use of lace throughout. Thanks for playing.
You have filled this page up with brightness! Great take on the challenge, and congrats on your GSO!
Congratulations!!! Your page has been featured in Today’s Gallery Standouts!!!
@MrsPeel Hi Cynthia,my friend...It's been so long since we last talked...This has made my day!...I'm always thrilled to get a comment or message from you my dear...Thank You! so much for the GSO!!!...I hope you are doing better now...Hope Sarita is well too!!!...Not a day goes by that I don't think of you both...I'm sending you both hearts & hugs today & always...You give me strength when I seem to need it!!!...And I know that you are always there too...You always have my back!!!...You have always been one of my constant friends & supporters!!!...I feel blessed & grateful to know you & call you my dear friend!!!!!!!!!...xoxo Rhonda... :)...
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Layout information

Challenge 6
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Oscraps Designers, Palvinka Designs, Oscraps Cheery O's, Art Journal,

Image metadata

OS-Apr 2022-Tic Tac Toe Challenge-Feels Like Spring3.jpg
File size
314.2 KB
Date taken
Fri, 22 April 2022 1:58 PM
600px x 600px

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