

Face Your Fears

Created For the April 2022 : Challenge #4 : Artsy/Mixed Media Challenge

Loving this wonderful! challenge...Today it was time I got back to my art journaling roots...after all, it was one of the original reasons I got into scrapping...To learn how to create my own personal art...It gives me the most happiness to express my feelings with multiple meaningful WA's & A Bold Photo to emphasize the meaning of the layout I'm creating...Thank You! for this wonderful! challenge!!!...

FYI : I recolored the original yellow flowers...to red...to match the red lip & eye make-up I created...
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
You are so creative, this is beyond incredible, I love everything about it, but the pops of colour really bring it alive for me. Congrats on the GSO xx
@ClaireG Thank You! So Much! Claire!...I really felt that changing the yellow flowers to "red"...did take the layout to a more stand-out effect!!!...xx Rhonda...
Wow this page is really striking. The red lips, eye shadow and flowers really make it pop. Congratulations on the GSO.

Layout information

Challenge 4
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Oscraps Designers, Oscraps Cheery O's, Art Journal, Rachel Jefferies,

Image metadata

OS-apr 2022-MM Challenge-Face Your Fears2.jpg
File size
270.7 KB
Date taken
Sun, 24 April 2022 4:51 PM
600px x 600px

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