
Cath VP

Dear Louise

Created with : "Wonderful You" by Rachel Jefferies and "Theoreme Of Happiness" by Sarapullka. Personnal pictures. Chall#3_ Through The Lens

Since the birth of my little girl, I have been making her custom clothes that she loves! I have a very naughty assistant who likes to distract me during these times!
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
  2. Sarapullka Scraps
Congrats on being featured! That cat looks super comfy! Love the artsy/messy vibe here!
Very happy to find the challenges again! It's a bit of a sort of mess because it's my artistic creation workshop! I spend my days and often my nights there!). I have been involved in everything creative for at least 5 decades!!! I like living in this falsely disordered atmosphere and my cat Louise is my shadow! I'm very lucky to have this place all to myself! Thank you very much for your pleasant comment!
I want to pet her tummy but she looks way too cozy to bother LOL! I love how you masked the photo and all of the fun paper strips and elements

Layout information

Challenge 3
Added by
Cath VP
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Image metadata

Chall#3_ ThroughTheLens_ 600px_sarap-Rachel_080124.jpg
File size
238.9 KB
Date taken
Mon, 08 January 2024 9:44 PM
600px x 600px

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