


Yesterday was my BFF’s birthday.
The picture was taken in 1953.
At school: together with one of his younger brothers.
Credits list
AnnaAspnes Homemade BrushSet Bundle
NEW in store
I used the following from this bundle:
AnnaAspnes ArtPlay Collection HomeMade
NEW in store
I used the following from this collection:

AnnaAspnes ArtPlay Collection Hearth
This AA Classic Collection is back for ONE WEEK ONLY.
I used the following from this collection:

AnnaAspnes ArtPlayPalette Scholarly
AnnaAspnes PaperTextures 17
AnnaAspnes ArtPlayPalette Roots (WA family)
LGrieveson – WakeUp (One of the BG-papers)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: zlemon and lacy
What a stunning page! Your photos are amazing! I love the photos blended with your gorgeous background! The beautiful ivory background really highlights your wonderful photos! I also love the beautiful flowers scattered across your layout.
Such a wow page! I love what you've done with the images, with the artistry showing through - and the paper textures are so effective!
Gorgeous layout - I just love how you've used the papers - everything is beautifully composed.
i admire your scrapping style and your techniques. this lightness and transparency. so many layers and details that are put together to form a harmonious whole. simply brilliant and inspiring.
Last edited:
Love the deep sepia tones on your photos. The layering of papers and the inky flowers make an exquisite bg. I, too, love your scrapping style.
Watching aA Inspire yesterday Anna described your style as artsy + graphic and I think that hits the nail on the head! So unique - flowers yet strong lines! Love the repetition of the photo!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
838.3 KB
Date taken
Sun, 21 May 2023 8:50 PM
1000px x 1000px

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