


  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
Another in my series of self-challenges to change up the sunset layouts and use FotoInspired in unique ways. I finally got around to trying one of the free FX Photoshop actions for the photo on the right.
On the left is page 12 of FotoInspired Template Pack 3B, with the circle frame moved to accent the rose on the beach, and a photo clipped to the frame to give me more sunset colors on the left.
I chose the background after I placed the photos - ArtPlay Coastline artsy papers and transfers, arranged to line up colors and textures.
Despite the complex photo, the right side needed more - MM to the rescue. Note the use of red and pink sprinklez to create color buddies on the right.
Credits list
Beach Word Art Mix No 2 (title - the word "shore" has a stroke, drop shadow and glow added, then I clipped the same photo to it as the one behind it, giving it a surprise transparent look!)
FotoInspired Template Pack 3B
ArtPlay Palette Coastline
Sea Sprinklez No 2
MultiMedia Magic Sprinkles
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I swear I thought I commented on this, I guess I didn't click on POST. Anyway, love the photo action effect and the pink balloon.
Interesting to see where your self-challenge is taking you...I have the same thing happening with all the new baby photos and have been asking my subconscious to come up with a way to change it up!
Interesting to see where your self-challenge is taking you...I have the same thing happening with all the new baby photos and have been asking my subconscious to come up with a way to change it up!
Yes, I know exactly what you mean!

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Anna Aspnes
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198.7 KB
1000px x 618px

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