

anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-Ephemeral collection-Joan Robillard-No 1 Pond.jpg

Inspiration – I liked the blues and greens of this collection so went looking for a photo that had blue and green. I liked the soft look of this one.

Start – File>New 12x12 300

Paper – Place Solid paper 2 and 3 on top of the background layer. Once I had added the mask and photo I decided to add a mask to the Solid paper 3 by clicking on the mask icon. Then I used a brush to hide some of the green as in a landscape scene with blue sky and green land. I didn’t remove all the green in the sky to add a bit of texture and used a brush with a low opacity to stamp on the green for a subtle shading look.
Mask – I placed Ephemeral Fotoblendz1.5 on the page adjusting the size.
Photo – I added the photo to the mask layer using Layer>Create clipping mode. I duplicated the photo and added the blend mode multiply and reduced the opacity to 30%. Then I duplicated and added the photo to other layers. I played with whether I preferred the mask, or the photo attached to the mask. I also played with Blend Modes on the various mask layers. I filed in a couple of mask layers with color.
Transfer – I put Artsy Layered Transfer 5 under and above the photo. I aligned it with some lines in the Fotoblendz and placed it so that the lace filled in the opening in the middle top. I thought it looked like a cloud as those in the pictures. I clicked on the dark blue layer and lightened it.
Words – Added the wood words Brief and Time for a title
Elements – I placed the twig from the bonus element between the two words of the title. I added two Brown eyed Susan’s to the Twig and one cornflower. Then I added a butterfly to the first word of the title.
Brushes – I placed the bird brush that looks like a Great Blue heron in the sky because there is a Great Blue that summers at No. 1 pond. Then I put some Wild grass in a opening at the bottom the Fotoblendz. I colored the Art stroke brush blue and maneuvered so that the loop fit into the crook of the twig.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Blending blending. Love the peek over the brushes at the water and other side. Gorgeous!
Thank you for sharing in such detail how you accomplished this fantastic layout!!! love your blending and textures and I am going to try to follow some of your descriptions and see how I do!
Thank you for sharing in such detail how you accomplished this fantastic layout!!! love your blending and textures and I am going to try to follow some of your descriptions and see how I do!
If you do I hope you will let me know what page it is.

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Anna Aspnes
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anna-aspnes-digital-art-artplay-Ephemeral collection-Joan Robillard-No 1 Pond.jpg
File size
261.4 KB
Date taken
Mon, 05 September 2022 7:41 AM
1000px x 1000px

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