

Face Your Fears

Created For the April 2022 : Challenge #4 : Artsy/Mixed Media Challenge

Loving this wonderful! challenge...Today it was time I got back to my art journaling roots...after all, it was one of the original reasons I got into scrapping...To learn how to create my own personal art...It gives me the most happiness to express my feelings with multiple meaningful WA's & A Bold Photo to emphasize the meaning of the layout I'm creating...Thank You! for this wonderful! challenge!!!...

FYI : I recolored the original yellow flowers...to red...to match the red lip & eye make-up I created...
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
You are so creative, this is beyond incredible, I love everything about it, but the pops of colour really bring it alive for me. Congrats on the GSO xx
Awesome design. Love the b&w page with the touches of yellow and red.
Great choice of the paper too.
You never stop to amaze me dear Rhonda!! This is absolutely stunning!! congrats on the so well deserved Standing O. xxx
@AnaSantos Hi My dear Ana ...You have always been a constant supporter of mine...Thank You! So Much!...for your Amazing! words!!! my friend!!!...Fills my heart with happiness!!!...:)...
Awesome design. Love the b&w page with the touches of yellow and red.
Great choice of the paper too.
@timounette Thank You! very much!!!...I really like how the polka dots played here in this layout...I really like polka dot papers...I will try to create with them when I am presented with the opportunity to do so...:)...

Layout information

Challenge 4
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Additional categories
Member Galleries, Oscraps Designers, Oscraps Cheery O's, Art Journal, Rachel Jefferies,

Image metadata

OS-apr 2022-MM Challenge-Face Your Fears2.jpg
File size
270.7 KB
Date taken
Sun, 24 April 2022 4:51 PM
600px x 600px

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