


For this layout I used the NEW Wildflower Collection (on sale for a limited time).


Started with SolidPaper1. Added a Curled Paper frame, then clipped a photo to the mask layer. It was duplicated several times and played with Blending Modes. Added a Linear FotoBlendz mask behind the frame and clipped the photo to this layer as well. Applied Color Burn blending mode to the mask layer and duplicated the photo layer with Screen blending mode. Added another Linear FotoBlendz layer and an ArtsyPaper were clipped to this one. Added word transfers, journaling, brushes, MM elements and called it done.

Thank you for looking,
Credits list
ArtPlay Palette Wildflower
Grow WordART Mix No. 2
MultiMedia Flowers No. 12
Curled Paper Frames No. 1
from ArtPlay Wildflower Collection ON SALE

ArtPlay Palette Sashay
Linear FotoBlendz No. 1
from Sashay Collection ON SALE for one week from 23 March

Photo credit: Unsplash
Poet: Spring Wine by Ignotus (in Hungarian)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
This is so soft and lovely and beckons the viewer to come in for a closer look. Wanna take a walk up that path with me?
Gorgeous photo and page you've created around it with the lovely blending. Congrats on your Standing O!! ♥
Gorgeous! Congratulations on your Standing O! I love the placement with the textures and soft blending!
Love how the photo bleeds out onto the background and how you added interest with tha paper textures. Congrats on your Standing O!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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Image metadata

Spring_APP Wildflower_Dorci_1000.jpg
File size
909.7 KB
1000px x 1000px

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